A) Test - Written portion on Chapters 1+2 Two prompts, pick one. 10 points
B) Introduce the Constitution and continue to work on vocabulary from next unit on Constitution and Amendments.
Mr. Thompson
Monday, February 29, 2016
US Government Tuesday 3/1
A) Test - 30 Multiple Choice on Chapters 1+2
B) Vocabulary from next unit on Constitution and Amendments
Do well,
Mr. Thompson
B) Vocabulary from next unit on Constitution and Amendments
Do well,
Mr. Thompson
US Government Monday 2/29
Happy Leap Year,
A) Blog post due today!
B) Discussion of the Constitutional Convention-where, who and why
C) Discussion of the 4 compromises from Friday's work in class
D) Answered any questions from the review sheet
Test 1 tomorrow and essay will be written on Wednesday!
Thanks and happy studying,
Mr. Thompson
A) Blog post due today!
B) Discussion of the Constitutional Convention-where, who and why
C) Discussion of the 4 compromises from Friday's work in class
D) Answered any questions from the review sheet
Test 1 tomorrow and essay will be written on Wednesday!
Thanks and happy studying,
Mr. Thompson
Thursday, February 25, 2016
US Government Friday Feb. 26th
A) I was gone today
B) Read in text Chapter 2 Section 4 Pages 53-57 about the Constitutional Convention
C) take notes/create a chart for each of the following 4 "Compromises" at the convention. The Connecticut Compromise, 3/5's Compromise, The Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise and the Compromise involving choosing a president (Electoral College). For each of these four:
1) identify the topic of disagreement
2) identify the sides that are disagreeing
3) identify what each side wants
4) identify what the solution or compromise was that was reached
See you Monday. Get your blog post done by Monday and test soon!
Mr. Thompson
US Government Thursday Feb 25th
A) Handed out review sheet for test next week
B) Turned in Fed 10 summary and extra credit
C) Shared Nazi story and connected to Madison's Fed 10
D) Discussion of content/message of Fed 10
E) Assignment Read Fed 51 and hand in by end of period a 1 sentence summary of 2 main points of Fed 51.
Last day to do Corrections from Quiz 1 is tomorrow. Blog post is due Monday by class time. Start getting ready for first unit test,
Mr. Thompson
B) Turned in Fed 10 summary and extra credit
C) Shared Nazi story and connected to Madison's Fed 10
D) Discussion of content/message of Fed 10
E) Assignment Read Fed 51 and hand in by end of period a 1 sentence summary of 2 main points of Fed 51.
Last day to do Corrections from Quiz 1 is tomorrow. Blog post is due Monday by class time. Start getting ready for first unit test,
Mr. Thompson
US Government Wednesday 2/24
A) Review of Articles of Confederation. What was good and what was bad about our first plan for a national government
B) Introduced the Federalist Papers. What are they and their purpose
C) Assignment for Thursday...Read Federalist 10 in back of text and "Ticket in the Door" was a 1 sentence summary of the main point of Fed 10
Test is next week Multiple Choice will be on Tuesday and we will write teh essay on Wednesday
Happy blogging,
Mr. Thompson
B) Introduced the Federalist Papers. What are they and their purpose
C) Assignment for Thursday...Read Federalist 10 in back of text and "Ticket in the Door" was a 1 sentence summary of the main point of Fed 10
Test is next week Multiple Choice will be on Tuesday and we will write teh essay on Wednesday
Happy blogging,
Mr. Thompson
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
US Government Tuesday Feb 23
A) Introduced written assignment that is posted on the blog. Mentioned what needs to be done and when it is due by.
B) Discussed Articles of Confederation from the questions that were on board previous day. What were the Articles, Strengths, Weaknesses and Why the original plan failed.
C) Read from text...What was Shays's Rebellion and why was it significant?
Heads up for test early next week and for the review sheet which I will pass out tomorrow.
Mr. Thompson
B) Discussed Articles of Confederation from the questions that were on board previous day. What were the Articles, Strengths, Weaknesses and Why the original plan failed.
C) Read from text...What was Shays's Rebellion and why was it significant?
