Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Final Blog Post

For your second post for the semester please follow the instructions below. Your post is due by the end of the school day next Friday, June 3rd.

Take two of the following four surveys. When you post your comments respond to what you thought of the surveys and how close you think they are to identifying you accurately.Be sure to identify which surveys you took from the list below. Feel free to reference the survey that you took in class in your comparison.

First survey - Political Compass
Second - How Liberal or Conservative are you
Third - Beyond the Red and the Blue
Fourth - The Moral Politics Quiz

Mr. Thompson


  1. Marissa BruesewitzMay 31, 2011 at 9:18 AM

    I took the Beyond the Red and the Blue survey. I thought the survey had many interesting statements and helped me better understand the difference between the political parties. It turned out I am a hard-pressed democrat, not what I expected. I thought I was a democrat but I’m not very cynical about government or socially conservative. After taking the conservative vs. liberal survey in class I ended up as a 12, or moderate. I thought I would have ended up as a post-modern, very liberal on social issues and supportive of the government.

  2. Marissa BruesewitzMay 31, 2011 at 9:21 AM

    I took the how liberal or conservative are you survey. My results were 40% conservative and 60% Liberal. The survey had many similar questions to the one we took in class. The results ended up to be the exact same for both surveys, a moderate but slightly liberal. These surveys are identifying me very accurately, I ended up with the same results for both.

  3. The two surveys i took were "How Liberal or Conservative are you" and "The Moral Politics Quiz" i agree with what they both say im more of conservative the i am liberal but not by much like the second survey said im 60% conservative and 40% liberal witch make sense because i like to make and keep my money but i also care for the well being of are planet because its were we live and were i make my money,but i didn't quite understand the fourth survey it said i was in the middle but besides that i couldn't tell what else it was trying to say but both of them basically told me what i already know from the quiz in class

  4. I took the how liberal and conservative are you and recieved 30% conservative and 70% liberal which was slightly higher than what I recieved in class. But when I took the Political compass test I recieved a -.88 to the left and a .36 to the authoritarian. This means I am basically equal yet slightly liberal. I feel that there was such a dramatic change because I was able to pick how much I agreed with a statement instead of a strict yes or no. Everything has confirmed me to be liberal, two of which I was very liberal, and one moderately liberal which was what I expected.

  5. The first quiz I took was the how liberal or conservative are you quiz. On that quiz I scored 60% conservative. That score didn't shock me at all. I would consider myself more conservative and leaning to the right based off of my beliefs and my views on the government, our country, and the world. The second quiz I took was the beyond the red and the blue quiz. The results of that quiz said I was a main street republican. Both of my quiz scores were accurate with how I thought the results would turn out. In class, I recieved a 15 on the scale of 0-25 which meant I lean slightly to the right making me more conservative than liberal. All 3 of my scores seemed to match up prety equally drawing the conclusion that I am more conservative.

  6. I took the How Liberal or Conservative Are You quiz and received 50% conservative and 50% Liberal. When i took the Beyond the Red and the Blue quiz, I received a New Coalition Democrat. I agree with these scores because I agree with some issues on each side. On the democrats side I'm supportive of environmental protection, and on the conservative side, I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. There are other issues that i agree with on both sides and others that are also split. I think my scores are accurate because the quiz we took in class scored me as a 12, which is almost exactly in the middle. Each quiz scored me around the same area and all of these scores suggest that I am moderate, or slightly democrat.

    Katie Fuoss -Hr.1

  7. I took the Beyond Blue and Red. It told me that I am 75% Liberal and 25% Conservative. I agree with the scores because I have always leaned a little bit more to the left than the right. On the Democrat side I'm supportive of marriage on both sides, raise taxes, and environmental protection. On the Republican side I am more of immigration should be illegal and people can have guns for there own needs. I think this quiz is pretty accurate.

    trisha radke

  8. I took the How Liberal or Conservative Are You quiz and got a 50/50 for feedback. Then i took the Beyond the Red and the Blue quiz and recieved a "Hard Pressed Democrat". Both of my scores do reflect off me because if i were to rate myself i would either be independent, or independent but leaning more towards the liberal side. Im also agreeing with the scores i got becuase most the questions were very similar to the quiz we took in class. With the class quiz i recieved a 15, so these quizes both placed me around the same area. In the end with all the results i think im safe to say i am a moderate leaning more towards the democrat side.

