Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Constitution and Amendments Review Sheet

Below is the review for our 2nd test on the Constitution and Amendments.

Constitution Review
US Govt.   40 points     35 Multiple Choice + one 5 point essay. (2 choices=pick one)

Terms to Know

Constitution                                  6 Basic Principles                        Implied Powers
Preamble                                               Popular Sovereignty           Expressed Powers
        Know the 6 Goals                         Federalism                         Elastic Clause
Articles                                                 Separation of Powers         Necessary + Proper Clause
Amendments                                         Checks + Balances             Full Faith + Credit Clause
Bill of Rights                                          Limited Gov’t.                    Supremacy Clause
                                                             Judicial Review

You need to know the terms and concepts from the Amendments (you are responsible for Amendments 1-10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26.) Don’t memorize the Amendments by number.

Slander                                                 Libel                                Petition
Probable Cause                                    Reasonable Cause            Double Jeopardy
Freedom from Self-Incrimination           Eminent Domain
Miranda Warning                                  Due Process                    Grand Jury
Trial Jury                                              Criminal                           Civil
Bail                                                      Fine                                 Suffrage
Capital Punishment                               Poll Tax

You need to know the content of the 7 Articles. Refer to the quiz we took in class.
Be familiar with the process to add an amendment.

Last big assessment before end of 3rd quarter. Do well!
Mr. Thompson

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