Friday, May 17, 2013

Executive Test

Executive Test review     50 Multiple Choice Questions    NO ESSAY


Ch. 8 The Presidency
1.      Know your chart on president + vice pres. eg. terms, limits, qualifications etc.
2.      You need to understand how the Electoral College works. (10 questions)
3.      Be familiar with the president’s and vice pres. powers.
4.      Be familiar with the major duties and responsibilities of the pres.
a.       Commander in chief        e. Head of state
b.      Chief Diplomat                 f. Chief executive
c.       Legislative leader            g. Economic planner
d.      Party leader                       h. Judicial leader
Ch. 9 Presidential Leadership (Cabinet and Executive Office)
1.      Know what the Cabinet is. How long it has been around. How is a Secretary chosen. What is the role of the Cabinet.
2.      Know the 15 Depts. and the mission or purpose of eac. (10 questions)
3.      The Executive Office-What is it? Who created it and why?
A.    White House Office
i.                    Press Secretary
ii.                  Chief of Staff
iii.                White House Counsel
B.     National Security Council
i.                    National Security Advisor
ii.                  CIA
C.     Office of Management and Budget
i.                    Budget Director
Ch. 10 The Federal Bureaucracy
  1. Know the difference between a Regulatory Agency, an Independent Agency and a Gov’t Corporation. Be able to identify examples of each.
  2. The Civil Service - definition and examples
  3. Iron Triangle - know the three components.
  4. Why has our federal bureaucracy grown so much over the years?
  5. Know some of the major influences on our govt’s. policy-making.
A. Congress - legislation
                        B. Courts
                        C. Other groups eg. gov’t agencies, interest groups
      There are a lot of other terms that we have studied that are in your notes. Be sure to review your notes to refresh on some of these important terms.
Be prepped and ready for Tuesday,
Mr. Thompson

Monday, May 6, 2013

What do you do if you are the President?

Take a page of your notes and divide into 8 boxes. Label the boxes with the 8 roles below. Write a 1-2 sentence explanation of the president’s job in each of these 8 roles. Give 2 good examples of something President Obama might do when he is working in each of the roles below.

A. Head of State             E. Party Leader
B. Chief Executive         F. Diplomatic Leader
C. Legislative Leader     G. Commander in Chief
D. Economic Leader      *H. Judicial Leader
*not in text but you’ll figure it out because you are smart.

           Define the term, note if it is a power expressed in the Constitution or if implied, match with the role the president would be fulfilling that we discussed earlier. (8 roles or “hats”)
          Executive Order                    Pardon                 Ambassador
          Executive Agreement            Amnesty              Embassy
          Impoundment                        Treaty                  Reprieve

You need to be familiar with the War Powers Act,
          What is the War Powers Act?
          When it was passed and
          What were the circumstances (context) which led to its passage?

What does it means when a president states he has “executive privilege”?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

POTUS (President of the United States)

Click on the link to access the White House website. Spend a few minutes scouring the site and then post something you found that you thought interesting and then explain why that piqued your interest or curiosity. Posts must be done before start of class on Monday May, 6th. Write them well. Assignment is worth 10 points. Be sure yours is unique. There should be 65 posts when all done and there is plenty of info on this site so the chances of you posting the same as someone else should be slim. However the sooner you post the better.

Mr. Thompson

Friday, April 26, 2013

Test on Congress Tuesday April 30th

Test on Legislative Branch – It is not easy….spend the time to get ready!
50 points – Multiple Choice, Completion, and Short Answer

1. Facts about Congress (T-chart on House and Senate)
2. Congressional Districts (drew the MN districts and looked at some maps)
3. Committees – types of committees and roles of committees in the functioning of Congress. (read and took some notes)
4. Lawmaking process (chart of the steps in the process
5. Vocabulary (refer to the quiz and which terms we did poorest on)
6. Expressed powers and implied powers of Congress (assignment on powers of Congress)
7. Budget study – Vocabulary, Trends, Spending and Revenue. Don’t worry about the numbers!
8. Know the people who represent you in Congress (There are 3)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Happy Tax Day

With as many of you government students that have asked questions about taxes this semester, I thought I would post this article in honor of the upcoming Tax Day April 15th. Yes the president must pay taxes and this article mentions how much tax the Obama's owed this past year "Obama's Report Their Income Declined in 2012 Tax Returns"

Happy Tax Day,
Mr. Thompson

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Law-Making Process Firsthand

For those of you in US Government class whose favorite words are now filibuster or cloture, or have a strong liberal or conservative view on gun rights/control, here is an article for you. For those of you interested in party politics, the law-making process or just have a general interest in helping yourself do better on your next government test, this article might be for you. Senate Opens Debate on Gun Bill

Happy ICE DAY,
Mr. Thompson

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Political Ideology/Philosophy Survey

Hey US Government students. Your assignment is to go to one or more of the websites and take the political philosophy or ideology surveys. Then, once you have been given your results, please write a short entry in the comments section explaining which survey you took and what you learned about yourself from the survey. Be sure to compare your results from this survey and the 25 question one we took in class. Were the results similar or different and how so?

Political Compass - this survey asks a series of questions that you may respond to. Submit your answers and your score will be plotted in a 4 quadrant graph explaining who you are.

Political Typology - respond to a series of prompts based on what you agree most with and then find out how you compare with the rest of America.

Political Survey - Read statements and check whether you agree with statement or not. Then your results will be plotted on a 4 quadrant grid explaining your politics.

Political Ideology Survey - Read statements and respond with whether you agree or not. Submit and find out your results.

Your results should be posted by midnight on Sunday April, 14th. Write it well and complete the task for 10 points.
Enjoy, Mr. Thompson

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Constitution Test

See below for the review for your Constitution Test this Friday.

Constitution Review
US Govt.                40 points  Multiple Choice
                                Write 1 prompt from 2 choices 5 points

Terms to Know

Constitution                          6 Basic Principles                       Implied Powers
Preamble                                     Popular Sovereignty              Expressed Powers
        Know the 6 Goals               Federalism                             Elastic Clause
Articles                                        Separation of Powers           Necessary + Proper Clause
Amendments                               Checks + Balances                Full Faith + Credit Clause
Bill of Rights                              Limited Gov’t.                       Supremacy Clause
                                                     Judicial Review

You need to know the terms and concepts from the Amendments (you are responsible for Amendments 1-10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26.) Don’t memorize the Amendments by number.

Slander                                                  Libel                                       Petition
Probable Cause                                    Reasonable Cause                  Double Jeopardy
Freedom from Self-Incrimination    Eminent Domain
Miranda Warning                                Due Process                            Grand Jury
Trial Jury                                               Criminal                                 Civil
Bail                                                         Fine                                        Suffrage
Capital Punishment                            Poll Tax

You need to know the content of the 7 Articles. Refer to the quiz we took in class.
Be familiar with the process to add an amendment.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Parts of Constitution

You asked so here is a brief outline of the 7 Articles
Mr. Thompson

Parts of the Constitution
Article 1 – Legislative - Congress
House of Representatives + Senate
When Congress will meet
Congress makes its own rules
Privileges and salary
How laws are passed
Congress’ powers (expressed powers)
Necessary and proper clause
a.k.a. elastic clause (implied powers)
Powers denied to Congress
State’s powers
Process of impeachment
Article 2 – Executive       President + VP + Cabinet
                     Powers of the Pres
Electoral College
Article 3 – Judicial Branch
                     Supreme Court and other courts
Article 4 – Full faith and credit clause
Article 5 – Process to add Amendments
Article 6 – Supremacy clause
Article 7 – Ratification of Constitution