Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday US Government 4/28

A) Completed discussion of US Budget - finished biggest sources of revenue for federal gov't
B) Read article on US Budget from Tim Penny. Wrote a short response on his purpose
C) Reviewed for Unit test on Monday

No School Tomorrow. Monday test on Congress

Mr. Thompson

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday US Government 4/27

A) Taxes! Listed and discussed the 5 biggest sources of revenue for the Federal government.
B) Can you answer "why being 19.2 trillion in debt is bad yet"?  It is one of your short answer questions on Monday.

Mr. Thompson

Tuesday US Government 4/26

A) Spending. Listed and discussed the 5 biggest tickets in the US Budget. Defined and identified mandatory vs discretionary spending.
B) Passed out review sheet for test on Monday of Congress

Start prepping as the days until the end are winding down,
Mr. Thompson

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday US Government 4/25

A) Collect Budget Assignment
B) Begin discussion of US Budget
      We are in debt, discussion of who we owe this money to
Tomorrow we will look at spending and Wednesday focus is on revenue (Taxes)

Unit Test right now looks like Monday of next week

Mr. Thompson

Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday US Government 4/22

A) Quiz on How A Bill Becomes Law
B) Brief intro and prep on the Federal Budget
C) Work on Budget Assignment (Due Monday) and Budget vocabulary.

Mr. Thompson

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thursday US Government 4/21

A) Pass back Political Ideology Quiz and discuss results
B) Collect Senator Assignment from yesterday
C) Complete discussion of How a Bill Becomes Law
     10 Question Quiz tomorrow
D) Visit House of Reps website and discuss how we have access to what Congress is working on
E) Time to work on Budget assignment that was passed out on Tuesday. Assignment due on Monday       Apr. 25th

Mr. Thompson

Wednesday US Government 4/20

A) Took quiz on Congressional Vocabulary
B) Computer lab to work on Senator assignment. Assignment due Thursday

Mr. Thompson

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday US Government 4/19

A) Reviewed second half  of Congress vocabulary (Quiz tomorrow)
B) Completed presentation of how a Bill Becomes Law
C) Handed out Senator assignment. Students chose the state they wish to work on assignment for. Tomorrow after quiz we will go to lab and complete assignment. Assignment is due on Thursday.
D) Passed out Budget packet, Budget assignment, and Budget vocabulary that we will work on later this week and early next week.

Mr. Thompson

Monday US Government 4/18

A) Shared briefly our results of quiz from last Friday
B)  Collected any outstanding Powers of Congress assignments
C) Reviewed some of Vocabulary for Congress (Quiz on Wednesday)
D) Began presentation of How A Bill Becomes Law

Mr. Thompson

Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday US Government 4/15

A) Handed in Powers of Congress assignment
B) Took quiz on Political Ideology
C) Went over next week's schedule with regard to quizzes, assignments and content.
D) Discussed the importance of committees in Congress based on reading and questions from yesterday's class.

Next week...How a Bill Becomes Law

Mr. Thompson

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday US Government 4/14

Lots going on in Government these days.

A) Quiz tomorrow on Political Ideology
B) Hand in assignment at the beginning of class tomorrow on the Powers of Congress
C) Continue to work on Congressional vocabulary
        Column 1 should be done for Monday. Monday we will answer any clarifying questions
        Column 2 should be done for Tuesday. Tuesday we will answer any clarifying questions.
        Wednesday we will have a vocabulary quiz (15 questions)
D) Friday of next week we will have a quiz on "How a Bill Becomes Law" which will be based on    
         the work we do in class over today, tomorrow and Monday.
E) Today read pages 141-145 and responded to 10 questions about the importance of committees in

Mr. Thompson

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday US Government 4/13

A) Reminder-Quiz on Friday on Political Ideology
B) Reminder-keep working on Congressional Vocabulary
C) Completed discussion of re-apportionment and redistricting
          Gerrymandering demonstration
          Finished looking at our maps and visuals of gerrymandering
D) Handed out Powers of Congress Assignment   Due at beginning of Friday's class.

Mr. Thompson

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tuesday US Government 4/12

A) Discussed chart on Facts about House and Senate from Monday
B) Discussion of re-apportionment and redistricting. Looked at a bunch of visuals (Maps, charts and tables of data from Census Bureau) to help explain why we have to reapportion and redistrict our Congressional Districts.

Reminder: Quiz on Political Ideology is Friday
                  Keep working on your congressional vocabulary

Mr. Thompson

Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday US Government 4/11

Welcome back hope break was relaxing and everyone is ready for a productive 4th Quarter.

A) Brief discussion of where we are after 3rd quarter and what exactly does your grade in this class mean at this point in the course.
B) Set date for our political ideology quiz - Friday April 15th
C) Worked on Minnesota's Congressional Districts
D) Passed out the list of vocabulary for our unit on Congress. Terms should be done by early next week for a vocab quiz. Date of which is still to be determined.
E) Complete a chart for tomorrow on the 2 branches of Congress. See below:

      Organize a T -Chart that addresses the following facts about the 2 houses of Congress.

a.   Number of members in each house                     
b.   Number of members from each state           
c.   Qualifications to be a member (There are 3)
d.   Length of term and term limits (# of terms allowed to serve)
e.   How are members chosen for each house (elected, appointed, by whom?)
f.    Area that each member represents

        House                     /                      Senate
A.                                A.
B.                                B.
C.                                C.
D.                                D.
E.                                E.
F.                                F.