    Elle Ferguson HR:7

  9. I also took the How Liberal or how Conservative you are. I got a 5, which is way more Liberal than Conservative.

    (I forgot to put the other score and the other name of the quiz from the other post) Connect these.

    trisha radke

  10. I took the how liberal or conservative are your and i got 90% liberal and 10% conservative which didn't surprise me considering i got a 3 on the quiz we took in class. Then I took the Red and Blue quiz and I was a solid liberal. This didn't surprise me either. I was most like the discription of the this group. It also said this was the most educated group with the farthest degrees which is what i plan to do in life. I was surprised about how the groups were broken up but when i read each groups description it made sense.

    sophie hackman

  11. I took the How Liberal or Conservative quiz and scored a 70% conservative and 30% liberal. This reflected the quiz we took in class, as I scored a 14 which is right-leaning (I score a 17.5 based on the How Liberal/Conservative quiz). I also took the Political Compass quiz, which I feel is really an accurate representation of how you stand politically. The quiz showed that I am slightly liberal in terms of social views, but I am fairly conservative in terms of my economic views.

    Dylan Hardyman

  12. The first quiz I took was the how liberal or conservative are you quiz. I scored 90% Liberal. The secon quiz I took was Beyond the Red And Blue, and I scored as a Solid liberal. I can see how I got these results from these tests. Especially when you consider that i believe that the government rarely does as much as they could. I also can how these were scored based off the fact that I think things like we need to protect our environment and that gay marriage is okay. I myself have friends and family who are gay and I think it is their choice if they want to get married not the governments.

  13. The first quiz that i took was the How Liberal or Conservative are you. My results from the quiz was 60% conservative and 40% liberal. I was sort of surprised by my results because on the quiz that we took in class i got a 21. I was expecting my conservative percentage to be higher. The next quiz that i took is the Red and Blue. My results said that I was a staunch conservative. The description for mine said that it is mainly for elderly people, but this does not apply to me. Another thing i thought interesting was that they listen to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. My dad and I love listening to them so I thought that was neat. This second quiz fit more with what my results from in class were, and I do believe that i am conservative.

    Amber Murrell

  14. I took the how liberal or conservative are you quiz and I got 60% conservative and 40% liberal this didn't surprise me much because when we took the quiz in class I got an 11 so I was kind of in the middle range. The next quiz I took was the Red and Blue quiz and I was a main street republican. I agreed more with the results of this quiz then any of the others because I fit better description. I fit this description because I do consider myself to be very religious and my family is more conservative than we are liberal.

    Nicole Fabian
    Hour- 3

  15. I took the "How conservative or liberal are you" and i got 90% liberal while 10% conservative. This corralates with my score I got in class, which was a 3. The other survey I took was "Where do you fit?" My outcome on this one was a solid liberal. I feel this fits me perfectly as it goes right along with my other two outcomes and my views in the world, the government, and my personal beliefs.

    Kayla Miller, 5th hour

  16. I took the "How Conservative or Liberal are you"
    and i got 80% liberal and 20% conservative. I think this is more correct then the activity we did in class. Even though I got a 13 on that which put me right in the middle. I feel this test was better because i feel that i'm more liberal with just a few Conservative views.

    Ray Driscoll hr 3

  17. I just took the survey "How conservative or liberal are you," and it says that I am 40% conservative, and 60% liberal.the score i got in the activity we did in class was 8, making me a little moderate. I am a little surprised that I'm actually 40% conservative b/c it seems a little high to me considering my background, but never-the-less, i think this survey is almost accurate.

