Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Political Ideology/Philosophy Survey

Hey US Government students. Your assignment is to go to one or more of the websites and take the political philosophy or ideology surveys. Then, once you have been given your results, please write a short entry in the comments section explaining which survey you took and what you learned about yourself from the survey. Be sure to compare your results from this survey and the 25 question one we took in class. Were the results similar or different and how so?

Political Compass - this survey asks a series of questions that you may respond to. Submit your answers and your score will be plotted in a 4 quadrant graph explaining who you are.

Political Typology - respond to a series of prompts based on what you agree most with and then find out how you compare with the rest of America.

Political Survey - Read statements and check whether you agree with statement or not. Then your results will be plotted on a 4 quadrant grid explaining your politics.

Political Ideology Survey - Read statements and respond with whether you agree or not. Submit and find out your results.

Your results should be posted by midnight on Sunday April, 14th. Write it well and complete the task for 10 points.
Enjoy, Mr. Thompson


  1. Paul Holthaus- Hour 3

    I took the Political Survey. This survey positioned me slightly to the right and slightly more pragmatic than idealistic. This result is similar to the result i received from the survey taken in class. Both surveys positioned me as being pretty moderate but slightly more conservative than liberal.

  2. Christine Gorman-Hour 4
    I took the "Political Survey" above. From the survey, I learned that I am a left leaning, slightly pragmatic moderate. More specifically, the survey gave me the scores of +.7994 and +.0425 for right/left and pragmatism, respectively. These results are similar to the results from the political survey we took in class. On the in class survey, I scored a 17/25, which again shows that I am left-leaning.

  3. Alec Ziegler Hour 3

    For the Political Typology survey I was slightly left and down, close to where Gandhi was on the chart.
    For the Political Survey I was to the left and slightly leaning towards pragmatism.
    The results from both of these online surveys are similar to the survey that we took in class in which I scored as a liberal.

  4. Alex Brady Hr. 4

    I took the Political Ideology Survey above. From the survey, i learned that i am a moderate that is left leaning. Which is the same results i recieved from the survey we took in class. These results make sense due to the facts that i am a teenager who lives in Minnesota.

  5. Mackenzie Stock Hr. 3

    According to the Political Typology, I am a liberal. This is interesting because when we did the class survey, I was very conservative. Liberals believe that homosexuality should be accepted in society, which I agree on, but they are also very religious. I am not religious at all. I will be attending college next year which I do fit into the liberal group since 71% of liberals attend college. 2/3 of liberals are males, but I am a female. That isnt that big of an issue but it still is out of the ordinary. I feel like I should be more of an independent that a liberal or conservative because it all depends on the topic and how I feel about it.

  6. Andrew Lee 4th hour

    The Political Ideology Survey says that I am a moderate. It doesn't say left leaning or right leaning. It also says that I should look into the Green part as well as the Libertarian party.

  7. I took the Political Survey, and it said that I am more left than right. I am more left quite a bit comparatively to the 25 questions which said I was generally in the middle between Liberal and Conservative.

  8. P.K., Lai 3rd hour
    I took the political ideology which gave a moderate result. I could be apart of Green Party and Libertarian Party, as well as represented both republican and democratic. The result wasn't surprise me because it was close to the 25 Q's I took in class long ago and far away. I was right on 13/25. I thought it is important that you kept your self balanced; not to be obsess with one thing or leaning on just one side.

  9. Dan Cain hour 4

    I took the "Political Ideology Survey" which told me I am a strong liberal and that I share ideology with the following members of the house of representatives Nydia Velázquez, John Conyers Jr. , and John Lewis. All of which are Democrat.

    In the "Political Typology Survey" I found that I am a Post-modern along with 13% of the public.

  10. Elizabeth Shafer hour 3

    I took the "Political Ideology Survey" which told me that I have a moderate view on politics, I share views with both Democrats and Republic parties. The survey also told me that might be interested in the Green and Libertarian parties. People who have similar ideology are Mike McIntyre, (D - NA , 7th district) and Jim Marshall (D - GA , 8 the district)

  11. Alysha Langford Hour 4

    I took the Political Survey. This Survey showed that I am slightly right leaning and also slightly idealistic. I find this odd because during our class activity and worksheet survey we took, I was in the middle. I find this odd because of the fact that I am a female teenager who lives in Minnesota and am a Christian, I would think I would be more left leaning than right leaning. In the horseshoes we made in class, I was left leaning just slightly. In this survey I took, I was right leaning. Now, I am just plain confused as to what I am.

  12. Caitlyn Wheeler Hour 3

    After I took the political survey, it described me as a moderate liberal. This isn't surprising because I got the same results from the survey we took as a class. Both surveys said that I am a left leaning individual. I fit this description statistically because I am a Caucasian young woman living in Minnesota, which is a more liberal state. This survey just reaffirmed that I am a moderate liberal.

