Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday US Government 5/16

A) Passed back
     Claim/Support/ Questions from discussion of the Electoral College last week.
     Congress test written questions on Mandatory v Discretionary and why debt is bad
     Exec Vocab quiz we took last week
B) Handed out review sheet for Test on the Executive Branch this Friday. Provided some insight into some of the questions/content and the written component of the test.
C) Discussion of the Cabinet including the 6 questions about the Cabinet and the mission or goal of each of the 15 Cabinet departments.
D) Went over the outline for class each of the days this week as we study the Bureaucracy.
     Monday - Cabinet
     Tuesday - Executive Office of the President
     Wednesday - Regulatory Commissions, Independent Agencies, and Government Corporations
     Thursday - Wrap up Executive Branch and review for test
     Friday - Test on Executive Branch

Last big test before finals so be ready for it,
Mr. Thompson

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