Thursday, March 7, 2013

Filibuster, Rand Paul, CIA Director and Drones?

The article linked here is information about the filibuster we discussed in class today. The Senate is allowed to filibuster endlessly unless 60 Senators agree to stop the filibuster. A Republican spoke for about 13 hours Thursday (the 9th longest filibuster in our history). No vote can take place in the Senate as long as debate is continuing. As long as someone is talking, a vote can be delayed. The filibuster is a tactic usually reserved for the minority party (Republicans today) to prevent the majority (Democrats today) from passing something. In today's example, one of Pres. Obama's appointees was scheduled to be voted on by the Senate to see if that nominee should be confirmed by the Senate. An example of checks and balances that we are currently discussing.

Feel free to read and comment or just enjoy,
Mr. Thompson

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