  13. Toan Tran - Hour 5
    I took the "Political Survey" on the link above. This Survey showed me that I slightly lean to the right which is almost a moderate and closer to Joseph Stalin on the graph. Similarly to the survey which I took in class that I am a liberal, but I am a little bit close to moderate.

  14. Brittany Rotz
    Hour 5
    I took the political typology survey and it stated that economically I am conservative but liberal when it comes to social issues. I absolutely agree with the survey. The survey was right on point and it also matched the survey we took in class. I was moderate conservative in the class survey.

  15. Ellie Rowland-Hour 5
    I took the "Political Compass." The results were
    Economic Left/Right: -5.38
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.44.
    This placed me closer to Gandhi, as a libertarian socialist. This is different from the class survey because I ended up being moderate in the class and this compass placed me as very libertarian.

  16. Katie Tran - Hour 3

    I took the political typology survey which stated that I am a solid liberal. This was not surprising considering that the survey which we took in class created the same result.

  17. Ashley Weyer-Hour 4
    I took the fourth survey. It reaffirmed the results I recieved in class, that I am a moderate, but slightly left leaning. It was interesting how others with some of the same characteristics as me, such as being a teenager, may share some of the same political views as I do.

  18. Nicholas Price 5

    I took the "Political Ideology Survey" and it said that I was moderate and that I identify with some of the views of both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. It also said that I may also be interestered in the Green Party and the Liberation Party. I was very surprised to find out that i was moderate, in the class survey i was a very strong liberal. Very interesting.

  19. Katrina Bennick
    5th hour
    I took the "Political Idology Servey" and it said i was moderate and that I identify with some of the views of both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. It also said that I may also be interestered in the Green Party and the Liberation Party. In class i was moderate but more left leaning towards being liberal. So i wasn't very suprised, it's what i figured.

  20. Alli Schumacher - 3

    I took the "Political Ideology Survey" and it said I was moderate. This wasn't surprising to me at all due to the fact that I was also moderate in the class survey that we took. Which means that I agree on topics both from the Democrat and Republican Party which I do agree on.

  21. Kirsten Fieck 5th Hour

    I took the "Political Typology" survey it said that I was a New Coalition Democrat. This is not a surprising since i recieved a moderate result in class. The survey also stated that I am with 10% of the public on being a New Coalition Democrat.

  22. Katie Kubat

    I took the "Political Typology" survey. It said I was a new coalition democrat. The survey in class told me I was more liberal, but this survey told me i was more moderate. I feel like I am in between the class survey and the online survey because a lot of the questions were either extreme left leaning or extreme right leaning.

  23. Jillian Mathias 4th Hour

    I took the "Political Survey". It said i was a Left leaning idealist. The class survey said i was a 9 which is pretty moderate left leaning. I feel these two surveys collaberated pretty closely.

  24. Jordan Jensen 4th Period

    I took the Political Typology quiz. It said that I was a New Coalition Democrat, along with 10 percent of the public. I thought that the results from this quiz and the one that I took in class were very similar.

  25. Tia Aljets Hr 4
    I took the Political Survey. The scatter plot showed that I was close to the middle, but a little left leaning.
    left/Right: -.7368
    Pragmatism: -.6573

    This means that I am an Idealistic. I am the middle of being a liberal and conservative. This matches the results of the quiz we took in class. I agree with the results of both of the surveys!

  26. Sopheak Heng 5th Hour
    I took "Political Ideology Survey" which show that I have a moderate view. I identify with some of the views of both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. It also said I may interested in the Green Party and the Libertarian Party. I share the same view with Representative Allen Boyd (D - FL, 2nd District)and Judy Biggert(R - IL, 13th District).

  27. Talyr Burt 4th Hr.

    When I took the political typology survey I ended up right in the middle as post moderate. Compared to the survey I took in class they are very close together, in class I was middle leaning left. I agree with this survey when it comes to social and political views, I would say I am moderate.

  28. Dontorrie Chatman 3rd Hour

    I took the Political Typology survey and based on the results I was defined as a solid liberal with 14% of the public. When doing the survey in class I scored a six so I'm not as surprised that I'm a "solid liberal".

  29. ALex Lovett 5th hour
    I took the political ideology survey above and it showed that I was a moderate in my political viewpoint. This was very simililar to the survey that I took in class that showed I scored 13/25 . This means that I have both Democratic and Republican viewpoints and I am pretty much in the middle of being liberal or conservative.

  30. Tarek Abdelqader-"Political Ideology Survey"
    According to the survey, I'm a moderate liberal. I chose liberal answers in response to all of the social issues, but my opinions about the economy are moderate. I believe a safety net for the poor is necessary in any modernized country, but I also know that competition in the job market is driven by a loosely regulated free market where anyone can succeed financially.

  31. Alyssa Maria Adler- I took the Political Ideology Test and according to the survey, I'm a solid liberal. I'm alike with 75% of Democrats that are solid liberals and along with 14% of the public. I believe that the govenrment should help out more to people in poverty. I also learned about myself that most of us liberals are female.