    Shermarke Siad

  18. I took the Beyond the Red and the Blue survey, and my result said that i am DISAFFECTED! I don's quite understand exactly what it means, but my guess is that i probably don't care about economy and politics. I just believe that the government and people should mind their own business and worry about themselves instead of others. And whatever happens doesn;t affect me a whole lot.

  19. I took the the Beyond the Red and Blue survey andn I got a reading of staunch conservative along with 9% of the population. I then took the How Conservative or Liberal you are and I scored a 95% Conservative and 5% Liberal. IN finding out these results along with the quiz we took in class, it all points to me as a diehard Republicain. And this is all the right stuff. Since following politics, I have always been this way and will always lean way far to the right. All 3 quizes that I have taken have bben very accurate and tell the very truth!

  20. Jeff Thompson said...
    I took the Political Compass survey and scored -4.62 left/right for Economics and -2.05 for Social Libertarioan/Authoritarian.This placed me to the left of center for both. I also did the How Liveral or Conservative are You? and I scored 45% conservative and 55% Liberal which is the same as the results of the Political Compass. I would generally agree with the results because I choose to make my decisions on topics independently rather that follow a traditional political line.

  21. I took the how liberal or conservative quiz and beyond the blue and red. I scored 65% liberal on my first quiz, solid liberal on my second, and got a 6 on the quiz we took in class. I agree with these results. The reason I got a less liberal on my first quiz was because I do not believe in abortion. I think it should be strongly discouraged. I think these quizes in my case received different percentages because one asked about me financially, which I still live with my parents. Another reason the results varied is because I have yet to learn, understand, and form an opinion on some of the topics asked.

  22. Michael Meyer Hour: 3

    I took the quiz how liberal or conservative are you and got 50% liberal 50% conservative. That score is about the same as I got in class. I do not believe in abortion. I'm alright with same sex marriage. I think the death penalty is okay in some cases but not all. I'm for the rich paying higher taxes. I am quite moderate.

  23. I took the survey and my score for conservative is 60% and liberal I got 40%. I do not believe that paying higher taxes is ok because we need to lower taxes instead of higher taxes. I don't believe in abortion.

    Collin Kelley

  24. i took the quiz and i got 35 % conservative and 65 % liberal.I agree with me being mosly liberal i dont think we should pay higher taxes i believe the richer should.and abortion is the womans choice i dont believe in it but what can you do.

    mariea monroe
    hr 1

  25. i took another quiz beyond the Red and the Blue
    and i am mostly blue i figured that because i mostly care about the people.

    mariea monroe
    hr 1

  26. I took the third quiz, "Beyond The Red And Blue" and it said that I was a Libertarian. This, I agree with more so than the activity we did in class because I am more liberal on social issues and less so on economic items. On some things I could go either way, and I can see myself more as a Libertarian than a staunch conservative. And on the first quiz, I also got more to the conservative side again, which i agree with.


  27. I took the how liberal or conservative are you quiz. On the liberal or conservative quiz i got a 75% conservative and in class i got an 18 so i think both quizzes got me the same result, my score on the quiz was more conservative because on defense and crime i got a 100% and i feel that people should be punished for any crime they commit. Also personal responsibility raised my score because i think people should be on their own and should receive some but not much help from the government.

    Chase Andersen hour 3

  28. I took the Beyond Red and the Blue survey. This survey was very interesting and it helped me understand the difference between the US political parties, it showed me that I was very liberal but that did not surprise me at all because I already knew that I was liberal because of the quiz we took in class showing if we were conservative or liberal, and in that quiz I was very liberal. I also took the how liberal or conservative are you, this survey actually had good questions that would directly prove if you were liberal or conservative, and my results were that I was 75% liberal and 25% conservative. It actually put me in about the same range of the conservative vs. liberal graph that I was in when we took the quiz in class, so I am pretty liberal more than 50%.
    ~ Damir Numanovic ~