Heads up for test early next week and for the review sheet which I will pass out tomorrow.
Mr. Thompson
Monday, February 22, 2016
US Government Assignment
Do I have an opportunity for US Government students. Please choose 1 of the following 5 links to articles (pick the one you might be most interested in or have the strongest opinion about) and do the following:
1) Read the article
2) Compose and post a well-written response to the article that includes something you learned from the article and a reflection (How did what you learned make you feel...in other words your opinion about the content of the article) You will write the "What did I learn" and the "How does that make me feel" in separate paragraphs. Be sure to include references to the content of the article and should you choose to do some extra research on your own to find out additional information to help with your knowledge of this content please be sure to reference that research as well. For example "in an article from Time magazine on Feb 15th entitled 'Blah, Blah, Blah'..."
Your assignment is worth 20 points and is due by the time class starts next Monday February 29th.
Article 1 Apple fights Order to Unlock San Bernardino Gunman's Iphone Should Apple be forced by the US Govt to cooperate further in the investigation into the couple who killed 14 people or can Apple decline on the grounds that they wish to protect their customers future confidentiality?
Article 2 Justice Antonin Scalia's Death Quickly Sparks a Political Debate Justice Scalia had served on the US Supreme Court for almost 30 years and rather unexpectedly died in Texas a week and a half ago. Who should replace him? Who should decide who the replacement should be? What should President Obama do? What should the Republican-led Senate do?
Article 3 Oregon Standoff is Expected to Cost Millions, and Occupiers may pay Part of the Bill For 6 weeks the showdown lasted between anti-government protesters and government officials from local, state and federal law enforcement near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Now that it is over who is left with the bill for all those resources? What if you were the city of Burns, Oregon (pop. 2806) in Harney County, Oregon (pop.7422)? The next protest of this magnitude could be coming to the town nearest you and your taxes could be paying the tab.
Article 4 The Next Flint With an aging and corroding infrastructure, the next Flint, Michigan could be your community. How do we prevent this from happening or do we hold our breath and hope it doesn't. Gov't officials in Flint, Michigan apparently choose the latter and now look what happened. The future could be sooner than you realize.
Article 5 Obama Takes Last Chance to Close Guantanamo Bay After 9/11, Guantanamo was created and while running for president back in 2008, then Illinois Senator Barack Obama campaigned on a promise to close Guantanamo Bay. Here we are in 2016, Guantanamo is still open for business and once again the President is promising to close it.
Enjoy and remember to write this well as all your classmates can read it,
Mr. Thompson
1) Read the article
2) Compose and post a well-written response to the article that includes something you learned from the article and a reflection (How did what you learned make you feel...in other words your opinion about the content of the article) You will write the "What did I learn" and the "How does that make me feel" in separate paragraphs. Be sure to include references to the content of the article and should you choose to do some extra research on your own to find out additional information to help with your knowledge of this content please be sure to reference that research as well. For example "in an article from Time magazine on Feb 15th entitled 'Blah, Blah, Blah'..."
Your assignment is worth 20 points and is due by the time class starts next Monday February 29th.
Article 1 Apple fights Order to Unlock San Bernardino Gunman's Iphone Should Apple be forced by the US Govt to cooperate further in the investigation into the couple who killed 14 people or can Apple decline on the grounds that they wish to protect their customers future confidentiality?
Article 2 Justice Antonin Scalia's Death Quickly Sparks a Political Debate Justice Scalia had served on the US Supreme Court for almost 30 years and rather unexpectedly died in Texas a week and a half ago. Who should replace him? Who should decide who the replacement should be? What should President Obama do? What should the Republican-led Senate do?
Article 3 Oregon Standoff is Expected to Cost Millions, and Occupiers may pay Part of the Bill For 6 weeks the showdown lasted between anti-government protesters and government officials from local, state and federal law enforcement near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Now that it is over who is left with the bill for all those resources? What if you were the city of Burns, Oregon (pop. 2806) in Harney County, Oregon (pop.7422)? The next protest of this magnitude could be coming to the town nearest you and your taxes could be paying the tab.
