Thursday, May 26, 2011

Review for Final Exam

The final will be made up of 50 multiple choice questions. Pay close attention to the number of questions that will be included from each unit that we have studied.

I.  Introduction     Government                Events leading to independence

                              Types of Government   Articles of Confederation

                              Types of Economies     Declaration of Independence


II.  Constitution                  Preamble                           Limited Government
      and Amendments          Articles                             Checks and Balances
                                          Amendments                     Separation of Powers

                                          How to add Amendments     Judicial Review

                                          Supremacy Clause             Federalism
                                          Popular Sovereignty          Necessary and Proper Clause 

III.  Federalism                             Concurrent

IV.  Legislative Branch        Facts about members of Congress

                                             Powers of Congress

                                             How a Bill becomes law

                                                        Types of Committees

                                             Budget information


V.  Executive Branch           Facts about President and Vice President

                                             Powers of the President

                                             How the President is elected (Electoral College)


                                             Other offices and agencies that help the President

VI.  Judicial Branch             Facts about Federal Judges

                                             3 levels of Federal Courts

                                             Information on the US Supreme Court

                                             Types of Jurisdiction

VII.  Political Parties

Unit 1 = 5 questions, Unit 2 - 10 ques, #3 = 5 Ques, #4 = 10 ques,
#5 = 10 ques, #6 = 5 ques, and #7 = 5 ques.

Good luck and prep well,
Mr. Thompson


  1. ponies and unicorns

  2. Kristin poe hour 1June 5, 2011 at 9:37 AM

    I took the first survey and scored slightly to the left but more moderate than anything. I agree with this survey. Then I took the second survey and scored slightly to the right still being close to being moderate. This is the complete opposite of the first survey and would agree more with my results from the first survey I took. In class I scored as a moderate person which seems more like me! Laws are laws, rights are rights, and all are responsible for their actions with the same opportunities.