  29. Two of the surveys I took are "How Liberal or Conservation are you"and "Beyond the Red and the Blue". The result from both surveys reflect the same just like I did in the government class. I am a moderate person in politics. One big difference is I am tend to be more conservation (75%) on social issues while on issues like Defense and Crime I am 75% liberal. Overall, I think the result seems to be accurate.
    Pavchay Te
    5th hour

  30. My test results from the Red and Blue quiz were "New Coalition Democrat 10%" which surprised me, I was expecting to be
    "Most Moderate 30%" Because of the Conseravtive and Liberal quiz I took confused me . On the Consevative and Liberal I an 60% Conservative and 40% Liberal. Which s
    also surprised me, I thought I would be more Liberal and less Conservative.

  31. I took Red and Blue quiz and was a "New Coalition Democrat" which didn't suprise me based on my way of life. I strongly agree with government regulating the needed and im an immigrant myself and i tend to believe immigrants can bring forth alot in society. how liberal and conservative are you. Shocking news i got 55% conservative and 45%. i don't conserder myself conservative. i thought i was more liberal based on my way of life.


  32. I took the "how conservative or liberal are you?" quiz. This quiz told me that i was 45% conservative and 55% liberal. These results matched almost perfectly with the 11 I recieved on the plolitical quiz we took in class. I also took the political compasss quiz and got similar results. This quiz placed me in the liberitarian left which also agrees with the results from my quiz in class.

    Jessica Sands
    Hr. 3

  33. I took the how liberal or conservative quiz and scored 65% liberal and 35% conservative. I thought it was interesting that the quiz touched a variety of topics to show that i have some very liberal views and some very conservative views. I'm very conservative on fiscal issues and very liberal in ethics. This quiz seemed to be pretty accurate on my placement.

    Vincent Danh hr 7

  34. I took the Beyond Red and the Blue quiz and my results were "New Coalition Democrat" i think this fits me very well because i am strongly pro-government, i approve of government regulations, and I'm generally liberal on racial issues.

    Vincent Danh hr 7

  35. I took the "how liberal or conservative are you" quiz and my results were 50/50. This does reflect on how my scores were in the class and where I believe I stand on the scale. The second quiz I took was the "beyond the red and the blue" My respomse was liberatarian, I do agree with this to a point but not all the way. I agree with this because I do lean a little towards the liberal side but I disagree with it because I wouldn't say I lean to that side to much.

    Ryan Mckey hr 7

  36. I was not surprised by the "How Liberal or Conservative are you" and "Beyond the Red and the Blue" quiz results that I received. First in "How Liberal or Conservative are you" I was marked as 55% liberal, which about matches with the quiz we took in class. Through this quiz I learned that I am most liberal about social issues and ethics. The result I got in the "Beyond the Red and the Blue" quiz flagged me as a Post-Modern. Reading through the list of what they believe, I found that I almost completely matched up with this sub-groups beliefs.

    Max Dylla Hr. 1

  37. The first quiz i took was "How Liberal or Covservative are you" and my results turned out what i thought it was going to be. I was 40% conservative and 60% liberal and i scored more liberal than conservative in class. The next quiz i took was the beyond the red and blue and it was interesting because it helped me know the difference between the partys. the result that i got was "new coalition democrat" and it was interesting because they care about others and want the government to be strict but also caring.

    Courtney Taylor

  38. i took the how liberal or conservative are you quiz and the beyond the red and blue quiz. on both i found that i was moderate but leaning a little left. that doesn't surprise me because that is what i got on the one we took in class, and it also reflects what i believe very well.

    cole bublitz

  39. I took the how liberal or conservative are you quiz. My results were 35% conservative and 65% liberal. This matches the quiz we took in class because I was leaning towards liberal them too. The next quiz I took was beyond the red and blue. The results said I was a hard pressed Democrat. This quiz was interesting to me because I know that I lean toward liberal, but I didn’t know it was such an extreme amount. In the quiz you picked which statement you agree with more. The problem with that is sometimes I think a common ground between the statements makes more sense. So sometimes I didn’t always agree with the statements, so I picked the one that was closest to my opinion.

