Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Political Ideology Assignment

Go ahead and take the GoToQuiz. At the end, you will get a description of who you are based on your answers to the questions. Post a comment based on what you found out about yourself. Be sure to comment on how these results compare with the results of the survey we took in class. Pay attention to how you responded to the question and the topic of the questions as this could only help when it comes time for us to take our Political Ideology quiz next week. This is an assignment and it must be completed before we take our ideology quiz in class.

If you want to take other online quizzes here some other links. Have fun!
Mr. Thompson

Political Ideology Quiz
Political Typology Quiz
The Political Compass
I Side With


  1. I scored Moderate on both the survey we took in class, and the Political Ideology quiz- Kaleb Ihde

  2. I was as rated as a social democrat which goes pretty well with the survey we took in class.
    Hayy Jadran

  3. I was categorized as a 80% Conservative. This result is accurate to what I scored in class with a 16/25.
    Drew Becker

    1. I think the online quiz was more accurate than the in-class survey because its questions were more detailed.

  4. I scored as a strong Libertarian. This quiz and my other score from class are fairly accurate. I believe this is correct and good to know.

  5. Phillip Del Vecchio
    I scored as a conservative, interesting.

  6. The survey we took in class categorized me as fairly moderate. The online Ideology Quiz defined me as a 76% liberal, which I think is most accurate.

    Mikaela Potaracle

  7. The survey we took in class showed I was moderate in social views and conservative in fiscal views. This online quiz agreed that I am conservative and a Libertarian. I agree with this because Libertarians typically favor freedom and oppose government action to promote either equality or order.

    Isaac Lamppa

  8. After taking the quiz, I scored as a fascist/radical right. I find this close to the score I got in class as I scored moderate in social and fiscal views.

    Luke Ranfranz

    1. i Scored an 87% in the online quiz, which is the fascist/radical right. In class i scored a 16, which is slightly to the right but not where the online quiz put me. I thought both of the quizzes were accurate, but the online quiz was better for me. Even though i dont totally agree with the result i was given, it gave much more options to choose from which helps determine what my social ideology was.

      Luke Ranfranz

  9. I took the quiz and scored a high score in the conservative category. It also stated my second high score was in the libertarian category. Compared to our quiz in class, this conservative score of 90% was higher.
    -Chelsey Oeltjen

    1. I recieved a 16 on our in class quiz. This is not around 90% like the online quiz. Although I was limited to two choices for the quiz in class compared to the multiple options given on the online quiz. I think my online quiz score is a bit high, I would consider the in class quiz to be closer to how conservative I am. -Chelsey

  10. In the class activity I scored right in the middle of the spectrum, but in the quiz I was much more conservative and libertarian with an 81% in both. I feel this is because the questions and answers were very general and did not allow a case-to-case answer, meaning any slant in either direction would be overblown. Basically, there were not many good options for moderates who are OK with one aspect of a solution to issues but not another.

  11. The quiz that we took in class categorized me as a moderate while the online quiz categorized me as a liberal. I think that the reason my two quizzes recorded opposing results was because the online quiz was much more detailed and had some in-between answers whereas the quiz in class was either the liberal or conservative answer. I agree with both quizzes as a believe I am slightly liberal yet still close to the middle.

    Jay Lebeck

  12. In the online quiz, I scored an 87% in the Social Democrat category. In class, I also scored highly towards the liberal point-of-view, so my results were very similar to each other. I believe that both of these quizzes were effective, but the online quiz gave me a chance to pick from a variety of options. Not everything is "black and white" as it said in the online quiz, and having more than one answer to chose from helped narrow my political views down.

    Taryn Adams
    Hour 1

  13. in the online quiz i scored a 77% in the conservative category, and on the in class quiz i scored a 15/25 also scoring me slightly conservative. i believe both these quizes were accurate and helpful. i liked the online quiz better because they had 5 options instead of the in class quiz which only had 2 options.
    -Noah Peskey

  14. I scored a 90% in the liberal category on the online quiz, and I scored a 10/25 on the quiz we took in class (more moderate). I believe on the online quiz I was able to choose from more of a variety of options rather than just two, so it helped me chose what I think I believe in better, that is why on the two quizzes I wasn't the same (liberal vs. moderate). On the class quiz, I scored more moderate rather than liberal. I believe that both of these quizzes were pretty accurate, I just think the online quiz had more of a variety to pick your opinion and that is why I scored more liberal.

  15. On the online quiz I scored 89% liberal compared to a 14/25 on the quiz in class which is moderate but leaning more toward the conservative side. I preferred the quiz in class because it narrowed ideas down further, rather than having so many choices to choose from and think about. Personally, I feel like the in class quiz was more accurate for me because I do see myself as a moderate but leaning towards the conservative side rather than liberal.
    -Alicia Ziegler

  16. I got 81% liberal when I took the online quiz, which was very similar to my score from class, which was a 5 out of 25 (also very liberal). I think both quizzes were very accurate, although I liked the one from class more because the online quiz used a lot of biased language which made it seem like it was trying to influence your answer. I was a little surprised that I didn't score higher in the libertarian category (I got 20%) because I have been told that a lot of my opinions align with what libertarians tend to believe.
    Natalia Kaliszewski hour 1

