Monday, March 3, 2014

4th Period - 5 Things you should know about the Crimea

Attached is a link to what one might want to know about the part of the Ukraine that is at the heart of the situation going on in the region. Go ahead and read the article and then write a short response to the current situation. Be sure your response references something from the article.

Assignment is due by 3:03 on Friday March 7th

Mr. Thompson


  1. It is this easy to post a comment.
    Mr. Thompson

  2. Well wow. What really startles me is the conclusin that Putin is "cleary a desperate man." Surely there will be negative repercussions for Russia ifif Crimea is completely annexed.It seems to me that Russia is not justified in their actions. While it is true that the occupation of Sevastopol is important to Russia's military and livelihood, it is also true that Russia's may legally reside there until 2047. Ukraine may decide to kick them out before then, but until that point I think Russia should refrain from poking a sleeping bear in the eye. It makes much better sense to continue legally using Sevastopol, not making anyone anymore angry, and if Ukraine decides to kick Russia out, then decide to annex Crimea.

    1. -Phil Empty aka Paul Edlund...Mr. Thompson's valuable TA

  3. Before reading this article, I (wrongly) assumed that Russia was the main power at play, wishing to dominate the "peaceful" country of Ukraine. Yet, the agreement between Russia and Ukraine in 1994 (Budapest Memorandum) shows that Ukraine can be extremely dangerous when provoked, considering its supply of nuclear weapons. Knowing that violating this treaty could result in nuclear warfare, I don't understand why Putin risks his country and it's economy for Crimea, provoking Ukraine. It's interesting that Crimea's been used "to supply Bashar al-Assad throughout the current civil war in Syria". Maybe there's a bigger plan in the works?
    ~Emily Mattson

  4. What's up with Putin? Dump nearly $50 billion on Winter Olympic facilities that will hardly be used now that the games are over then decide to move 150,000 troops near Ukraine and in doing so ending up straining relations between many countries and possibly killing Russia's already fragile economy just to gain better access to a port? Doesn't he realize the benefits don't out weight the downfalls? The lease on Russia's naval port in Crimea is good until 2047. Why jeopardize that? As explained in the article, Putin could easily take over Crimea. That is a sad thought to the sovereign territory of Crimea but not much gain comes to Putin besides pride. Hopefully Putin will back off of Ukraine and not take over Crimea.
    ~ Jason Rieke

  5. I think that Putin is not thinking very clearly. First off by threatening this one area he may be bringing many countries against him. Another thing is that lots of the people in Crimea are anti-Russian and he is going to have some problems to figure out with what may happen to and with them. Putin is also breaking the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, which can give Ukraine the right to have nuclear weapons, which he does not know what they may do with them, who knows? I think also that getting Crimea is not that big of a deal why not, if he is going to cause all this trouble, just try and do more and try to take over the entire country? Yes that would be even more difficult, but like one of the sentences part of this article says “It appears that Putin feels that he has nothing left to lose.” It seems like he should just go big or go home. So I think Putin needs to just sit down and take a day or two to think about what he is doing, so he does not do something that he will regret later on.
    -Alyssa Johnsrud

  6. I think Putin isn't thinking and wants to prove himself that he's powerful. He's copying the invasion on crimea in 2008 to the act of war. Russian separatist military invading airports and gov't buildings. Russia wants to keep crimea to satisfy their own pride. I don't think pride is bad thing but it doesn't just affect those two countries if affects countries all over the world. I also don't think they need to fight they could talk it out like adults are suppose do.
    -Megan Underdahl

  7. It almost seems as if Putin is treating this conflict as a game. He provokes Ukraine as soon as the olympics are over invaidnig with his unmarked troops. Risking everyones safety by breaking the 1994 Budapest Memorandum and just asking Ukraine to fight back. All this for Crimea, even if obtained the risks far out weigh the rewards. Not to mention he is completely disregarding Russia's economy. He is single handedly destroying relations with other countries who Russia trades with. He needs to take responsibilty and back down.
    -Ben Parks

  8. it seems like putin is paying a big game at the ukraine right when the olympics was over putin sent troops to make it seem like he is playing a war game with the ukrain if this all keeps up putin can mess up his relations ships with other country and russia economy-Elvir Pedic

  9. I understand why Russia wants Crimea. There is some pride that Russia wants to uphold, but it has a huge benefactor to them as well! They have access to the black sea and as it says in the article without Crimea Russia is finished as a global military power, which weakens them immensely! Even though I understand why Russia wants Crimea, Russia needed to approach Ukraine with a meeting of some sort! Not send in troops to “protect” the people that live there! That is not the reason why they are there and everyone knows it. Russia is being childish and needs to grow up. They are risking their own country’s wellness because Putin wants a piece of land; and also potentially creating a war that we would enter into! Putin is hurting his country rather than helping it and he needs to realize that Crimea is not worth starting a war, and hurting his own economy and his people. But then again he probably doesn’t care what happens to his people.

