Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Is It Time to Tap the Strategic Oil Reserves?

An article from a couple of days ago. Feel free to offer what you would do if you were President Obama in the face of $4.00 gas prices. Be sure to explain your reasoning and support with content from the article.

Mr. Thompson


  1. As the article stated, there is no pressure on demand for oil, so I think that Congress is right in not wanting to tap into the oil reserve yet, as it is not a true emergency yet. I think in reality this whole issue has been blown out of proportion very much...althought $4 for gas IS expensive, it is not completely outrageous, we are just not accustomed to it yet and the market always has these ups and downs. In Europe and Oceania, gas is far more expensive.
    What Obama can do however, is to look at all the economic options there are, and that different sectors need to be adjusted to make it possible for people not to be so overwhelemed by the price change. If food or clothes or another such thing, for instance, were made cheaper, then it would not be so much a big deal. The main idea is that the money has to come from somewhere, so something has to give to satisfy the people. I think the best solution of any could be to promote walking or improve public transportation.

    -Vera Novitskaia
    Hour 3 US Government

  2. I agree with Vera. Although spending 4 dollars a gallon is not what americans want to do with their money, we have experienced high gas prices like this before. We learned that unnecessary things had to be trimmed from our budgets to accomidate for the extra spending at the gas pumps.
    I dont think that the government should tap into the nations oil reserve until absolutely necessary. There may be a time in the future when we may need it much more than we do now.

    Jessica Sands
    Hr. 3

  3. As the article had stated before that we are not in enough of a bad situation yet to the point where we need to tap into the oil reserves is a good point. Even if people are going to complain and say that there going to cut down on their driving, I don't think that will actually happen. People need to realize that gas prices were even higher a few years ago, so why is everybody freking out about it now? I think that we should wait longer until we absolutly need it.

    Trisha Radke
    Hr. 7

  4. In my opinion, I think that we do not need to tap into the reserves just yet. We as americans will pay almost anything to get gas and so I could see the people paying $6 a gallon. If it gets to be over 6 then I think us Americans need to step in and do something. If you dont know and I looked it up to make sure its right but less then 10% of our oil comes from the middle east, so its all just the people on wall street toying with us and making prices go up and down day in and day out. Also, if you look at the price of gas a couple years ago it was high for a couple of weeks then right back down to 2 bucks a gallon and I think you could see that soon!

    Andrew Bromberg
    Hr. 5

  5. I think Obama should try to cut the gas prices. He should tap into our oil reserves to help cut the price of gas. In the article it says that only when our oil supply is threatened to be cut off is when we should access this supply, but we are trying to recover from a slow economy. Being able to lower the gas prices before the summer travel season would be an economic benefit.


  6. in my opinion, i think that we don't need to tap into the reserves beacuse we keep finding oil all over the place, but we need to cut gas prices because they are going up and they need to go down pretty soon people are not going to be able to buy fuel and many people will be going out of business because people wont even need to buy a car because the oil prices are so high.


  7. I think government should tap oil in our reserves although it is like Andrew said that we only import oil less than 10 percents from middle east countries. The purpose of doing so is to prevent the price of gas from going up to whatever like $6 in this summer, especially when people travel more during this time. One more thing is government should do is to set what we call " price ceiling" for gas.


  8. There is no serious need for President Obama to tap into the reserves quite yet. As the article states, we have this emergency oil stored for instances where we may be completely cut off. As of right now, gas prices are very high compared to what they have been over the past few years, but they are not yet outrageous. Because Saudi Arabia has vowed to increase the production of oil to make up for the shut down of Libyan oil fields, I feel content that we will be safe until further notice. Gas prices are high, but they are not yet to the point where we need to tap into our emergency supply. It is a good idea to take notice and caution of the increasing gas prices, and to acknowledge the fact that we do have an oil supply to fall back on if things get worse than they currently are, but the United States is not yet to the point of emergency.

  9. Personally I do not think it is the right time to tap into the reserved oil yet, because as the article states we have experienced high gas prices in the past, right now at this point the gas really is not that high even though it will get higher in the summer I do not think that it has come down to the right time to tap into the reserve yet, this decision needs to be saved for the future when the gas is limited and we are in great need of oil.