    -Megan Soland

  40. The first quiz i took was "How Liberal or Conservative are you", the results were 50% meaning i am very moderate. It is very comparable to the survey we took in class because in class i scored a 14 which is also very moderate. The second survey i took was "Politics Compass", i scored in almost the exact same spot as Momoud Abbas, meaning i am slightly fascist and communist, which surprises me because 2 other surveys indicated that i am very moderate. I do not agree with the results from the "politics compass survey"

  41. The first quiz I took was "How liberal or conservative are you" and I scored 30% conservative and 70% liberal. I do agree with that score, although some questions were a bit confusing. This quiz was closer to the #8 score I got when we took the quiz in class. The second quiz I took was "Beyond the Red and Blue". I scored "solid liberal". Personally, I wouldn't say I'm a solid liberal, because I do believe in some conservative views such as strongly believing in government regulation of radio, tv, music ect. To me, this test made it seem like I was just liberal, when in reality I know that yes I am a liberal, but I wouldn't call myself "solid". I agree with the first quiz I took more and the one in class.

    -Susan Gaetano
    hr. 5

  42. I took both the "How Liberal or Conservative are you?" survey as well as the "Beyond the Red and the Blue" survey. Comparing and contrasting these surveys to the one we took in class I would say that for the most part they are the same. They all ask the same questions just worded differently. As far as contrasting, the surveys online were much shorter and required less time to think about your answer. Also, the answers seemed more loaded as in you could tell just by reading the answers whether you would be liberal or conservative on that question. Overall, i scored more conservative in class, and on both the online surveys i scored more liberal. I don't trust any survey to tell me whether I'm liberal or conservative and in my opinion nobody else should either. You can't just take a little questionnaire and base how your going to vote on what it tells you, especially when these surveys write your answers for you. All you can do is pick the one that's "closest" to what you would say.

    Bryce Regimbal
    1st Hour

  43. The first quiz I took was the "Where Do You Fit?" and it said I was a staunch conservative, or strong conservative. I agree with this because it did have different questions then the quiz in class but i did score somewhat high with a 17 in class. I agree with how conservatives think of their money. The second quiz I took was "How liberal or conservative are you" and I scored 90% conservative and 10% liberal. I agree with this score also. I truly can say I agree with the conservatives view on crime, ethics, social issues, fiscal issues, and personal responsibility. There was only maybe 2 questions I would have leaned to the left on.

    -Dan Chihak Hr. 1

  44. The first test i took was "How Liberal or Conservative are you?" It told me that i was 25% conservative and 75% liberal. This makes sense because i scored a 9 on the test in class and thats what I feel I am. The second test I did was "Beyond the Red and the Blue." It told me that i was a new coalition democrate. This means that I'm a liberal but still slightly moderate. This fits with the previous tests I did.

    Bryan King hour 7

  45. I took the political compass quiz and scored a -2.38 (economic left/right), which is in the first squre in the top left towards the middle. I aggree with the result because depending on the topic, I make my own decisions.

    James Bemel Hour 2

  46. I took the beyond red and blue quiz and Based on my responses, I am a New Coalition Democrat Along with 10% of the public. This means that i am one who supports an agenda that the organization describes as moderate and pro-growth.

    James Bemel Hour 2

  47. I took the how liberal & conservative survey and got a 40% on conservative & 60% liberal. I think that the score do match me perfectly because I think the decisions i make are more liberal

    Nansi Barnaba

  48. I took the Liberal and Conservative quiz and as i thought, i recieved 85% Liberal and 15% Conservative, this is accurate because i scored a 2 out of a 25 on the liberal conservitive quiz we took in class. Im a Liberal and will always will be, even the quiz says so haha

    Benjamin Olson

  49. I took the Liberal and Conservative Quiz and I got 70% conservative and 30% liberal. Then i took the Beyond the Red and Blue Quiz and it said i was a Main Street Republican which 11% of the public is considered to be. I was not surprised by my results because based off of the questions we did in class i was still considered conservative. The quizs on the internet had very similar questions to the quizs we took in class.

