Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Looking for meaningful employment???

As we talked about in class, the Plum Book is the book given to each new president. The link takes you right to the 2008 version (most recent, the next version will be printed for 2012). Inside are over 7000 gov't jobs over 217 pages of text. The key to some of the codes is on page 4 so you can tell whether you only need to befriend a president or a majority of the Senate as well. At the end of the book are the pay scales on pages 210 and 211.

Mr. Thompson


  1. This "Plum Book" reminds me of the "President's Book" from National Treasure. It makes me feel like I shouldn't be reading it let alone that it be available online. Never the less, I feel that it is important for the president to have. It seems like a great reference for the president to lean on when he has little questions about who does what.

  2. Michael Meyer Hour: 3May 27, 2011 at 8:22 AM

    I think the Plum Book is important for the president to have. If a president wants to know who does what in the government he can just look in this. Although it seems like a lot, it can help the president out during his term. This can allow the president to do a better job at what he does and make sure everyone is doing what they need to do in the government.
