Friday, April 26, 2013

Test on Congress Tuesday April 30th

Test on Legislative Branch – It is not easy….spend the time to get ready!
50 points – Multiple Choice, Completion, and Short Answer

1. Facts about Congress (T-chart on House and Senate)
2. Congressional Districts (drew the MN districts and looked at some maps)
3. Committees – types of committees and roles of committees in the functioning of Congress. (read and took some notes)
4. Lawmaking process (chart of the steps in the process
5. Vocabulary (refer to the quiz and which terms we did poorest on)
6. Expressed powers and implied powers of Congress (assignment on powers of Congress)
7. Budget study – Vocabulary, Trends, Spending and Revenue. Don’t worry about the numbers!
8. Know the people who represent you in Congress (There are 3)

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