Friday, March 14, 2014

Political Ideology Survey

Hey US Government students. Your assignment is to go to one or more of the websites and take the political philosophy or ideology surveys. Then, once you have been given your results, please write a short entry in the comments section explaining which survey you took and what you learned about yourself from the survey. Be sure to compare your results from this survey and the 25 question one we took in class. Were the results similar or different and how so?

Political Compass - this survey asks a series of questions that you may respond to. Submit your answers and your score will be plotted in a 4 quadrant graph explaining who you are.

Political Typology - respond to a series of prompts based on what you agree most with and then find out how you compare with the rest of America.

Political Survey - Read statements and check whether you agree with statement or not. Then your results will be plotted on a 4 quadrant grid explaining your politics.

Political Ideology Survey - Read statements and respond with whether you agree or not. Submit and find out your results.

Your results should be posted by midnight on Sunday March 23rd, 2014. Write it well and complete the task for 10 points.
Enjoy, Mr. Thompson


  1. I actually took all of the surveys, and got the same answer from all of them, as I did from the quiz we took in class. They all said I was moderately liberal, which I can agree with. In the first two surveys, I was given a close title of Libertarian, and in the latter two I was given the normal term Moderately Liberal. I liked all of the surveys, however found that my favorite was the one labeled Political Survey as well as Political Typology.

    -Weylin C

  2. the survey i took on line showed me I was moderate on the left side. In class i seemed to be very conservative. I feel the survey was accurate and I'm more on the moderate area. Being on the liberal side fits me because I'm young and I think with my heart

    :) Alex Steffl :)

  3. Out of the two surveys I participated in, Political Ideology and Political Typology, both of my results came out to be liberal; more specifically as a strong and solid liberal. Both of these surveys acturately parelled to the survey we took in class. The Political Ideology survey stated that I would agree the strongest with the Democratic party (which I agree with), but also suggested the Green Party which I am not as familiar with... The Political Typology mentioned that 14% of the general public was also agreeed to strong liberal beliefs, which I found interesting.
    Grace Schroeder

  4. Based on my results from the two surveys (Political Ideology and Political Typology), I was told I was a Moderate/Mainstreet Republican. This ideology fits my beliefs better than the in-class survey displayed. I've always believed myself to be more conservative in my views, so I was surprised by my left-leaning moderate result from the in-class survey. I also found it interesting that one tends to become more conservative fiscally because of the increase in tax payments.
    ~Emily Mattson~

  5. I took the Political Typology and the Political Ideology surveys and I got very different results from the two. In the Political Typology survey it said that I was a Mainstreet Republican and I think that ideology is very similar to my values and beliefs so I think that was pretty accurate. Also, it was very similar to what I was in class. On the survey I was one group away from being very conservative and in class I was conservitive, but not to the extreme. What I found interesting was that in the Political Ideology survey it said I was both Democratic and Republican and I think that is somewhat accurate, though I see myself more Republican. It also said I should consider that I might be a part of the Green and Libertarian Party and based off of what we did in class and the other survey I don't think I am very Liberal. I found the results to both the surveys to be very different from eachother.
    -Megan Busciglio

  6. I took the typology quiz witch told me I was more conservative which put me at the same spot as Stalin on the scale. In class when we took the survey I got a 13 out of 25 on it. That put me in a more moderate spot. I think I am very moderate.
    -Elvir Pedic Hr 4

  7. I took the Political Ideology and Political Typology. For my result in Political Ideology, I got a moderate, because it said that I was probably identifying with some views of both Democratic Party and Republic Party. It also told me that I could be interested in the green Party and the Libertarian Party. I think this is really tell me I'm in both side in the party. In the Political Typology survey I was a new coalition democrat. We are only 10% of the public right now. I believe that we need a strongly pro-government. I also believe that our country can solve problems and an individual's ability to get ahead through hard work, and also approve of regulation and environmental protection. I'm in both sides of the party, but I mostly in the Democratic.