  17. I got 83% liberal when I took the online quiz which was very similar to my quiz score in class which was an 8. I think the quizzes are pretty accurate. I liked the online quiz more though because there were many choices to chose from in the questions. -Alan Ke

  18. I received a 16/25 on the in-class quiz, scoring me as a conservative. However on the online quiz it scored me more liberal. I personally liked the in class quiz better because the answer options were more direct and right to the point, you were either for it or against it. Whereas the online quiz had several other answer options, making it a bit more confusing. I did take a second online quiz and it agreed with the in class quiz giving me a very high conservative score.
    -Nicole Ernst

  19. I got a 15/25 on the in class survey so I lean a little conservative, and I scored as a moderate on the "Political ideology survey." The in class survey had questions I understood where as the online one had more confusing questions so I'll have to agree more with the in class survey.
    -Nate B

  20. On the in class one I got 11/25 scoring me a little liberal but mostly in the middle. On the quiz I got 83% conservative. This kinda shocked me, the reason being I got the complete opposite in class. The one online made me feel like they were trying to influence my answer by using biased language.

    -Summer Hutton Hour:5

  21. I scored moderate to conservative in class and had an 80% libertarian on this quiz. Both in class and online the scores were close, but in class we were only classified as 2 sides. Online we had more choices, resulting in more possibilites and categories to classify as.
    Hunter Larson

  22. On the quiz we took in class, I scored a 10/25, which categorized me as a left leaning moderate. The online quiz, however, categorized me as a liberal (84%). I thought this was interesting because I now know that I must be a very left leaning moderate, or a liberal that's close to being a moderate.

    -Spencer Tomasek

  23. On the quiz we took in class i got 18/25 (72%) and on the online quiz i received a score of 90%. I feel that although the online one is supposed to be more accurate i am in between the two and am around an 80%. Either way any of those scores would classify me as fairly strong conservative.
    -Logan Braun

  24. In class, i got 16/25 (64%) which is pretty close to moderate, but slightly more conservative. In the online quiz, I was 84% conservative which makes more sense to me as I see myself as a conservative. There are some views from the conservative perspective that I don't necessarily agree with and I think that's why i was near moderate in the class quiz.
    -Jack Zinser

  25. In class, I got a score of 16/25 (64%) which is known as a weak conservative. However, on the online quiz, I received a total of 81% resulting myself to be more on the conservative side. This information was not very surprising because of my current views along with my parents views. Based on both quizes, I can safely say that I am surely more conservative than liberal due to my statistic results.
    -Nicole Orton

  26. On the quiz we took in class I got 11/25 making me a moderate. On the online quiz I took I got radical/Communist which I found very strange. Danny belives that the one he took in class was more accurate than the one he took online because it lines up with hes political beliefs more than the one online.
    -Danny Nelson

  27. I scored 80% liberal on the survey ,and in class survey I scored as a liberal .I think the score is pretty accurate and represents me as a person.

  28. In class I scored a 14 out of 25 making me very much a moderate, but on the online quiz I scored a 86% conservative with strong libertarian views. This I found very odd, first that I had such a big gap from my 14 to my 86% conservative, and second that the quiz found me to have strong libertarian views as I feel that not a conservative view due to its emphasis of freedom. I personally feel that I am in between a 14 and an 86% as I tend to lean right on most subjects, but not to the severity of one like Ted Cruz.
    -Caleb Gee

  29. I got a 83% on the online quiz and I received a 4/25 on the assignment we did in class. This tells me I am a liberal. The reason I received a 83% was because on the online quiz each question had more than just 2 options compared to the assignment in class so everyone's score varies on your options. -Isaac Salex

  30. So I got 81% conservative. I thought to believe that I was more liberal but maybe I have somethings to consider. I believe the biggest reason I got such a different score was there were more questions of the same kind and not just one black or white answers.
    Michael Kenison

  31. Communist 80% end of story. ≧✯◡✯≦✌

  32. I scored 80% liberal on the online survey. and in class I scored liberal as well. and I think both scores are accurate
    zamzam guled

  33. the online survey scored me at about the same 78% conservative as the in class survey did. I believe the online survey is a little more accurate because of the more detailed questions - Jacob Ulrich

  34. On the in class survey I scored a 7/25 which is one more to the left then a normal moderate liberal. While on the online survey I scored as a moderate liberal. These two results are not too far off as I was only barely a full liberal on the in class survey and on the online survey I was moderately liberal. I would agree with both scores because they did ask some different questions which may have changed my results a little bit. - Hunter Newer hr5

  35. I got social democrat witch sounds like me their were questions i had to think about of things that were really important to the economy trying to decide what was better.

  36. The test we took in class said that I was extremely liberal. In fact I got a 1 out of 25. The quiz i took online said i was 88% liberal. Most of the questions on the quiz were confusing, so i guessed. But the results still came out as liberal, so i guess we can say it was accurate. I liked the class quiz better, because the questions got straight to the point.
    * Kierra

  37. The assignment we had in class scored as a moderate leaning towards conservative but the the test online scored me as a 88% conservative. I would say the online test was the most correct due to the variety of answers and the questions were I'm not a 100% for this but I'm not totally against his less frequently occur.
    -Caleb Banks
