Thursday, May 5, 2011

Posts for May

Your second post on the blog should be to any article from this point on in the future..

If you like well-written editorials by conservatives here is one from one of the best... George Will is a Pulitzer Prize winning writer for the Washington Post, one of the most widely read and respected newspapers in the country. Mr. Will writes about US policy recently in Pakistan and al-Qaeda vs US/NATO policy in Libya.

Love to read your thoughts,
Mr. Thompson


  1. Samantha Hertel Hour 5

    George Will does make some realy good points in this article. The ratio of 1,400 US soldiers to one Afganistan soldier seems a bit rediculous to me. It's hard to believe that there's only about 100 of them against our 140,000 US soldiers. That fact seems a bit unreal thinking there's only 100, it could be right, I didn't look into it. We could be spending more money then we really need to be spending keeping all those troops overseas. One thing that George metioned that I hadn't even realized is when he says "bin Laden was brought down by intelligence gathering that more resembles excellent police work than a military operation." That statement made me think how much police work is done in that situation compared to military work, where's the line between the two in this situation? I do agree that the death of osama was a great significance in our American History, the most significant?, maybe. One thing is for sure, when I heard that news I did feel proud to be an American.

  2. Reed KlompenhowerJune 3, 2011 at 1:19 PM

    I think we have far to many troops, but i do think we should keep about half of them there so we dont disperse our troops to much, but we would also save plenty of money. I liked how they stated police work helped bring out Osama's hiding place. I feel this is all great, but I dont think it should be the end of NATO. I do however believe that we need to pull back our troops and make other countries help out more if they feel the need to send NATO in.

  3. I believe it is a little strange to be calling this killing of Osama bin Laden an "accomplishment". Despite what he has done, it should rather be called a pity, that it had to come to something like this, and in a diplomatic sense should not be flaunted as what our country has "achieved" is a dirty business. It is difficult to think of peace, when everyone is so military-focused in the United States. While it was something that had to be done, the way the news was spread was somewhat outrageous and the fact that people were trying to post fake videos of the killing online was kind of sickening. I'd rather not see America as the strongest military power, but as the strongest upholders of peace (along with the United Nations), so the message that the news sent was not something that made me feel "proud" completely.

    -Vera Novitskaia, Hour 3

  4. i believe that we have to many troops deployed and that we should only fight when its nessary or however if you look at the middle east such as iraq and iran i think we have been fighting a non ending war and that we should let our troops come back and we should not be involved in outher counties problem unless its affecting us.