    -Yeng Thao


  8. I was actually curious about what political party I fit in because the survey we took in class said that I was liberal so I’ve taken all the surveys that were on this website and they’ve been giving me the same results over and over which was liberal. I think this is becuase i'm still young but as i grow i think i will change .
    -MohamedKadar Idle

  9. In class i was on the left side identifiyng that i am very liberal. After taking the Politcal Typology survey, i was placed in the middle as moderate. That seemed really accurate and probably closer corrisponding with my personality.
    -Giorgio Trisciani 4th hour

  10. i took the third one and it said the same as in class that i was in the middle but leaning towards liberal
    -taylor j-

  11. On the test I did in class I receved a 9 (moderate leaning liberal), however on the political typology test I was placed into the post-modern area of the political spectrum which is most similar to the moderate (happy medium) of the spectrum.

  12. I took the political compass and the political typology test. Both of them said that I was moderate. This agrees with the survey we took in class because I got a 10 out of 25.
    Chris Goode

  13. I took the Political Compass Quiz, and it said I was a left leaning moderate, just like the survey said in class. This is no surprise as my family is generally more liberal, but the fact that I hold being moderate as a good value to have that has also influenced my position on this. If you care to see where I placed on the graph just copy and paste this into your URL bar:

    -Chris Vierkant

  14. I took the Political Ideology Quiz. Through my answers it was determined that I was moderate. This corolated exactly to the quiz we took doing class. I agree with some of the views of both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. It also said my ideology is shared by the following Members of the House of Representatives:
    Allen Boyd (D - FL, 2nd District)
    Judy Biggert (R - IL, 13th District)
    -Jill Modjeski

  15. I took the Political Ideology Survey online. Based on my response to the questions on the political ideology survey I am a moderate conservative. I agree with the views of the Republican party according to the online survey. I was not surprised by these results from the survey online because of my results from the survey we did in class. I was also this way in class. My score was a 14/25 on the class survey. The class survey showed me that I am more liberal with the fiscal issues but more conservative with the social issues. I am somewhat selfish when it comes to politics. I believe people can work hard and be successful therefore people don't need outside help. You can choose to be successful in America for the most part. Laziness is a choice in this country. On the other hand, I believe there are a few exceptions to the government helping people. For example, helping wounded soldiers is a great thing because they didn't choose to get hurt fighting for our country. They deserve our help. On the social issues of politics, I find myself being more conservative which is confirmed in the surveys. My beliefs and values shape my conservative view of social issues. In summary, I agree with the results of both surveys. I am close to the middle but lean towards the conservative side.
    --Shane Guidinger
    --Hour 5

  16. I took the Political Survey. Base on my result, I'm slightly to the left side of the scale which means I'm a little liberal, and I'm more idealistic. It also showed that I have political personalities similar to Tony Blair (I'm not sure who he is). Compare to the survey result in class, I'm more liberal than this. Anyway, I'm still liberal which is satisfying to me.
    Putheawin Samphea

  17. Yo its yo boy MoMo. i took the political compass survey and my results were exactly how i expected. i was slightly on the left side. and in class when we did our survey as a class, my result was a 12. so basically i am slightly on the left, but VERY moderate. you could say i am a MODERATE WARRIOR.

    -Mohamed Mohamed aka MoMo

  18. I took the political typology survey and based on my results I was a little to the left but in the middle. the survey we took in class I was at 11.-Abdi Omar

  19. I took the Political Survey and it lined up a little into the right, idealistic side. Which I found strange because in class I got a 9 out of 25. but I'm just glad that I have positive values.

    -Haris Kaltak

  20. I took the survey with the 4 quadrant graph. I scored almost directly in the middle which i think is kind of strange because i was much more liberal in class. In class i scored a 7, while on this survey, if i put it on the same scale 1-25, i would have gotten a 13. I'd say that i'm more liberal than conservative because i'm not an old white dude yet.