  10. I'm all for President Obama tapping into the nations oil reserves. This oil is only going to be a temporary fix, whether now or in the future, and I think that once we deplete our own supply people might wake up and realize that all of the earth's oil is going to be gone very soon and that we have to make a greater effort towards developing alternate sources of energy. I think the sooner that we deplete our own oil the better.

    Max Dylla
    Hr. 1

  11. i personally think that it is not the time to tap into the oil we have saved up. people are just worried because they dont want to spend that much money on gas. its not like we have an oil shortage. the oil that we save is ment for when we actually have an oil shortage. so i think that we should just keep it for when it actually happens. we just need to rebound as a country like we always have when something like this happens.

    Alex Ziemann
    Hour 3

  12. I do not think that if we reached $4.00 gas prices that we should tap into the oil reserve we have. Even with the oil shortage it is still not the answer. If we reached a situation where all oil supplies where cut off from other countries or we reached a price higher than $5.00 then it would be neccesary. The price of gas has reached $4.00 dollars before so i think that we will be fine for now.

    Melanie Stock
    Hour 7

  13. I agree with the majority of people that we should not tap the oil reserves. Prices of oil have gone up and down in the past and people are jumping the gun on using our resources. These are the resources we should be saving for complete emergencies when we DO NOT have the oil at all. Tapping into the oil reserves is not a way to deplete our last resort resources. I feel like just like the past, gas prices will drop back down again and everyone will be happy again.

    Sarah Armstrong
    hr 7

  14. I think the thought of going into our oil reserves is a good one, just not right now. I'm glad Obama's bringing it up and making people aware, because I didn't even know we had one. But I definitely think we need to wait to go into it until we ACTUALLY have an oil shortage. Gas prices are going up right now, so if the US did decide to tap into the oil reserve just to make people happy for a short amount of time, what are we going to do when we have no more oil and that reserve is gone? Maybe these high gas prices will decrease the obesity rate in the US by increased walking and biking.

    Kayla, 5th hour

  15. I'm going to have to agree with everyone else on the fact that it's not the right time to tap into these reserves. Yes gas prices are high, but we aren't necessarily in that bad of a situation where we as a country, need to tap into the reserves. If we were to tap into the reserves now, what would we do if in the future we were really at a shortage and had nothing to fall back on? I also agree on the fact that walking and biking could be beneficial. Not only could it help with obesity, but it will also decrease driving and save drivers money. Since the weather's going to get nicer, we might as well take advantage of it.

    Susan Gaetano
    hr. 5

  16. I pay for my own gas on a weekly basis and yes I'll agree with anyone who thinks it's a huge pain to have to deal with the consistent changing of prices and having to dig a little deeper in your purse to find enough money to fill up your car. However, I wouldn't consider this the end of the world and I do think there are bigger problems going on in the world. People can complain all they want about gas prices but they're still going to put gas in their car. So what's the point? Just deal with it! Having Obama tap into the oil reserves right now seems a little dramatic. No offense, but he hasn't been in office for very long and if there's going to be a lot of controversey over it, then maybe he should hold off.

  17. I think that we should tap the reserves because I don't want to pay that much for gas but if I were the government we should not tap the reserves because we don't need it but weWill need it

  18. I kind of find this article a waste of time to say the least because gas can be way more expensive than it is now. If people don't like how high gas prices are? Then why don't they just car pool with someone else or not drive at all. As Roger Diwan states: there is no reason to tap into the oil, I mean yes you can talk about taping into the oil, but we definitely are not ready and are no where close to be at the point where we need to tap into the oil barrels.

    Allison Gangelhoff

  19. If i were President Obama I would not tap into the strategic oil reserves. A few years ago gas prices were just as high as they are now and people were still willing to pay for gas so nothing would change now. Roger Diwan of PFC Energy said, "It should be tapped when, physically, the market is lacking oil. And I don't think we're anywhere near that." I agree because their is no shortage of oil in the middle east and say if there is a natural disaster in the U.S. and we needed more oil we would have it in our oil reserves. While reading another article it said that the last time the reserve was tapped was after Hurricane Katrina.

    Eric Nelson
    1st Hour

  20. Personally, I think the price of oil has risen enough that it is getting to the point where tapping into our oil reserves should be highly considered. Even though the price of gas has slightly gone down, Americans are still paying too much at the pump. What is the point of having oil reserves if we aren't going to use them? I say we partially tap into the reserves in order to lower the gas prices and help Americans save at least a little bit of money.