Article 4 The Next Flint With an aging and corroding infrastructure, the next Flint, Michigan could be your community. How do we prevent this from happening or do we hold our breath and hope it doesn't. Gov't officials in Flint, Michigan apparently choose the latter and now look what happened. The future could be sooner than you realize.
Article 5 Obama Takes Last Chance to Close Guantanamo Bay After 9/11, Guantanamo was created and while running for president back in 2008, then Illinois Senator Barack Obama campaigned on a promise to close Guantanamo Bay. Here we are in 2016, Guantanamo is still open for business and once again the President is promising to close it.
Enjoy and remember to write this well as all your classmates can read it,
Mr. Thompson
US Government Monday 2/22
A) Passed back XC opportunities
B) Passed back Ch. 1 quiz and discussed options for retake
C) Reviewed briefly last week's study of colonial history and the Declaration of Independence
D) Introduced the idea that now that we have our independence we need a gov't. Defined the Articles of Confederation and students had some time to work on a) what did the gov't under the Articles look like (each of the 3 branches), what were the strengths of the Articles, what were the major weaknesses of the Articles and why did the Articles fail.
E) Blog post assignment Due next Monday at class time.
Mr. Thompson
B) Passed back Ch. 1 quiz and discussed options for retake
C) Reviewed briefly last week's study of colonial history and the Declaration of Independence
D) Introduced the idea that now that we have our independence we need a gov't. Defined the Articles of Confederation and students had some time to work on a) what did the gov't under the Articles look like (each of the 3 branches), what were the strengths of the Articles, what were the major weaknesses of the Articles and why did the Articles fail.
E) Blog post assignment Due next Monday at class time.
Mr. Thompson
Friday, February 19, 2016
US Government Friday 2/19
A) Handed in extra credit opportunity
B) Passed back Declaration of Independence assignment from Thurs.
C) Discussion of the content of Declaration including:
Persona, Audiences, Purpose and the 3 parts of the Declaration
D) Concluded with an extra credit opportunity.
Have a good weekend and no assignment for Monday,
Mr. Thompson
B) Passed back Declaration of Independence assignment from Thurs.
C) Discussion of the content of Declaration including:
Persona, Audiences, Purpose and the 3 parts of the Declaration
D) Concluded with an extra credit opportunity.
Have a good weekend and no assignment for Monday,
Mr. Thompson
Thursday, February 18, 2016
US Government Thursday 2/18
A) Quick review of yesterday's class and Colonial History
Cause and Effect...major events leading to American colonies seeking independence
B) Work in groups to complete a study of the content of the Declaration of Independence.
Extra Credit opportunity for tomorrow. One sentence answering the question below. Hand it to me as you walk in the door tomorrow.
What were the Dunlap Broadsides?
Mr. Thompson
Cause and Effect...major events leading to American colonies seeking independence
B) Work in groups to complete a study of the content of the Declaration of Independence.
Extra Credit opportunity for tomorrow. One sentence answering the question below. Hand it to me as you walk in the door tomorrow.
What were the Dunlap Broadsides?
Mr. Thompson
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
US Government Wednesday 2/17
A) Looked at data briefly from intro quiz we took yesterday.
B) Completed a quick review of Colonial History looking at the causes and effects of events leading up to American Independence.
C) Students completed/added information to their T chart from Tuesday's class
No assignment
Mr. Thompson
B) Completed a quick review of Colonial History looking at the causes and effects of events leading up to American Independence.
C) Students completed/added information to their T chart from Tuesday's class
No assignment
Mr. Thompson
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
US Government Tuesday 2/16
A) Discussion of Justice Scalia's death and its significance.
B) Took quiz on Ch. 1 intro to Government concepts
C. Using text on pages 38 and 42-46, compose a T chart with 1607-1750 and 1750-1776 on the 2 sides. List events that shaped or changed the relationship between England and the 13 American colonies and place during the appropriate time frame.
B) Took quiz on Ch. 1 intro to Government concepts
C. Using text on pages 38 and 42-46, compose a T chart with 1607-1750 and 1750-1776 on the 2 sides. List events that shaped or changed the relationship between England and the 13 American colonies and place during the appropriate time frame.
