Monday, November 7, 2011

Vikings Stadium

Wow!!! We just talked about this topic in class today and the results of a statewide poll were released today. 807 adults statewide were asked a series of questions about the Vikings staying or leaving Minnesota, where a possible new stadium should be located and how that stadium might be paid for. Check out the question about "public" money and how Mninnesotans feel.

In case you were wondering asking 800+ people randomly picked from across the state will give you a pretty accurate picture of how Minnesotans fell +/- about 4%. Just ask anyone who is in Statistics.

Looking forward to your comments Vikings fans.

Mr. Thompson


  1. I looked at the poll table titled "Would You Favor or Oppose Using Public Money for a New Viking's Stadium?". It surprised me that there were a greater percent of people that favored using public money for the stadium now than in the past. You would think that since the economy is not doing so well now, people would want to keep their money for themselves, and not spend it on a Viking's stadium. However, it didn't surprise me that more males support using public money than females since males are usually more interested in football so they would most likely want to get a new stadium. Another thing that surprised me was that the Democrat and Republican numbers were pretty close to being the same. You would think that they would be on opposing sides.

    Katy Eckerman

  2. I studied the "Would You Favor or Oppose Using Public Money for a New Viking's Stadium?". I think it is very interesting to see that people are becoming more in favor of taxes for a new stadium as oppose to last October. This is odd to me becuase the Vikings have gotten worse on the field and Minnesota just paid for a new Target Field. It did not surprise me to see that way more males where in favor of using public women than women. It was kind of cool to see that Democrats and Republicans are actually similar in numbers and not on opposite ends of the spectrum

    Keaton Riley

  3. anonymous said...
    Looking at the statics provided, some people don’t really have much urgent concern or care for the Viking stadium. It also shows men are more likely to want the Vikings to stay in Minnesota and are the ones who care. Those who have opposed using public money for the new Viking dome has gone down since October 2010, 37% are in favor today. I personally am not in favor of supporting professional sport leagues by tax payer’s money. Many of these leagues have over billions of dollars and are still in favor of taking the money of poor tax payers. I do think it is important that as a state we need our own home for our Viking team, but majority of the money should come from the team’s budget not tax money.
    -ramla islaw

  4. The poll "Would You Favor or Oppose Using Public Money for a New Viking's Stadium?". It was interesting to look at all of the questions that citizens were asked. I liked that both men and women were on the same page about how important the vikings were to them. I would've thought that the importance of the vikings to women would be less than half. But due to the fact that we have just built a new stadium for the Minnesota Twins, i think that they should look at other decisions like signing another contract to play in the Mall of America field to save money and also the fact that the Vikings have not been doing to well these past years and that would lead to less people showing up to the games causing them not to raise money that they should.
    -Meola Cheak