    -Emin Budimlic
    Hour 7

  21. I took all of the political surveys and they all said that i was mostly moderate. I disagree with these answers. I'm actually farely anarchistic, though not completely. I scored a 17 on the in-class survey because i answered all of the questions anarchisticly. Since you either had to answer agree or disagree to the questions, you were automatically pushed either right or left. For example, i believe one question had to do with military spending and whether you agree that we should increase taxes for military spending, and i put disagree. So therefore i was automatically pushed farther left, even though i don't agree with ANY taxes. Even though i'm in the military, many of my views relate to anarchy.

    -Max Ladsten, hour 5

  22. I took the political compass survey and I was labeled as a Libertarian which is correct . My score on here matches my score for the one in class that we did . I am pretty liberal and the surveys that we took have proven to me that I am a very liberal person .
    -Admira Sinanovic

  23. the survey i took (Political Ideology) showed me I was moderate . In class i was very moderate as well . I feel the survey was accurate and that the results are accurate. Being on the liberal side and the conservative side, fits me because I'm young and have a heart but still use the brains I have.

    Spencer Stock Hour 7

  24. I entered the survey knowing that I would most likely end up with a fairly conservative result. I took the political typology quiz and ended with a title of "main street" conservative. I agree with this because at the stage of life I'm in currently as well as the influence I most definitely received from my parents though out my life. There are questions that are hard to answer so black and white however and I wish there was a more moderate answer that could be chosen, however it seemed pretty spot on.
    -Riley Regimbal

  25. I took the political typology survey and it gave me the results of being a "main street conservative" along with 11% of public. Based on our survey in class, I fit in roughly the same category: not extreme conservative, but definitely leaning right. There were some questions I didn't know the answer to and wasn't sure which I agreed with more. I'm sure as I get older and form stronger opinions I will be able to answer these questions more confidently. Different situations affect different questions so if there were a "middle" answer, I probably would have put that. Overall, the survey essentially reaffirmed what I already knew about myself.
    -McKenna Schuster hour 5

  26. I had taken the Political Typology which gave me a title as a "Libertarian" Conservative. Going into this survey I was considered a little right leaning and after the survey it pretty much summed me up on my political view. I would have to say I agree with what the survey says about me but some of the questions I answered were a bit too broad and wished that there was a median to the answers that were given.
    -Quentin Rench
    Hour 4

  27. I took the political ideology survey and got "moderate liberal" in class I was very liberal. The online survey asked a broader range of questions than the one in class so I think it gave a better representation. I agree with the political ideology survey as I do think I am pretty liberal but not as extreme as represented on the in class survey. I don't think an online survey can accurately depict one's views however as the questions are stated in a way where you can only choose one side or the other theres no medium.

    -Uyen Nguyen Hr 5

  28. I chose the Political Typology Survey and got "Post-moderate" compared to the in class survey I was also moderate. Also, when it comes to social issues I lean more toward the liberal side in both surveys. I agree with both of the surveys because overall I seem to be balanced towards the middle and have a more moderate view. However both surveys seemed to only allow you to pick to opposite extremes which doesn't seem to be a reality in most real life situations there are always different views and ways of looking at things and more than just two solutions or answers to solve a problem.
    -Aaron Zigan Hr 7

  29. I only took the first two surveys on the list in addition to the survey done in class. All three surveys gave the same result: Liberal. I'm not surprised with those results because I come from a very liberal household and I personally agree with many of the liberal viewpoints we've talked about in class.

    -Emma Sharp (hour 4)

  30. The political survey that i took showed that i moderatly conservative to the right witch mactched with the survey i took in class.That im more corservative then liberal but still closer to the middle section witch most of the cizens are . witch i agree with cause i believe that we should take care of are self before others.
    -conrad parker hr 4

  31. I choose to take the Political Survey, and my results were the same as I got in class. For the in-class survey, my scores were right in the middle (moderate), and I received the same score online. On the scatter plot they showed my score basically smack-dab in the middle as pragmatic/idealistic. Personally, I think I tend to lean more towards the right side (conservative), because of how I have been raised, but with the results that I received on the surveys in class and online I am about right in the middle. According to the surveys, I must have a little more liberalism in me than I thought.
    -Maggie Olstad hour 7