    Eric Nelson
    Hour 1

  50. I took the Liberal/Conservative quiz and the Beyond the Red and Blue. For the first quiz, I got 50% conservative and 50% liberal, which right away I thought was weird because for the political ideology quiz we took in class, I was pretty far to the left. For the second quiz, I got "new coalition democrat" and I'm not really sure what that means but it's pretty different from being 50/50. I was only surprised by my 50/50 results but not surprised at all by the other results.

    Lacey Brannick
    Hour 1

  51. I took the "Beyond the Red and Blue" quiz, my result was disaffected. I also took the "How Conservative or Liberal are you" quiz and my results were: 45% conservative and 55% Liberal. These results were a little different from the test that we took in class which placed me as a 15 or moderate conservative. Overall I wasn't too shocked because my opinions differ on the topic and how I'm feeling at the time.

  52. I took the how liberal or conservative quiz and I got a result of 20% conservative and 80% liberal. I think that this quiz is fairly accurate because I scored a 7/25 for the in class quiz. I also took the beyond the red and blue quiz and I got the result of libertarian. 9% of Americans are libertarian. I do not think that this is very accurate because libertarian is described as more conservative views fiscally and a little more liberal views on social policy. I think of myself as more liberal in all aspects, which is not what that quiz said.

    -Jeanne Depman

  53. The first quiz I took was the How Liberal or Conservative Are You? quiz. My results were 45% Conservative and 55% Liberal, I think this quiz is very accurate because on the quiz we took in class I scored 13/25 which is right in the middle on the political spectrum. On the Where Do You Fit? quiz I scored 9% Libertarian which seems somewhat correct only because a Libertarian is slightly Conserative and on my quiz I was just a little more to the right side.

    -Risa Ricard

  54. I took the first survey, the Political Compass and the second survey, the How Libral or Conservative are You. For the first quiz, on the graph I was 2.62 to the right and 4.10 towards Authoritarian. The second quiz I was 80% conservative. These results don't really suprise me, because I know I am conservative and it also is pretty close to the quiz I took in class which showed that I was conservative too. It was interesting I thought to go through and answer the different questions about different veiws from each party. A few of the questions I've never even thought about before. So these quizzes opened my eyes to different political views as well.

    Tessa Muehe
    Hr. 5

  55. When I took how liberal or conservative are you in class. I found out that I was moderate conservative. When I took the quiz how Liberal or Conservative are you. I got 55% Conservative and I got 45% Liberal. This wass't much of a big difference. But, it does shock me because I always thought I would be more Liberal. When I took another quiz the Political compass It told me I was a little more Liberal. I still I more Liberal, which on quiz told me I was but two already have told me I'm more Conservative.

  56. I took the How Liberal or Conservative are you quiz and my results were 45% Conservative and 55% Liberal. I was aware of leaning towards the liberal side but my conservative percent was slightly higher than I thought. This quiz was quite similar to the one we took in class. Most of the questions were alike. I also took the Political Compass quiz and I was more to the right. This means I’m more liberal. Both of these tests seem pretty accurate to identifying my views.

    Amal Jeylani
    Hour 5

  57. I took the survey Beyond the Red and Blue. Taking this survey helped me to realize that large difference between democratic and republican beliefs. I was quite surprised when my results came through. I scored a Post-Modern, along with 13% of the public. This was a little surprising to me, because I turned out to be a little more liberal than I had expected. Post-Moderns tend to approve of environmental protection and same sex marriage, and are one of the least religious groups. This fit me somewhat, but not to the point. I also took the How Liberal or Conservative are you quiz and resulted as being 40% conservative, 60% liberal. After taking the first quiz, this did not come as much of a surprise to me. When we took the survey in class, I came to be mostly moderate, leaning a little to the left. The results of the quiz I took online resembled the results of the quiz we took in class, with my results being a little more liberal from the quiz online. Some of the questions on the survey of How Liberal or Conservative are you quiz had me stumped for a few seconds. I realized that I really don't have much of an opinion on subjects such as abortion or the death penalty. I can see both sides of the opinion, so it was hard to select which option resembled me the most.

