Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday US Government 5/2

A) Take test on Congress
B) Complete the following for tomorrow:
    1.  Executive Branch- Identify the 4 components of the Executive Branch.
  Eg. Legislative = Congress = House and Senate

     2.  Make a chart and answer the following for both.

President   /       Vice President
A. Formal Qualifications (3)
B. Length of term
C. Term limits
D. Succession (who takes over if they leave office
      before end of term)
E. How are they chosen?
F. Area each represents?

    3.   Bonus…next presidential election (month, day, and year)

C) Pick up list of vocabulary for the unit. We will have a vocab quiz next week some time. Date to be determined later this week.

Mr. Thompson

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