Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Political Spectrum Quiz

Use the following links to take a quiz that will help you to identify where you stand politically. Once you have responded to the questions, the site will let you know your "score". You need to comment on what your score was, what that means to you and does it match the survey we took in class. There are 2 surveys you can choose from. You must do one but if you want to do both feel free. When you comment be clear which survey you took and are responding to.

Political Spectrum Quiz

Political Philosophy Quiz

You need to complete this and comment on it by 3:03 Sept. 30th to earn full credit.

Mr. Thompson


  1. Make sure you put your first name and initial of last name at the end of your comments so I know who has commented.

    Darren T.

  2. centrist social moderate leaning closer to the left
    kisna L.

  3. My score somewhat similar to the quiz I took in class. It said that Im a little bit of a liberal, but mostly I am a moderate. I lean more towards the left, but not too much. I took the political spectrum survey, adn so far, all i know is that I am a moderate most of the time.
    Danh V.

  4. My score was right 0.65 and libertarian:1.01, it said I was a centrist moderate social libertarian. This is a lot like my scores from class because I had a 2/10 for fiscal policy and a 8/15 for social policy so I always leaned towards more of a libertarian. I am not that into politics so this does not mean that much to me but it is interesting to see what spectrum I am on and agree with.
    Hannah E.

  5. i thought this test was pretty close to me and my scores on the libertarian part no way am i a conservative i shop and spend money like i was drinking water
    kisna l.

  6. It said I was a center-left social moderate. I am left and down towards the Libertarian side a little bit. I think it means that I am a moderate but lean more towards the left. This matches my scores in class because I got 8/25.
    -Katy E.

  7. I took the Political Spectrum Quiz, and my score read as follows:

    You are a center-right social authoritarian.
    Right: 1.28, Authoritarian: 7.29

    This is a little bit of a surprise to me after being labeled as a strong conservative in class, with a total score of 21/25. However, I do agree that I am very authoritarian as opposed to libertarian.

    --Josh R.

  8. My Score:

    You are a left moderate social authoritarian.
    Left: 3.26, Authoritarian: 3.27

    I'm a little Shocked at the score since i moved more to the left. This does differ from my 13/25 in class

  9. I took the political spectrum quiz.

    Score: You are a left moderate social authoritarian
    Left: 3.26 Authoritarian: 1.36

    To me this means that I believe that authority should be upheld to the fullest and on certain social issues I lean a bit to the left. This score is very similar to the one taken in class that labeled me as slightly to the left with a score of 12/25.

    -Alex D.

  10. I took the political spectrum quiz and scored Left: 3.26 Authoritarian: 1.36. It also told me a was a left moderate social authoritarian. To me this means that I am a bit more liberal than conservative and I believe fully on authority. This kind of surprised me because I scored a 13/25 on the in class quiz. This online quiz ranked me as far more as a liberal than the in class one.

    -Keaton R.

  11. I took the Political Spectrum quiz. My results showed that I am a "right social authoritarian." My scores were Right: 4.98, and Authoritarian: 4.9. This does not surprise me, because I already knew that I am a conservative person. These results also match the results I received from the class quiz. (However, I think the results I got from the class quiz showed that I am even more conservative than the results I got from this quiz.) Overall this quiz means that I lean toward the right on my views for both culture and foreign policy.
    -Beth D.

  12. I took the political spectrum quiz and it said i was a center-left social moderate. Left: 1.31, Libertarian: 0.62. This doesn't surprise me because in the test we took in class i got 8 out of 25. I think this means that i am a moderate that leans a little more towards the liberal side.

    -Christina B.

  13. I took the political spectrum quiz and it told me I was a Left: 1.18, Authoritarian: 0.46, it also tells me that I am slightly conservative. While I look at the graph, it tells me that I am more moderate than anything which I strongly agree with.

    -Joey J.

