Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Constitutional Convention

Using Section 4 of Chapter 2, you are responsible for the following information to be at your disposal in prep for our 1st test.

1.       Know the facts of the Constitutional Convention
·         Who was there?
·         Where was the meeting held?
·         When did this meeting happen?
·         Why was the meeting called?
·         What was the result of the meeting?
2.       Know the key details of the following plans for our national gov’t.
·         Virginia Plan
·         New Jersey Plan
3.       Know the major content of the compromises reached at the Constitutional Convention?
·         Connecticut Compromise
·         3/5’s Compromise
·         Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise
·         Election of the President
4.       Be familiar with the following terms
a. Federalists    b. Anti-Federalists    c. Ratification      d. Federalist Papers

5.     For Thursday, read Federalist #10 on pages 812-814.
        For Friday, read Federalist #51 on pages 815-816.
You need to get the main idea of these essays.  It may not be a bad idea to work with a partner(s) to get some understanding of the main idea. Write the main idea in 1-2 sentences to be turned in the next day.

Mr. Thompson

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