Friday, April 21, 2017

US Budget Alternative Assignment

If you did not turn in your Budget Worksheet and want to makeup the 15 points, here is what you can do.

1. Come up with a question you have about the federal government and its taxing or spending.
2. Do some research to find an answer to your question.
3. Type a paragraph explaining what you found out in response to your question.
4. Type a paragraph reflecting about how you feel or what you think about what you found out.
5. Cite your source of information

Before you do much research or writing, come and see me with your question and I can give you some feedback about a) is it a good question b) is your question too broad and thus needs to be narrowed c) does your question fit the assignment at all. If you have questions come and see me.

When complete, (probably 1/2 to 1 page in length) turn it in and I will score it out of 15 points but don't wait it too long.

Mr. Thompson

Monday, April 17, 2017

Alternative Assignment for Powers of Congress

If you failed to complete your Powers of Congress assignment in a timely fashion here is your alternative:

1) Look at the examples of powers given to Congress or just the House or Senate. Choose one you are curious to learn a bit more about.

2) Write a question based on that power that you wish to answer.

3) Do some research to try and answer the question. Write up a response about what you learned from your research. Please cite your source of information.

4) Write a reflection. Tell me what you think or how you feel about what you learned.

This should be typed, single spaced, 3/4 to one page in length, written well (spell checked) I will score it out of 25 points and should be turned in before we start finals. If you have any other questions be sure you ask me. Better to ask now than do this incorrectly and have to redo or edit a bunch.

Mr. Thompson