  32. Austin Rousu-political ideology survey.
    According to the survey, i'm moderate, right in the middle. on the paper survey in class i was about the same. Agree equally between liberal and conservative. That i have both republican and democrat views in our government.

  33. Elpida Nela Hour 3:
    T took the "Political Typology" survey and in the end it showed I am a New Coalition Democrat I am along with 10% of the public. I agree with survey placement because I lean toward liberal views,and I'm all about change for our government.The government should help the poor and other needy countries providing foreign aid.

  34. Tyler Richter Hour 5 - "Political Typology"
    After completed the survey I was shocked to find I was placed in a moderate leaning right political orientation. I found myself submitting a more liberal standpoint in the social issues while landing conservative choices in the Economic sections; leading to a moderate overall score.

  35. Jamie Hanly hour 3
    I took the "Political Ideology" survey and my results showed that I was a moderate, meaning i steer in the middle of democrats and republicans which is quite common. The results also said that I would most likely be a part of the Green Party. My results in this survey differed from the survey we took in class slightly. In class I was more liberal than moderate, but not by much whereas in the survey I am moderate

  36. Jake Nemgar/ Hour 3
    I took the "Political Ideology" survey and my results showed that I was a moderate conservative. My results in this survey differed from the survey we took in class slightly it rated me a little more moderate than the class survey still I agree with what the survey had to say about my political views I have quite a bit in common with republicans from Montana and Florida.

  37. Makayle brennan/hour3
    I took the political survey and showed that i was moderate but a little right leaning. On the chart it compared me to Josef Stalin so i thought that was pretty cool. This survey was almost exact to the one we took in class ,which i got a 17 on meaning i was more conservative than liberal. As time goes on this could change a little bit because we are still young and our priorities will be different now to then.

  38. N.Baltazar/ 4th hour

    In my opinion, after I took the "Political Ideology" survey and my score end up around 10 so I'm not as surprised that I'm a "solid liberal". I was more moderate and I supported both republicans and democrat views in our government.

  39. Mitchai Tankhamvang /4th hr

    I took the "political Typology" survey and my results showed me that im just a little bit to the left of the ideology line. When i took the survey on paper in class i was more moderate than i was after i took the survey online. There is definitely a difference from the survey from class than the one online.

  40. Merna AL. 3rd hour

    I took the "political Typology" survey and I saw that I'm a Democrat. Same as the survey we took in class because the first survey showed that I'm a liberal. I believe that government should help poor or middle class people to have better lives in the U.S.

  41. Alex Ke - 4th Hour

    I took the "Political Typology" survey and the results of the score showed me that Im a New Coalition Democrat. I fit with 10% of the public. I agree with the survey. I believe the government can help people who need it. Unfortunately I was gone when we took the survey with the class.

  42. I took the Political Ideology Survey.My rersults were prety moderate which means that is left leaning. I got the same results from the survey we all took in class. These results make some sense sense due to the facts that I am a teenager who lives in Minnesota, but also surprised me because I am a Hispanic person and we have a little bit of different ideas and different type ok thoughts and I've only been living in the US for 2 years.

  43. Diana Gomez/5th Hour

    I took the Political Ideology Survey and my results came back as a moderate liberal. That wasn't surprising considering I was in the middle for the survey that we had taken in class. My survey also said that I mostly agree with the views of a Democratic and that I would also be interested in the Green party. My Ideology was shared with a couple members from the House of Representatives, who happened to be democrats.

  44. I took the Political Survey and I found my self in the center little on the left hand side side. Even in the class when I did the survey I was on the center and left side ; hence I am a moderate liberal.

    Arwa Alnajarani/ Hour 5

  45. Brian Omwange-5hr
    Political Ideology Survey

    Based on your response to the questions on the political ideology survey, you are a moderate conservative

    The survey was a perfect match to what i hard i class.

  46. Alex Welsh Hour 5
    Based on your response to the questions on the political ideology survey, you are a moderate.

    The survey didnt match what I had in class. I was more liberal in class.

  47. Claudia Guerrero, 4th Hour
    I took the Political Compass test and got scored as a left liberal or Economic Left/Right: -4.62 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.33. Which I believe matches nicely with a five I got in out in class survey. I did find it interesting as my score in the political compass almost matches up with the score of the Dalai Lama, with him just being a bit to the right of me.

  48. Brooklyn Williams - hour 5
    I took the Political Survey. From the survey, I was positioned a little off to the left, liberal. I was surprised by this because based on the survey we took in class, I was way off to the right, conservative. This also placed me a little more pragmatic than idealistic.

  49. Haley Lenz Hr 3
    I took the Policital Survey. The survey positioned me a little to the right from liberal. This surprised me because when we did the assignment in class I was really conservative.

  50. isaac levorson hr 5
    i took the 3rd political ideology test out of the four and it said that i am moderatly conservative. i dont think this was a very accurate test because i had no idea what most of the questions ment. But anyways this test said that i believe in almost all of a conservatives views but my mind is still open to some liberal ideas
