Saturday, November 5, 2011

What is "Occupy Wall Street"?

Here is the link to the Wiki entry for the topic that is abuzz not just in New York, or even the US but has ignited world-wide. Don't read teh entire piece (unless inspired to do so) but if you read the first 3-4 sections you will have a good idea of what this movement is about.

Mr. Thompson


  1. kisna laanonh
    i thought this was a pretty interesting topic on how long it took many americans and other people to start a protest to occupy wall street 2-3 years dang! is that a long time i am still a little puzzled why the artical was stating about other protest around the world but i just didnt bother i too though would be pretty up set about the national debt and would like to do something about it but how is protesting gonna help. we as americans should do something else in stead of just stand around and wait or demand for change to happen we need to go out and get it

  2. Beth Daede
    Although I have heard about "Occupy Wall Street" before, (the news is often left on in my house), I found that this article filled me in on the questions I previously had about this issue. My previous knowledge consisted of knowing that there were a bunch of people in tents protesting against the government, and that problems such as uncleanliness and fights had taken place. This article informed me that these people are more than just protesting, but also want to create a "new America." They are completely anti-consumerist and seem to be most upset about the wealth distribution.
    In my opinion, I think these protests are causing more problems than they are solving. Yes, the protesters have definitely brought attention to themselves, but the Government simply isn't going to change as dramatically as the protesters want anytime soon.

  3. Yasmin Muse
    I've heard of the phrase "Occupy Wall Street "but I never really understood it clearly because of my poor knowledge and I really did not care about it . Now that I understand it more I've learned that it's a group of people that do not like how the government is running and they decide to protest against the government. The phrase "we are the 99%" is a political slogan of the Occupy protester between the Wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population. I've also found out that New York City had an ongoing "Occupy" movement for 74 days which I found it very shockingly . I think the people that where protesting must of had a lots of time in their hands . Instead of acknowledging themselves so they could make a chance for the better , they are wasting time on writing on a small peace of paper on what they think ,when they should be in school so they could make the change when they become a governor and actually have their opinion and voices be heard than.

  4. Kayla Nelson
    It’s very interesting in a way because it was part of a Canadian activist group Adbusters which is a Canadian-based anti-consumerist and pro-environment organization. They protested on September 17, 2011 against social and economic inequality, high unemployment, greed, and so on. It was peaceful occupation which is always nice because some protestors are very aggressive and demanding in a way. It toke them 3 years to actually start the protest which to my knowledge if you really want people to hear you, you better know what you’re doing. But in the end overall “occupy wall street” was all about protesting played a big part on the economic crisis in the 2008 recession.
    Yes I know very late and very sorry…

  5. Kayla Nelson

    It’s very interesting in a way because it was part of a Canadian activist group Adbusters which is a Canadian-based anti-consumerist and pro-environment organization. They protested on September 17, 2011 against social and economic inequality, high unemployment, greed, and so on. It was peaceful occupation which is always nice because some protestors are very aggressive and demanding in a way. It toke them 3 years to actually start the protest which to my knowledge if you really want people to hear you, you better know what you’re doing. But in the end overall “occupy wall street” was all about protesting played a big part on the economic crisis in the 2008 recession.

    So this is for NOVEMBER! My comments on Wall Street.