Friday, February 12, 2016
US Government Friday 2/12
A) 15 point quiz Tuesday Feb. 16th Below is the content the quiz will be based on
B) 10 point activity on the difference between Gov't and Politics. If gone, you will have to see me to make this up.
C) Wrapped up our conversation on Economic Systems with examples of what the United States' philosophy is compared to other more socialist countries when it comes to Education, Health Care, Maternity/Paternity care, Utilities, and Taxes
Have a good long weekend and let's do well on our first quiz!
Mr. Thompson
· 4 characteristics of all states
Why do we have government? What does gov’t provide?
· 4 purposes
Types of Gov’t
· 4 types Monarchy, Dictatorship, Communism, Democracy
· Synonyms-Autocracy, Totalitarian, Oligarchy, Republic
Characteristics of democracy (Reading from Text)
Economic types or systems Capitalism, Socialism, Command (Communism)
C) Wrapped up our conversation on Economic Systems with examples of what the United States' philosophy is compared to other more socialist countries when it comes to Education, Health Care, Maternity/Paternity care, Utilities, and Taxes
Have a good long weekend and let's do well on our first quiz!
Mr. Thompson
US Government Thursday 2/11
A) Discussion of Economic Systems
Used the analogy of a "RACE"
B) Filled out a chart on each of the economic systems
C) For tomorrow be sure you know the difference between gov't and politics.
Mr. Thompson
Used the analogy of a "RACE"
B) Filled out a chart on each of the economic systems
C) For tomorrow be sure you know the difference between gov't and politics.
Mr. Thompson
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
US Government Wed 2/10
Using the 9 characteristics needed for democracy to succeed from yesterday's class you are to:
A) On a blank sheet of paper, take 5 minutes to write which one of the 9 characteristics you picked as being the most important and explain why you feel that that characteristic is the most vital for democracy to succeed.
B) find someone who will read what you wrote and ask you a question about what you wrote (Have them write this question beneath your response you wrote during that 5 minutes)
C) You will then write a response to the question you were asked.
D) Repeat steps B and C 3 more times all the while only writing no conversation.
E) Have the person who was asking you the questions write his/her name at the very end of your conversation. Make sure your name is at the top of the paper and hand in to me when completed.
No assignment for Thursday.
Mr. Thompson
A) On a blank sheet of paper, take 5 minutes to write which one of the 9 characteristics you picked as being the most important and explain why you feel that that characteristic is the most vital for democracy to succeed.
B) find someone who will read what you wrote and ask you a question about what you wrote (Have them write this question beneath your response you wrote during that 5 minutes)
C) You will then write a response to the question you were asked.
D) Repeat steps B and C 3 more times all the while only writing no conversation.
E) Have the person who was asking you the questions write his/her name at the very end of your conversation. Make sure your name is at the top of the paper and hand in to me when completed.
No assignment for Thursday.
Mr. Thompson
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
US Government Tuesday 2/9
A) Passed out textbooks
B) Quick review of key concepts from yesterday's class
C) Read pages 20-24 and put the following concepts in order from Most Important to Least important for democracy to succeed. You will need this list for tomorrow's class in order to write the assignment.
B) Quick review of key concepts from yesterday's class
C) Read pages 20-24 and put the following concepts in order from Most Important to Least important for democracy to succeed. You will need this list for tomorrow's class in order to write the assignment.
Majority Rule w/ Minority Rights
“Free” Elections
Competing Political Parties
Active Citizen Participation
Favorable Economy
Education for all
Civil Society
Social Consensus
Mr. Thompson
Monday, February 8, 2016
US Government Monday 2/8
1) Blog Post due today
2) Briefly discuss Citizenship Test from Friday
3) Notes on basic government concepts - Government, State, Characteristics of states, 4 types of Government and synonyms, and why we have government (4 purposes)
No assignment for Tuesday.