  21. It is not the time to tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve because what if we need it in the future. Sure the gas prices now are high but the people of the U.S. can cut back on some stuff, like buy cars that dont use alot of gay, use less electricity at home or use less water at home. Anything to help save money so that the people of the U.S. have money for gas.
    Sanel Zahirovic
    Hour: 1

  22. In the article it states that the oil reserve should only be tapped into if the US Nation is lacking in oil. Basically it means that when we are unable to get oil anymore then we should tap into it. I think it would be incredably idiotic to tap into the oil reserves now. Seeing as people have determined that oil is eventually going to run out I say we buckle down our budgets so we can just afford the more expensive oil. Because think about it; just because we didn't want to $4/gallon we tapped into the reserve. But twenty years from now oil completely dissapears and now we don't have the reserve long enough to find another power source. Again I'd like to state my opinion that it would be unwise to tap into the oil reserve just yet.

    ~~~Brie Baker

  23. In my opinion I think that we as a nation aren't quite to the point where we need to tap into the oil reserves. The article talked about the oil reserves being used only at a time of a complete crisis. I feel this isn't a complete crisis because Saudi Arabia is making up for the difference of oil that Lybia is failing to produce. Gas prices at $4 obviously isn't what people want, but even with that we're still not in a full blown crisis. So we'll have to find other means to try and bring down the prices.

    Tessa Muehe
    Hour 5

  24. If I were Obama I would not tap into the oil reserves. The reserves should only be used when we are cut off from a supply, which we aren't, or if there is a natural disaster. Four dollars is nothing compared to back in the early 2000's when it was almost five. If we are still bringing oil in there is no reason to use the reserves, people will still pay at four dollars. We have to save in case something bad happens or else we will be paying a lot more because we don't have the reserves for aid after a disaster.

    Dan Chihak
    Hr. 1

  25. I also agree with the majority saying we should not tap into the oil reserve. We have paid these high gas prices before and although we might not want to spend our money this way, we are still willing to pay. There are other ways of transportation that people have access to if they don't want to pay for gas. We need to save this oil for other emergencies. This is not a severe case where we are forced to use this oil. You never know what is going to happen in the future, where we would need this oil more than we need it now.

    Katie Fuoss
    Hr. 1

  26. In my opinion i think Obama should not tap into the oil reserve. The only reason of why people are freaking out about gas prices being too high is because the people that pay gas are so used to only paying around $2.00 for a gallon, when other countries in Europe are paying up to $9.00. The only time i think Obama should tap into the oil reserve is when we have no other choice. This would only happen if we either ran out of oil ourself, or had none comming in from the middle East. Im pretty sure the situation will blow over, because we went through something similar to this a couple of years ago and prices dropped eventually. Us the consumers just have to be patient.
    - Ashley Acevedo.
    5th hour

  27. I do not believe that we should tap into the oil reserve. Gas prices are high, but their will be a time when the US will need that oil much much more, and there is evidence that it would not even bring oil prices down. Libya is also having conflict that shut down their oil production, but the increase in production in other middle eastern countries. I also do not think we should tap into the oil reserves because most Americans could use other methods to get to many of the places we need to be.

    Reed Klompenhower
    Hour 5

  28. My personal opinion is that we should use the oil found in the 1980's under the rocky mountains. my dad and i have found video's stating that we have enough oil to last us to 2070 in the rocky mountains alone much less the Alaska supply and other supplies around the US. if we tap into those resources the gas price could go down to probably under 1$ a gallon.. maybe not but it would be a lot cheaper then what we are paying now. only reason the government has not done this is because the government has promised the other countries we owed money to that we would not tap into them and we would buy oil from them and in turn not have to pay our dept

    Dylan Arends

  29. I think that we shouldn't tap into the oil reserve because we should save it to a time we really need it. we can live with having gas prices this high. we also have oil in the rocky mountains we can tap into when it is needed.but for now we can deal with the $4 a gallon gas prices.
    Michael Meyer

