Friday, March 8, 2013

Parts of Constitution

You asked so here is a brief outline of the 7 Articles
Mr. Thompson

Parts of the Constitution
Article 1 – Legislative - Congress
House of Representatives + Senate
When Congress will meet
Congress makes its own rules
Privileges and salary
How laws are passed
Congress’ powers (expressed powers)
Necessary and proper clause
a.k.a. elastic clause (implied powers)
Powers denied to Congress
State’s powers
Process of impeachment
Article 2 – Executive       President + VP + Cabinet
                     Powers of the Pres
Electoral College
Article 3 – Judicial Branch
                     Supreme Court and other courts
Article 4 – Full faith and credit clause
Article 5 – Process to add Amendments
Article 6 – Supremacy clause
Article 7 – Ratification of Constitution

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