  58. I also took the Beyond the Red and Blue survey, and i scored conservative but slightly moderate which was the same on all the other quizes. I feel like this one raised my score higher towards conservative because economically i am very conservative and also i'm strongly pro business. So overall i was not suprised with the score i got.

    Chase Andersen hour 3

  59. The two tests that i took where how liberal or conservative are you and the beyond the red and the blue test. I scored 40% conservative 60% liberal for the first test and a moderate for the second test. In class when I took the test I scored a 10 witch is moderate leaning to the left. So the 3 test that Ive taken all point to the same thing.

    Max Topic Hour 5

  60. I scored a 40 % conservative on the how liberal or conservative are you? Quiz this is surprisingly high because I got a 5 on the in class one and generally consider myself to be fairly liberal. The quiz itself had some questions that I had no real opinion on so it is possible this skewed my result. The other quiz I took was the Political compass quiz. I got 6.75 left and 4.62 libertarian which think more accurately describes me than the previus quiz. This one was longer and more in depth, and also offered more than just a which one do you believe in response. I think this helped increase the accuracy of this test and create a more exact description of my views.

  61. I took the How Liberal or Conservative are you quiz and my results were that i was 35% conservative and 65% liberal the other quiz i took was Beyond Red and Blue and my results were "Sold Liberal" i agree with these results because i am mostly liberal. This results also go along with the results in class because i got a 7 showing that i was mostly liberal.

    Melanie Stock

  62. I scored 40% Conservative and 60% liberal in the how liberal or conservative are you survey. This is surprising because i got an 8 in the class survey. I think i am more liberal than the survey says. On the Red and blue survey, i am a solid liberal among, 14% of the public. I think it's a little too extreme for me. I think i am more closer to the middle and to the left.
    Duncan Gichimu

  63. I took the How conservative or Liberal are you survey and I got 25% Conservative and 75% Liberal. This means that I lean way more to the liberal side. This doesnt surprise me do to the fact that I got a 5 in the survey we took in class. I also took the Political Compass Survey and I was 1.62 to the left and 2.15 libertarian. This also doesn't surprise me because I am a very liberal person. So both quizez were pretty accurate.

    Ashley Acevedo
    5th hour

  64. I took the HOw Conservative or Liberal are you survey and i scored 35% Conservative and 65% Liberal. This is very accurate because when i took the survey in calss i was more Liberal. I like how the Liberals help out people and i like helping people. I also took the Beyond the Red and the Blue survey and i got more Red then i did Blue. I think this is somewhat me because i am Liberal but this has more Conservative then Liberal. I going to say that this is not 100% accurate but it is 50% accurate.
    Sanel Zahirovic
    Hour: 1

  65. I took the Beyond Red White and Blue quiz and ended up Post-Modern. I figured I would end up with this because when we talked about it in class, some views I felt liberal and some conservative. Also I took the how conservative or liberal are you and ended up with an almost 50/50 result. Along with most americans. I thought these surveys were pretty good however they left out a lot of topics the different parties view differently on. If they would have incorporated these in, it would have been a more accurate result.
    Sara Spavin Hour 5

  66. The first quiz i took was the Political Compass and i score right in the middle of the graph and it didn’t surprise me because that’s where i scored on the first quiz we took in class and most of the questions i leaned one way or the other. The second quiz i took was the Beyond Red White and Blue. I also thought i would end up in the middle on this one too but i actually ended up as a Solid Liberal so that was interesting to me but not to surprise because i think i lean more to the Liberal side anyways. But the quizzes made it easier to understand and the statements made me realize more about the different parties.