    -Alisa Schrimpf

  10. Putin has a high ego. He is violating the treaty 1994 Budapest Memorandum. I have a feeling we are going to get a Nuke War. However, i don't think Putin has the power to take over Crimea because then you got Gorgia who has better military " Putin will also see a military buildup in his backyard. NATO membership for Georgia, with the advanced weapon systems and training it will bring, will surely degrade Russian national security" if Putin still goes on from this then he does not realize that he is chewing more than he can swallow.

    - Mohamed Mohamed

  11. Politics is very complicated and tricky. Surely, the US, NATO, and many European countries are trying to find a solution, but there will certainly be tons of conflict if Putin is going to do what he wants. He really shouldn't have messed things up like this. Since there are numerous consequences for both Russia and Ukraine, Russia should really stay peaceful in the region. Anyway, I wonder whether there is any way that can stop Putin.
    Putheawin Samphea

  12. Reading the article i understand why both the country wants Crimea that is " like florida or texas " for the United States. But Putin is playing a game that can result dangerous and that can compromise the actually peacefull situation in the world. He is approaching the situation in a wrong way , maybe he should try with a diplomatic meeting without act like a "child" .

    -Giorgio Trisciani

  13. Putin is clearly trying to show off to the world!!!!! In this he is endangering his own government and he is provoking a war that who knows if he achieve these goals he has set for himself and the rest of his gov.! It doesn't really matter wheather or not he is serious, in started some trouble, a threat is a threat and he is surely putting on a rather threatening show. i dont know much about government but putting your own government at risk just do gain more territory and possible start a fight that is unsuring who will win???????? idk about you but sounds like a lot of red flags in that maybe you should aproach this differently.

    -Cody Johnson

  14. Putin wants power over the Ukrain and there naval port and to control their weapons-MohamedKadar Idle

  15. as it says in the article Russia could with no problem at all take over the Crimea as easily as they want, but what's holding them back is if they did attack it would hurt their economy a lot, and other countries would cut ties off with trading goods
    -Carter Kitzman

  16. Putin wants to take over Crimea wich is part of Ukraine. Russia wants it becase its important for there militiry. The united states and other countries are trying to tell Putin to stop trying gain control.

    1. Anonymous: from Mustafa Hammoudi.

  17. I think that Putin should calm down a little bit and actually think about what he's doing. He's just put a big strain on Russia's economy with the Olympics, and he's risking the economy further with the conflict in Crimea. For one thing, Crimea is sovereign Ukrainian territory, and for another, if Putin does try and take over Crimea, other nations may refuse to trade with him.
    On a side note, I thought it was interesting that the article talked about how limited Putin's military is. If the military is so underequipped, then why send them into combat?
    -Emma Sharp

  18. We do not know, and will probably never know if the people of Ukraine ever really wanted Yanukovych out, the politicians should not act on their own motives.
    - taylor jech

  19. After reading the article i dont understand why Putin would even give thought to annexing Crimea. The consequences outway the benefits for him. If he attacksCrimea he will loose a considerable amount of his oil exports, and he will see a lot of military build up around the country
    Chris Goode

  20. After reading this article, I understand why both sides want Crimea. Russia wants it because even though they lost the Crimean War fought in the 1850's, as stated, it's still a region for the Russian's pride. Ukraine wants it because it's sovereign Ukrainian territory. So what's going through Putin's head? Why is he trying to do this when Russia's economy is already so fragile? Hopefully Putin will weigh his pros and cons and realize that it's not worth taking over Crimea, ruining their economy more, just for better access on a naval base.
    -Cody Faber

  21. After reading this article, I realize Putin wants power over ukraine but what he doesnt realize is it isn't worth it and it can ruin more of the economy.- Abdi Omar

  22. Before reading this i really wasn't familiar with the article or the argument from the text. Through out the article it shows that Putin is a difficult and hard headed for reasons that shouldn't be arguable.instead of sending these troops and putting more struggle upon Russia's economy when it is already so fragile.The fighting and arguing could be taken forth at a more reasonable manner on just talking and coming to an agreement. Maybe Putin will realize better access on a naval base isn't worth all the fight and struggle. Think about it Putin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    -Austin Bishop

  23. When I first heard about Putin sending troops to the boarder I thought it was suppose to be some kind of act of war, or a kind of attack on the Ukraine. But finding out that he just wants to get better access to a naval base is just kind of really stupide. After spending $50 billion just on the Olympics and weakening Russians economy now he wants to make a hasty decision of maybe going to war and doing even more damage on that already weakened economy and just angering the Russian and Ukrainian people. the thing that surprises me most was that he is going back on the 1994 Budapest Memorandum which is just giving the Ukraine the right to use nuclear weapons. All im saying is Putin should rethink and think about future consequences before making a decision he is just going to regret later.
    -Haris Kaltak