  30. I feel that it is the right time to tap into our own oil reserves. Dylan Arends made a good point bringing up the subject of our own oil reserves. The world has much more oil than we are led to believe. In 2005 my dad worked construction on the coast of Alabama, many people he became friends with had family or friends that worked on the oil rigs and know first hand how much oil there is in the Gulf of Mexico. Manytimes when a well is tapped it is capped, meaning it is plugged and no oil is being removed but is at the ready. One of my family friends works in the Gulf of Mexico also, he said that there is tons of oil. About 4 or 5 years ago i read in the Rochester postbulletin that an oil well was discovered that was large enough the provide oil for the US alone for over 100 years. So Dylan is not blowing smoke about oil in the Rockies lasting us until 2070. One fact that a lot of people in the world think is that most of the worlds oil supply is located in the middle east. They have a lot of oil there, but not the whole world supply. This past summer i was in norther Saskatchewan on Lake Athabasca, there are very large oil sand fields there. Many of the fishing guides work there or have relatives that work on them, i asked them how much oil their company projects is there. He said that if you take a 4 by 8 foot sheet of plywood and put a thumb tack in it, that would represent the amount of oil they have touched there, and he said let it be known that they have not started taking oil from that location in the near past. So i do think that we would be sitting safe for over 400+ years if tapped our oil fields. If someone says that, that is not enough oil to last us, by 400 years time we will most likely have a new means of energy. So i strongly believe that we should tap our oil reserves today.

  31. if we tap into the Stratigic oil reseve the gas prices will drop as well as other products, but in the other hand, the Stratigic Oil Reserves hold a valuable resource that is not infinite and it will run out one of these days. we could wait and use the Reserves incase of a National emergency when we erally need it in the near future

    Edgar D.C. Rios

  32. I personally think we should not tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, because i feel gas prices right now aren't high enough to have to tap into it. Also since Japan has had their recent earthquake they are driving less, which means gas will be less needed in that area and Japan is a big chunk of the driving population. So we will wait to use the reserve until it is really needed in the future.

    -Chase Andersen-

  33. I think Obama shouldn't tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve because the gas prices right now are increasing everyday and getting higher.Also, i think that in the future the prices are going to go down because they are going to find more oil to use.

    Courtney Taylor
    hr 5

  34. I think its outrageous how the prices of gas has been raising these are people supposed to get where they need to go if they can't afford gas,especially the ones with children and jobs. I understand the economy is bad right now but why would we have to continue paying $4.00 gallon for gas. I think the major cause of gas raising might be the conflict in Libya and the earthquake in Japan. So after that tragic I think the gas prices are going to get higher the this.

  35. Although the prices are not good right now, prices have at least stabilized from the continuous increase in the first two weeks Libya began their outbreak. I don't understand why Obama would cut into the reserve right now when two summers ago gas prices exceeded $4. As of right now the prices are high but still manageable. With all the nature disasters happening around the world I think we should wait until we absolutely need to cut into the oil reserves for a "rainy day"

    Katie Armstrong
    hour 1

  36. I believe that tapping the oil reserves would not be a smart move. Yes, gas prices have gone up by a huge amount, but people can take the hit for now. Gas prices have escalated like this before and our economy has gotten through it. The oil reserves should be saved for a time when oil is not accessable at all. However, I think it was a smart idea to mention that the U.S. was thinking about tapping into the reserves because if the U.S. uses our reserves we won't buy as much oil from other places. When other countries actually think we will use the reserves, they will possibly lower prices first.

    Megan Soland
    hr. 3

  37. I think that taping into our oil reserve is not a good idea at all. Just because gas is getting expensive doesn't mean that Obama should tap into the reserve because the reserve is something that could help us if we stop receiving oil from any country. Saudi Arabia already said that they will make up for the oil that we will no longer be receiving from the Libyan oil fields. If Obama did tap into the reserves it would show that he gave into what the people want instead of what is best for the people. The higher gas prices should make people think twice about driving to unnecessary places and start doing things to save gas.

    Dalton Haas
    hr. 5

  38. There are pros and cons to both sides, using the oil reserves or not too. I feel that if we were too, it would be greatly benificial and would decrease the gas prices, but as stated before, we have experience with high prices. We can live with the prices now. I feel that in the long run though, we should not. Because if we do, it almost seems that we are just jumping on the first oppurtunity that comes along to help us out, when in the long run, maybe not using those reserves would be benificial. It's just a matter of how you view it.