  32. I took all of the surveys to find out which one i liked the best and found I like the political compass's answering system with the strong disagree to the strong agree giving a way to better answer that is closer to how one actually feels about the question. As for the result i got moderate liberal which is close to what I got in class but i feel the compass is a bit more accurate as it used a 4 quadrant system which allows it so show where you are in the area of the regular line like it showed that i was moderately liberal with a leaning towards libertarian left rather than just saying I was just moderately left like a regular single line showing liberal and conservative
    - Ethan M. hr 7

  33. I took the four quadrant political survey and scored a little to the right of the median line but was still really close to the middle. In class I was fairly conservative but I still agree with this surveys results.
    -Colton Benavidez

  34. I took the Political Ideology Survey, Contained in this survey were my ideological finds and which sector of the political parties I reside. The Results of my survey were not too surprising; it disclosed that I was a strong conservative. Our in class survey revealed the same results as I was place in the top 80% or our class. The results also showed that my political views were most agreeable with the Republican Party. The Test likewise said that I may also be interested in the Libertarian Party.
    I learned that my political beliefs may come from strong family and community influences. I also believe my political ideology could have resulted in the fact that I was raised in an extremely catholic household. To conclude, My political Ideology surveys resulted in the conclusion that I was a strong conservative whom also belongs to the Republican Party.
    -Sammy Hanson Hour 5

  35. I chose to do the political compass test and the results were not overwelmingly surprising. I learned that for me, it really depends on the topic at hand whether or not I feel more liberal or conservative about it. With all the work we have done on differenciating between liberal and conservative, I was able to know exactly what statements were liberal and which were conservative so this test meant a little bit more and took some more harder thinking to complete than the earlier test in class. My overall results were consistent with the test that we did in class showing that I am a little left leaning. In the end, as I age, I believe I will follow the trend and become more conservative. I like guns, dream of owning my own land, and plan on being mostly self sufficient without much government input. Still, I dont think I could ever get rid of many of my liberal views.
    - Jason Rieke Hour 4

  36. MY RESULTS: Based on your response to the questions on the political ideology survey, you are a moderate.
    You probably identify with some of the views of both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. You may also be interested in the Green Party and the Libertarian Party.
    This survey is similar to the one I took in class, because in the class one I was right in the middle so moderate seems about right. I agree with some things and disagree with others, so that would make sense to be moderate to in the middle, which was what both the in class survey and this survey showed.
    Alyssa Johnsrud

  37. After taking the Youth Leadership political ideology survey, I have been classified as a moderate. That is the same results I got with the survey in class. And if I wasn't certain I was a moderate before, I am now. For this survey asked some different questions then the one we took in class. Perhaps when I grow up i'll begin to lure myself to a definite party when I gain more political experience.

  38. The Political Ideology Survey i took showed that i was moderately liberal and that i would lean more to the democratic side of politics, this does correlate to my results that i had in class, showing that i am liberal and most of the topics i agreed with were to help out the economy or to help middle or lower classes gain more strength in today's society, caring for others then just trying to improve ones self.
    -Jon Lloyd 4th hour

  39. I took the Political Typology Survey. This survey said that i was a New Coalition Democrat, close to moderate. In class the survey said i was moderate so both surveys were close. I agree with both that i am mostly moderate but we will see where i end up in the future.
    - Kyle Gossman

  40. hey i took the political typology survey and i was slightly leaning towards the left. in class, i was in the far left also, i was a 13 so i am liberal. basically i am a moderate because i am on the middle but slightly
    to the left


  41. I took the quiz and i got moderate! When I took the quiz in class I was also moderate so i guess thats where im staying! They all said I was a little more conservative, which I can agree with. Also they said that i should stick with the color green and im a little more Democrat. I care about helping people as well so that could be another reason i care about people and the place I live.
    -Megan Underdahl
    -Hour 4

