Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wednesday US Government 5/4

A) Shared the president's website with you @ We looked at the president's daily schedule (which you have access to), the executive orders he has issued along with all of the bills he has either signed into law or has vetoed. These people are our public elected officials and we should have access to the information about the decisions they are making that may impact our daily lives.

B) Shared the Plum Book with you. This is a listing of about 8000 mainly presidential-appointed positions that, as president, I have to make sure a good qualified person is fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of the position.

C) Read Chapter 8 Section 2 on Electing our President for Friday. You may write down any notes you may want for class that day and/or any questions you may have as well. Friday we will write in class "How are the US President and Vice President chosen?"

D) Read the first sentence of Article 2 and discussed the significance of it.

E) Skimmed the entire Article 2 and compiled a list of all Formal/Expressed/ Enumerated powers of the President.

Mr. Thompson

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