  67. I took the second and third surveys. For the second one, I got “You Are 60% Conservative, 40% Liberal”. I think that is pretty accurate; while I may be liberal in some of my views (international peace, support gay marriage, health care for all), I am probably mostly Conservative in my political views that the government should be centered on existing so as to let individuals help themselves, rather than everyone supporting each other (or dragging each other down). On the fourth quiz that I took, I got “Libertarian”. From the descriptions of ‘What they believe’, this seems to fit me well again, economically conservative but can be liberal on certain social issues, is for gay marriage and not very religious. I think these quizzes and others are succeeding in telling me that I tend to be more Republican, although not too strong, and still liberal in social views.

    -Vera Novitskaia, Hour 3

  68. I took the second and third surveys, for the second survey that I took, my results were "50% conservative and 50% liberal". I think that these results were pretty accurate considering I believe strongly on some things in both catergories. Some liberal things that I believe in are that we should protect the environment with all we've got, and another thing that makes me liberal is that I don't believe that religious beliefs have anything to do with your political views. Some reasons why I might be considered conservative are that I do not believe there should be gay marriages and I believe that our country is over populated. The second survey that i took was survey number three "Where do you fit?" and my results were "Libertarian". I agree with this result too because of the things that it says that people that are Libertarian believe in. Including that strongly pro-business and that im also highly critical of the government.

    -Pat Windish, Hour 3

  69. How Conservative are you and Beyond the red and Blue- apparently I'm 40% Conservative, 60% Liberal. I have always been told I'm more conservative therefore i have always believed that. these results are kind of new. but i guess i do agree. i want the wildlife well taken care of which would be liberal. wildlife is something everyone should have a chance to enjoy. but i also believe there should be stricter immigration laws. People that come here if they dont have a life set for them with a job and a house provided by themselves not our tax dollars. should be removed back to where they come from we should not have to supply them their lives.
    -Dylan Arends- Hr.3-

  70. I took the how liberal or conservative are you survey. My results were 25% conservative and 75% Liberal. Many of the questions that were asked in this survey were similar to the one we took in class. My results were alike. I believe it did define me accurately. I also took the Mortal Politics quiz and it said I was more liberal then conservative, and I agree with both surveys.

    Mahad Abdi
    Hour 5

  71. I took the how libral or conservative are you quiz. I believe the question were pretty good to figure out what you are and I didnt have too many where I couldnt choose an answer it said I was 30% Conservative, 70% Liberal. Thats fairly accurate I'd say.

    Micheal Crowley

  72. According to beyond red and blue i am post-modern along with 13% of the country. I thought the question were really intreguing and i put alot of thought into most of my answers so i believe this is a pretty good fit.

    Micheal G. Crowley

  73. when i compared the activity that we did in class and the liberal or conservative quiz i averged out to be in the same place for both of them because both of the activities say im leaning right and a stronge concervative and the quiz said im 70% conservative and 30% liberal and i like the way it resembales me.
    however the second quiz it wasn't what i expected it was a whole lot different view of my self and it said i was a hard pressed democrat witch i thought to my self democras are more liberal and im more conservative and it didnt make seen to me i kind find different.


  74. i took the 2ed quiz the How Liberal or Conservative are you and it said Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal. Personal Responsibility 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal.
    Fiscal Issues 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal.
    Ethics 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
    Defense and Crime. 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
    and the other quiz i took was the Beyond the Red and the Blue and that said i was a post modern that is a little liberal that is accurate to what i scored i class

    trevor conway

  75. i took the second survey and political compass survey. the second survey suggested the same score as a got in class, slightly more conservative than liberal at 60% and 40%. the compass survey put me as more authoritarian left. not by much but a little more than the others had done. all surveys conclude me to be about the same as the previous. taking these surveys has confirmed what i am and given me a better understanding of democrat vs republica.
