Below find a chart. US, China, France, UK and Russia are the 5 biggest spenders on military in the world. Here is the link to the organization who published the graphic - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Finally a third link that shows again how much the US spends on its military as a percentage of what it produces domestically (A more accurate measure of spending) as compared to the rest of the world.
Mr. Thompson
I feel it is quite staggering to see that the U.S. spends this much on military expenditures, considering we are supposedly the "peaceful" country, land of freedom, and so on, and that we act like a world police. You would think peaceful cooperation could come without a big military behind us.
ReplyDeleteHowever, knowing that a lot of these funds will go to those in the military that are not even fighting in a war or stationed (training and programs, camps, etc) is kind of dissapointing...that the military is so large that it is considered as an option next to going to college.
-Vera Novitskaia
Hour 3 US Government
I think its insane how much money the U.S. spends on the military compared to other countries of the world. It shows how powerful our military is but if we cut spending in this field, we could save maybe up to billions of dollars a week. We can still have a powerful military and still cut spending on it.
ReplyDeleteMichael Meyer
Hour 3
The United State has the worlds best military by far. Is it worth the money we spend on it? Well i believe its good and bad. The US military spends almost half of the worlds military spending, which is a huge amount of money that we the people with our tax dollars give to them. On the plus side, we have technology other countries are decades away from, we have the most powerful military in the world by far, we have the biggest toys, biggest guns and best protection this world has seen
ReplyDeleteBen Olson
It does not suprise me that the US spends so much money on its military. We are one of the worlds superpowers and other countries often look to the United States in times of trouble. I think it would definitely help our countries deficite if we did not spend as much money on our military. Howeverm we must not risk our countries safty for the sake of saving money.
ReplyDeleteJessica Sands Hr3
The United States has the most powerful military in the world. This is because we spend over twice as much on military spending than any other country in the world. The United States spends 48% of all world wide military spending (according to the Military Spending Worldwide link). We are also growing to almost 15 trillion dollars in debt. Although having such a powerful and technologically advanced military ensures us of our safety, as our economy continues to grow weaker, we as a country begin to grow weaker as well. Cutting back on the discretionary spending of our military is an option. Even though many people are against this, in the article posted above it explains that it would have little effect overall on our military. "The $383 billion F-35 program really isn't required when U.S. warplanes remain the world's best and can be retooled with new engines and electronics to keep them that way." Cutting back a few trillion dollars on our military machinery and weapons, we could still get by with the most powerful military by far, while also helping our national debt. Although I know there is a lot more to military budget cuts than just this, I feel that it's definitely an option that may immensely help our country.
ReplyDeleteThe U.S is 14 trillion dollars in dept, and the dept is increasing! We have the worlds biggest military yes, but we also are in dept more than any other country in the world! we need to stop spending all of this money on our military and spend it on paying back the countries we owe, look at china we owe them the most money out of anyone they are making money off of us, and each year they have a surplus but yet they're spending twice as less money as us on there military, there is a good and bad side to spending this much money on our military. the good side of it is, that we have the largest military in the world and our people feel safe to live in the U.S knowing this, but the bad side of it is that we spend more money each year on our military than necessities like paying our dept back to other countries. I think we need to cut down the spending on our military by a lot!
Numbers and statistics aside, i think we need to reevaluate our role in the world stage. Of course, our military is technologically advanced and well trained, but is it our job to step in wherever anyone says anything which may go against our ideals, or send an army to fight a ragged bunch of zealots who we have trouble even identifying. Sure, our might is impressive, but is it needed? i think we could absolutely do with less spending on the military.
ReplyDelete-Sean Samson Hour 1-
I think the reason we spend so much money on militarty is because we want to be the alfa dog and haveing the most power is how this goverment does that. I i think that some of the money we spend on the military should go to schools.
ReplyDeleteAlixx Hengel
Hour 1
When seeing the charts it said the United States spends about 48% or $711 Billion on military spending worldwide which is at least twice as much as any other country. This does not surprise me because the US is looked at as a superpower to other countries. Whenever there is a foreign altercation the US seems to get involved. Granted we have advanced technology, but other countries need to start handling problems on their own. By having other countries solve their own problems the US can cut back on its military use and help save more money.
ReplyDeleteEric Nelson
Hour 1
wow..thats alot of money for our least compared to the rest of the world. it seems with all of the wars we are in now it does make sense. but if this is 2008s pie chart we may be spending even more now. the fact that we, the free world are using this much money, i believe it was 711 billion dollars, just for our military is quite frankly appalling. we are in i think 3 wars right now for reasons i am not quite sure of. and when we were promised out of afganistan instead congress and our president sent more into war. the previously stated number makes sense but it is extremely concerning. we are a country not a world we should not have to worry about other places unless it jepordizes our safety and we KNOW FOR SURE that it does.
I thought it was insane how Gates proposed cutting 78 billion dollars from the pentagons account and then after that Obama went back and cut it even more to 400 billion dollars. Also the numbers of aircrafts cut from 11 to 8 is also insane. I thought it was cool how congress could save almost 500 billion dollars by scaling back procurment over the next decade.
ReplyDeleteI think that it's crazy how much we spend each day and month on the military and if we cut back just a little we could save so much money that could go to different things like education and we could still have a great military
ReplyDeleteDarryn liedl
It's mind blowing to think just how much the US actually spends on its military. I've always known that the US invested a lot of money into our military, but I didn't know it was this much. Even looking the total amount, our military spends more money than the rest of the world combined! With that, I feel like we could cut back some on military spending, but I wouldn't know what exactly to cut.
ReplyDeleteTessa Muehe
Hr 5
I am not exactly sure if us spending more money than all other countries combined is a bad thing. Because as of now, we are not looked at as a strong economic country we are seen as a strong miliraty country. If it were not for the fact that out military is so strong, China and India who we owe a lot of money would have possibly attempted to do something. We took it upon ourselves to be the "world police" and after everything we have achieved and spent, it would be a waste to cut it a considerable amount.
ReplyDeleteKatie armstrong hour 1
I'm shocked and speechless to see how much money is being spent on the militray. I'm not down talking because they have been great troops, but then why not cut down just a little on the spending. I'm imagining on how much money they could've saved. With all these weapons being provided with billions of money is crazy. I believe theirs a lot of thinking that needs to be looked towards. I just hope the US has more to give and not dwell so much on the military.
ReplyDeleteI knew that the United States spent a lot of their money on military but i didn't know it was this much. I think that spending all that money on military is good and bad, we will be protected at all times but honestly i don't think we need to spend a trillion dollars on military within the next few years. Yes we are the strongest military but if we cut back a little bit i think we still would be the strongest, and we would save a lot of money to spend on other things this country needs.
ReplyDelete-Chase Andersen-