Mr. Thompson
2) Briefly discuss Citizenship Test from Friday
3) Notes on basic government concepts - Government, State, Characteristics of states, 4 types of Government and synonyms, and why we have government (4 purposes)
No assignment for Tuesday.
Mr. Thompson
Friday, February 5, 2016
US Government Friday 2/5
Thanks a lot seniors for a very good start to the second semester. I have appreciated getting to know you a bit better through 3 days of class.
Class today:
A. I introduced myself a bit more to you
B. Defined Government
C. Discussed a bit about citizenship
D. Took and scored a 25 question citizenship test.
REMINDER Blog post is due by class time on Monday
Mr. Thompson
Class today:
A. I introduced myself a bit more to you
B. Defined Government
C. Discussed a bit about citizenship
D. Took and scored a 25 question citizenship test.
REMINDER Blog post is due by class time on Monday
Mr. Thompson
Thursday, February 4, 2016
US Government Thursday 2/4
Today's class
A) Feedback on Iowa Caucus written assignment
B) Hand in grade and attend signature
C) Students introduced themselves to the class
Thank you to everyone 1st period who stood up and introduced themselves. We have a class of 31 who have a pretty good idea of where they are headed and what they would like to become. (probably much more so than a typical group of seniors in US Government than I have had in years past.)
5th hour...you guys rock! Lots of good questions and are just as "rock star" worthy as my 1st period!
Mr. Thompson
A) Feedback on Iowa Caucus written assignment
B) Hand in grade and attend signature
C) Students introduced themselves to the class
Thank you to everyone 1st period who stood up and introduced themselves. We have a class of 31 who have a pretty good idea of where they are headed and what they would like to become. (probably much more so than a typical group of seniors in US Government than I have had in years past.)
5th hour...you guys rock! Lots of good questions and are just as "rock star" worthy as my 1st period!
Mr. Thompson
Monday, February 1, 2016
US Government Monday 2/1
Here are the highlights from class today:
1) Grading and Attendance sheets handed out
2) Discussion of Caucuses and Primaries (Iowa Caucus day)
a) short written assignment
3) Answer three questions to present tomorrow to class.
a) What is your name?
b) What will you be doing 1 year from today?
c) What is a question you have always wondered about US Government
Thank you,
Mr. Thompson
1) Grading and Attendance sheets handed out
2) Discussion of Caucuses and Primaries (Iowa Caucus day)
a) short written assignment
3) Answer three questions to present tomorrow to class.
a) What is your name?
b) What will you be doing 1 year from today?
c) What is a question you have always wondered about US Government
Thank you,
Mr. Thompson
5th Period US Government
Welcome again to US Government. Your first blog posting is as follows:
What is a question you have about the upcoming General Election in November of 2016?
Your question should be posted by the time we have class on Monday Feb. 8th. We will try and answer your questions in class. Be sure to post a unique question. NO DUPLICATES! If you are 1st to post you will be unique. If you are last to post you will have to read about 20 questions to be sure you haven't asked the same question.
Mr. Thompson
What is a question you have about the upcoming General Election in November of 2016?
Your question should be posted by the time we have class on Monday Feb. 8th. We will try and answer your questions in class. Be sure to post a unique question. NO DUPLICATES! If you are 1st to post you will be unique. If you are last to post you will have to read about 20 questions to be sure you haven't asked the same question.
Mr. Thompson
1st Period US Government
Welcome again to US Government. Thank you so much for a very good first day of class. Your first blog posting is as follows:
What is a question you have about the upcoming General Election in November of 2016?
Your question should be posted by the time we have class on Monday Feb. 8th. We will try and answer your questions in class. Be sure to post a unique question. NO DUPLICATES! If you are 1st to post you will be unique. If you are last to post you will have to read 30 questions to be sure you haven't asked the same question.
Mr. Thompson
What is a question you have about the upcoming General Election in November of 2016?
Your question should be posted by the time we have class on Monday Feb. 8th. We will try and answer your questions in class. Be sure to post a unique question. NO DUPLICATES! If you are 1st to post you will be unique. If you are last to post you will have to read 30 questions to be sure you haven't asked the same question.
Mr. Thompson
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