  14. My score for the political spectrum quiz:

    You are a center-left social moderate.
    Left: 1.87, Authoritarian: 0.73

    The score that I received for the quiz was similar to the one that I had gotten in class, which has said that I leaned more towards Liberal. The score that I gotten didn't phase me too much because I already had an idea of where I stand politically.

  15. For the Political Philosophy Quiz I scored:
    Foreign Policy: You scored: 0.25
    Culture: You scored: 0.78
    This evenly compares to the in class quiz i took which i scored a 13 out of 25. This online quiz stated that I am in-between liberal and conservative and am more of a moderate when it comes to political and social views. I believe this to be true even though I have very strong opinions when it comes to the judicial system, prosecution laws, and immigration laws. I also have strong beliefs on people’s rights to express themselves and their religions.
    For the Political Spectrum quiz I scored:
    I am a neo conservative when it comes to foreign policy and a cultural liberal. I agree dead on with this because I am conservative when it comes to laws and regulations, but when it comes to cultural rights I am more of a liberal and let my emotions affect my choices from time to time.
    Ive tried multiple times and my comment just won't post. Ihope you have a good weekend and I hope i got all of the requirements in my post.
    Kelly Fredericksen

  16. I took the Political Spectrum Quiz and i got that i am a centrist moderate social libertarian. I was leaning toward the left. I agree with this because i feel like i am in the middle and agree with some liberal and some conservative things.

    Kaitlyn B.

  17. I was surprise at the result when i finish taking the Political Spectrum Quiz. I was like in the middle. The one in class it was far more on the liberal.
    Kong T.

  18. i took the political spectrum quiz. i am a centrist social moderate.
    my score was Left 0.58, Libertarian 0.56

    Shiyi L.

  19. I took the political spectrum quiz. My scores were left 0.03 and Libertarian 1.17. It described me as a centrist moderate social libertarian which really doesn't surprise me because the quiz we took in class showed that I was somewhere in the middle also.
    -Courtney K.

  20. The Political Spectrum Quiz scored me as a centrist social libertarian, Left: 0.33, Libertarian: 4.28.
    It's not surprising to me because I'm young, female, and a minority. It does match my score I got in class; however, the online poll leans a bit more towards the left (liberal) than the one taken in class.
    - Katie Lee

  21. I took the political spectrum quiz, I scored 1.82 right And 1.85 right. It wasnt surprising because I was more conservative on the quiz we took in class.

    -Tyler galde

  22. Just checking to see if the blog post is working.

    Mr. T

  23. I took the Political spectrum quiz and i scored 3.25 center-left social moderate, 1.35 authoritarian and i'm not scored at my results because in class the fiscal politic and social issues quiz i scored 12/25. This means i'm leaned towards the left which makes me liberal.
    ~Yasmin M.

  24. I meant I am not shocked at my results .
    ~Yasmin M.

  25. I took the political spectrum quiz and my score was : You are a left social libertarian.
    Left: 4.14, Libertarian: 3.56.
    These results seem near my score on the social issues quiz in which I scored a 10/25. Both scores show that I am leaning towards the left and that I am a liberal.
    - Aaron T.

  26. You are a center-left social libertarian.
    Left: 2.02, Libertarian: 4.21
    I took the political spectrum quiz.I scored fairly close to the quiz i took in class which i got an 11 on. which is a little more liberal than conservative, and same with this online quiz
    -Tyler F

  27. Political Spectrum Quiz:
    You are a left social moderate.
    Left: 3.13, Authoritarian: 0.16

    My score in class was a 6. Both tests show that I am liberal. I agree with both polls.

    Terri Bui

  28. You are a center-left moderate social libertarian.
    Left: 1.31, Libertarian: 2.23
    i took the political spectrum quiz and the results show that i was more towards the liberal side. the one i took in class said that i was a litle more conservative but the one online said i was more liberal.
    meola cheak

  29. my score was in the middle, I am not suprised as my opinion on most matters will be indifferent except for a few and when these exceptions come about, my conservative and libertive opinions balance each other out
    Kevin Benson
