Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Payroll Tax Cuts

Referenced this topic in class the other day while looking at the White House website. Check this article out. President Obama wants the tax cuts extended and yet he is threatening a veto of the bill passed by the US House depending on what the Senate does with the bill. Lots to think about in this article. Notice how our Rep. Tim Walz voted compared to most Democrats.

Mr. Thompson


  1. i think this artical was kinda lame it talks about pay roll tax cuts which is lame who wants there money to be cut in half and loose some of it i do though agree with the presidants choice of veto for the bill because making that pipe line come all the way from canada to the gulf coast is a pretty big thing why speed of the project when people wanna go home for the holidays and all that good stuff
    kisna laanonh 2hr.

  2. I couldn't find my comment. (Darn it. It was a really good comment.) I can't remember what I said, but I will read it again and post another comment.
    Chalane Tanner

  3. I read the payroll tax cuts article. I agree that the portion of the bill about cutting spending from Obama's health care law is wise. So far, with his plan, Obama hasn't accomplished much to help with medicare.
    I wonder if the main goal for the pipeline is to create new jobs, or if that was a benefit on the side of the work done on the pipeline.
    We talked about in class the abilities and qualities the public wants the president to possess. From Mr. Reid's ideas and attitude of payroll tax cuts, he doesn't seem open to new ideas or willing to compromise.
    --Chalane Tanner
