Thursday, April 14, 2011

Budget Stuff

Here is an interactive chart detailing President Obama's 2012 budget proposal. Click on the hyperlinked message "view an interactive breakdown of your tax dollars...." to access the data.

Mr. Thompson


  1. I think that its good the US Government is working hard to get are debt down but with gas prices on the rise it will be hard not to slip in to another resection. why is social security so important i know its for retirement but its a lot of money spent.still its nice to know some thing is happening.

  2. This country has found it easy to spend and now is learning that it is difficult to pay back. If the people in office were totally logical that this would not have happened. I believe that we the people of America could make a difference by chaging our country one community at a time. It should start with us. This country started with people just like us. Maybe you'll fight to say that they're geniuses and we are not. This can be worked out...we just need it to be organized, have everyone help out, and make it work. I type it with ease right now, but the process that I have stated could take months to plan out. or even more...if it was instilled into law it would definately happen.

  3. Our Country has a problem with spending money. I don’t think it’s a good idea to increase the spending or decrease revenues. It’s too late for that because the President has already signed the legislation to do so. The debt limit doesn’t seem to be helping Congress, so setting the debt ceiling higher wouldn’t be the proper way to handle this. There needs to be another plan that’s going to be more efficient.

    Amal Jeylani
    Hour 5
