Tuesday, March 8, 2016

US Government Tuesday 3/8

A) Collected any Article/Amendment assignments from Last Friday. These will be handed back tomorrow. Be sure you have yours done by the start of class or your opportunity to hand that exact assignment in won't be possible.
B) Reviewed the 7 Articles of the Constitution in prep for our quiz on Friday.
C) Quickly reviewed the 2 principles we discussed yesterday Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances.
D) Completed the remaining 4 Principles of the Constitution
Judicial Review, Federalism or Federal System (same thing), Limited Government, and Popular
Sovereignty.   In each case we defined the concept and then where applicable gave examples for each. You can find all of these principles in the text, on posters at the front of the room or pick up the notes from a classmate who attended today.

Mr. Thompson

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