    ~~~Alex Pastor~~~
    Hour 5

  39. i feel that we should not use our oil reserves because in our history we are use to high gas prices and in time they will go back down. if i were president Obama i would support automotive class at schools because those are the people who could change our living habbits for oil and that they are the people who could take us out the oil using habbits and that we could change to other alturnatives such as solar or elcetric cars.

  40. I agree with most of the other bloggers. It’s really not necessary for us to tap into the oil reserves. We have seen gas prices go high before so it’s not anything new. I think there will be a time in the future where we may need more than we need it now. As Roger Diwan said "It should be tapped when, physically, the market is lacking oil. And I don't think we're anywhere near that,".

    Amal Jeylani
    Hour 5

  41. If i were in our presidents situation, i would hold out for awhile, and if the crisis got worse i may tap into our reserves much later if the crisis severely worsened i would tap in, but only if gas prices topped 5.50 dollars, the main reason i wont tap the USA oil is because we've had this happen before where gas prices were high, when in Minnesota gas was 4 dollars, 2 years ago there was no talk about tapping our reserves, its just a cycle, gas will keep declining and the talk of tapping our own reserves will surely end

  42. I do not think it is time to tap into the oil reserves. It is like Roger Diwan says in the article there is not a physical lack of oil on the market. It also said that Saudi Arabi would increase its production inorder to make up for Libyia's lack of oil production. This means that even though the prices are going up, we still have oil to use. I think that the reserves should be used when there is no more oil to be had, not when we want the price of it to go down.

    Conner Holthaus
    Hr. 7

  43. I think President Obama should tap into our nations oil reserves. It would make gas cheaper for now until things get settled down in the middle east and gas gets cheaper. I think this is the best time because we don't know how long the problem in the middle east is going to last for.
    Iman Iman
    Hr. 5

  44. in my opinion i dont think we need to tap into the reserve oil until we need it beause we have some already and why would we want to waste our backup on something we already have. and i think $4 is a little too much for gas considering minimum wage is only $7.25 and so people who only make that much thats where alot of their money is going is to gas and not on something else that could help business because we are cutting down on our spending on other items.
    Darryn Liedl

  45. I think President Obama shouldn't tap into our nations oil reserve. The oil is there to protect us against a sudden cut off of supply. Our nation hasn't been cut off yet, so I don't think we are ready to tap into the reserves. We should save it for the future for if there is a greater crisis where we are actually cut off and need the oil supply. The article states, "The conditions for using it are not there yet."
    Bridget Graves

  46. I do not think President Obama should tap in the oil reserve. I believe Gas prices will come down when the problems in the Middle East stop, No reason to act to fast it happen before and we overcame on it.
    Abdiweli Ali Hr.5

  47. I feel the president should tap into the oil reserves knowing that the issues going on over in the middle east is not being controlled and some what of a chain reaction is going on, so instead of having prices on gas keep raising and just fix it while we can.
    Mahad Abdi hr.5

  48. i don't think that the president should tap into the oil reserves. my understanding of the oil reserves is only for a time of crisis. even though gas prices are high now we are still have connection with Saudi Arabia.

    Faisal Guled #5

  49. I think that the US should tap into the oil reserves because the situation in the middle east is getting worse, and can get even worse which means a majority of the worlds oil comes from the middle east. instead of paying a huge amount for oil we should a little of what we have until the situation is over in the middle east.
    -Guled Hussein

  50. I do not believe that we need to tap into the oil reserves quiet yet. One reason that i don't think we need to is because of the earthquake in japan people are not driving as much. Another reason is because of their population, japan is a big part of the population of people driving and them not being able to drive means we don't need to supply as much if any oil to them.
    -Ryan McKey

  51. I think President Obama shouldnt tap in the oil reserve. Because the people in Japan are not driving as much since the eartquake. So i think that the gas prices are going to go down very soon. -Chelsey Crowley 3rd hour

  52. I guess if i were president and im facing $4 gas prices, i would be in bad shape. Maybe some hope that saudia arabia might pay the diffence because we can't get oil from Libya being shut down. i agree with Ryan that that we don't need to provide oil supplies to the Japan because they are not driving as much.