  42. I took Political Ideology Survey, and within that survery it said I was a very strong conservative. I was a little surprised by these results because in the survey that we took in class it said I was in between moderate and conservative, but not that strong. I pretty much knew what side I was leaning on going into the survey, but after taking it, it definitely showed my political view.
    -Cody Faber
    -Hour 4

  43. I took the Political Compass, Political Ideology, and the Political Typology survey's. All three of them stated I was a tad bit leaning to the left, but not always supportive of Democratic views. The Political Compass told me I was a nice mix between Ghandi and Stalin, both who had more liberal views. It's funny because I always thought of myself as a Conservative, but even in class when I was an overall 9/25, I was still identified as a Libral, but I suppose I just feel strongly about certain topics.

    -Reed McLevis, Hour 5.

  44. I took the Political Ideology. the survey said that I was moderatly Liberal and in class I got a 7/25 and was very liberal

    -Amal Sheikh-Mursal Hour 5

  45. I took three of the quizzes and all of them showed that I am more liberal than conservative; although I do agree with topics on both sides of the political spectrum. I usually find myself right in the middle but if I feel strongly about a certain topic or issue I'm on one side or the other. In class, I had about the same results as well!! I thought of myself as more liberal, but it really does depend on the topic of conversation as to which side I agree with.
    --Rachel Suffrins, hour 5

  46. I took all of the surveys and they all said pretty much the same thing the I am liberal but just not extremely liberal. In class I was I got the same results. I think I was a 10 in class and these survey justify that score. They are all good survey but I like the political compass the best out the surveys on here.
    Ian Hackman hr 5

  47. i took the political typology survey and found that i was mostly conservative. When we did the little test in class, i was a bit shifted to the right. My number was 14.

    farhan ali H5

  48. I took the Political Ideology Survey and it turns out that i am a more conservative person. This didnt come to shock to me because like the quiz we took in class i was more right leaning than left. i was a high 16-18 in class and on this survey. So it looks to be that i am more strongly conservative.
    -Austin Bishop

  49. I took survey and I was using google translater. Before i came here I thought Im more right person. But that's wrong. Im left person. I think it will be more helpful when I vote for my country.

    -Boyeon Park-

  50. I took the Political Ideology Survey and felt like it was very similar to the questions on the paper verison survey we got handed out. The only difference was that on the paper verison i was considered very liberal while on the online version i was considered moderate liberal which really doesnt matter to me because at the end of the day i view myself as a democrat.
    Sara Lado Hr.4

  51. Well, my results weren't very surprising. My results from the Political Compass survey were almost identical to the Ideology survey we took in class; im more to the right but not extremely to the right of course. On the liberal vs. conservative scale, I was more in the middle. I agree with most liberal characteristics such as, going the extra mile to help others in need and can't help themselves but, I also agree with some conservative topics like, having more strict gun laws and or making abortion more controlled... but at the same time I don't want it to be illegal; which makes me lean more to the liberal spectrum.
    -Rikira Petersen
    Hr. 7

  52. Yes I realize I'm incredibly late but better late than never I guess. I took the Political Typology Quiz, just as almost everyone else did. The questions were generally easy to answer and my result put me as a New Coalition Democrat which looked to be somewhere in the middle of a moderate and an extreme liberal. In class I was the most liberal person- scoring what I remember to be a 4. I can definitely agree that I'm a democrat but not as strong of one as I was set up as in class. I thought the characteristics given for the New Coalition Democrat were interesting though. It says ◾About three-in-ten are first or second generation Americans and ◾Half are regular volunteers for charity or non-profit groups which directly apply to me.
    Have a decent spring break,
    Elvira Pedic (5th Hr)

  53. I took the Political Ideology Survey it was very similar to the one we took in class. I honestly took more time completing the one on line and found that with more thought some of my answers changed. My answers where similar, I am considered moderately conservative. This shocked me because I thought I was very liberal. Usually leaning more toward Democratic candidates. I think now, based on these results I may entertain more Republican views. Chance Swanberg Hour 7