    -Mariam M. 3rd hour

  53. I think that the president should be the one to stop the price from sky rocketing. Gas prices is making the economy like as if it was 2008 all over again.

    Victor Soro
    1st Hour

  54. If i had 4 dollar gas prices on the rise my first step would be to push toward a electric semi or buses things that run all day on gas and try to convert this to make them so that gas consumption would go down instead of worry about it i would do some thing

    Austin Groshens
    1st Hour

  55. I believe that this isn't the right time to tap into the reserves. The last time we needed to do this was after a major disaster while right now people just don't want to pay a little extra. In addition, our gas prices are comparatively low to the rest of the world and just north of our border in Canada. This is because of our agreement with OPEC makes it so most of our oil isn't drawn from here but instead internationally. I think that people should just be smarter about their transportation and car pool and do things like that.

    Sara Spavin

  56. I agree with Bridget Graves, I don't think President Obama should tap oil reserves just yet. The reason i don't think that's a good idea is because gas price are not as high it was at the beginning of Libya's turmoil. As the article mentions,the reserved oil that Pres. Obama wants to use right now is for the future needs. So i don't think that we in danger to use this reserved oil.

    Shermarke Siad 7th hr

  57. Bryce Regimbal

    Its definantly not the right time to tap the oil reserves. We've been through this situation before and we're still alive so obvioulsy its not that important that we tap the reserves now. The big reason that people want to tap them now is because the prices on gas have shot up, and some think using the backup oil will help drop the prices. This might be true, but there are a few reasons why this is a bad idea. First, when gas prices spiked in the past, we all complained about it but after a few months, the price went down, so just give it some time to drop. Second, what happens when we as a country actually need the oil, and its already gone because people were being selfish just to lower prices for a week or so? These are the two big reasons why tapping the oil reserves is a bad idea at this time.

  58. I don't know what the govt is doing right now about the oil prices. If I was Obama which I'm not I would do nothing watch the oil prices and if it gets up to 4.00 a barrell, I would then think about tapping in the million barrels of oil to lower gas prices eventhough the price will probably drop 3 cents anyway.

  59. - Like most of the people here, I don't agree with the idea of President Obama tapping into our emergency oil supply. That supply of oil should be save for a more serious problem. Gas prices reaching $4.00 doesn't seem like a big enough issue.

    - abby obang hr 3

  60. I fully agree with Diwan in this article, there is absolutely no reason to release oil from the reserves with the current situation of oil supply. Most of our oil does not come from libya, and we are not experiencing any shortages in comparison to our demand. As for the price of gas, the increase in prices are not due to an actual decrease in supply, its merely the reactions from the investors on Wall Street. Part of the reason why gas prices are so high is because many of the buyers of oil on wall street are not the oil companies and refineries, it is primarily investors looking to use the trade of oil to make a profit. When investors see a possibly shortage of supply they will start to buy more oil now while the price per barrel is lower, simply in hopes that in a month the shortage will cause the price to jump, netting the investors massive profits, at the consumers cost. Without a legitimate supply shortage, why is Washington even considering tapping our reserve, meant to be tapped only during a shortage of supply or in case of emergency, such as after Katrina?

  61. In this article I learned that we do have a oil reserve for emergency, though I do not think we should open the reserve yet. It is still too early to break open a "piggy bank", the point of a piggy bank is to save until full or absoluteley necessary such as when you are out. America is not out of oil, if anything we are better off mining our own oil inside of our states or just continue to raising prices. America goes through about 20 million barrels of oil a day. Granted we wouldn't be relying strictly on the reserve so it would last us longer than a month, it still would not last long enough and then what do we do when that oil is dried up if it gets dried up. My beleif is that we should break open that reserve when electric cars have become more developed or another alternative for fuel in a vehicle has been discoverd and oil is about to become less valuble.

  62. I believe that President Obama shouldn't tap the emergency resource oil because of the complaints that people have. The United states has almost everything we need here and due to them arguing over gas prices is nonsense. We've gone through this phase where gas prices goes up and sooner or later drop, but even though gas prices raised up a bit, we should accept it. If we used the emergency oil now, later in the future, if we need it then, we probably wont have any. So the use of gas prices being high, we should accept it and stop with the complaints.

    Tara Vang
