Wednesday, April 27, 2011

President's daily schedule

The first link is to the official website of the White House and President Obama. You can access all kinds of good stuff about our current administration.

The second link provides the President's daily schedule. Today the President started his day with a press conference at which he showed off his birth certificate to appease the skeptics. He then traveled to Chicago for a taping of the Oprah Winfrey Show with his wife. Then off to New York to speak to and on behalf of Democrats before leaving at 11:30 PM to return to DC.

Mr. Thompson


  1. While taking a quick glance at these two links I was quick to notice that Obama wears many "hats" in one day. I looked at his schedule for the day to find that he had seven completely different things, meetings and roles to play that day. Then when I checked out the other link the first thing I saw was president supports thousands in the easter egg roll. This was a fun cerimonial event for Obama which showed his Head of the State role. When I looked into the website more I saw he had a presidential briefing on the economy and oil and gas industry. He stated that better gas prices would come from respsonisble production of oil here in the states,protect from oil fraud, invest in clean renewable energy, and live within our means. He also stated his disagreement with congress' idea to cut investment in renewable energy by 70%. He believes that clean renewable energy with create our future for economy, technology, jobs, and income. I definitely think he has the right idea with that.

  2. The President is a busy man, most people may think all day he sits around abd pass or veto bills and give instuctions but as you can see, he has important business to adress for example Cheif Diplomat, he has held a concering Libya @ 10:50am, As you can see the President has a to do list for everyday that impact our nation. Kenya W..

  3. I find it very interesting that Obama must do so many activities in one day like this one and the previous, and one must wonder how he can keep so calm and collected? I think this is a great way to show how flexible Obama can be during his presidential term(s), because of how at one moment he is giving a speech to the press, and then just a few min's later he can be giving a military debreffing. After viewing this, i can see how stressful his life can be, but also how well Obama can handle it as a president, and dealing with all of the duties that come with that title.

    -Alex Pastor Hr 5

  4. It seems like the President has a very busy day. You can see throughout his days that he puts on his different "caps" depending on what is on his schedule for the day. For example, yesterday he met with the Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli. When talking with Panama's President Obama took on the role of Chief Diplomat. Today he will visit the Andrews Air Force Base, this is probably a meeting about the military, so Obama will need his Commander in Chief cap during his visit. Obama's life is filled with busy days of meetings, conferences, and plane flights but, atleast he never has to expirience the same boring routine twice.

    Risa R. Hr: 3

  5. iguess i really didnt know how busy the president was. i just thought that he had only a few tasks a day or there was a few days in there when they get chaotic but not every day. i question how he deals with all the stress tanking though a bunch of things every day
    semuel hong hr1

  6. The table is very interesting to see how busy the President actually is. From dawn 'till dusk the President is touring the US today, mainly using his "Head of State" and "Economic Planner" hats. I say this because he goes to Alabama in order to view the destruction left by the tornados that ripped through the state. Obama uses his "Economic Planner" hat here because he will have to (if he hasn't already) send aid to help those in need, just like with New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina. Then Obama heads off to Cape Canaveral to view the space shuttle launch. Obama views this launch more for symbolic reasons, as it is one of the last two space shuttle launches ever. Here he is wearing his "Head of State" hat, and is at the launch to show support for the NASA program. Lastly, Obama heads to Miami Dade College, where he will give an address to the graduating class. He does so because Obama is committed to higher education, and is also speaking to a college with a lot of diversity. In fact, minorities constitute over 66% of enrollment. Again, Obama is wearing his "Head of State" hat, as he is showing that he is committed to higher education. Overall, President Obama has a very busy day, and is always changing his presidential "hats" daily to fit his schedule.

    -Dylan Hardyman

  7. It is interesting to see that the President is literally on the go some days from 8 am to 1130 pm. He visits many places throughout the United States just in one day with the help of air force one. Some events he brings his entire family and some events it is just the president. It is nice to see that on saturday and sunday he has no public events so that he might have a day off for family time even though I'm sure he still has work to do. It is also interesting that most of the events he attends in a day is just for appearances and to make speeches. Few are actually about signing laws or enforcing them. Most are just to show his face to communittees or for a simple easter egg hung

    sophie hackman

  8. As i can see by the presidents daily schedule he is a lot busier then anyone. Each hour he has something to do and it doesn't end till he gets back in the white house. As i saw the schedule he has to be in Alabama to tour the damage caused by the severe storm that went through there. He has to tour Alabama. Whats also interesting the family gets the chance to watch space shuttle launch of Endeavour in Florida.

    Victor Soro 1st

  9. noticeably the schedule for the president is empty. but that doesnt mean he isnt doing anything, because it said there wasnt a public schedule. which leads to a reason i would not want to be president. not only do u have to see alot of people in one day, travel to other parts of the country, more than one state in a day sometimes. and even with all the perks like the air force 1 jet and the president camp place. it doesnt sound like that make up for what Obama has to deal with on a daily basis. its only four years but its history and people will remember what he did if it was good or bad. and right now the bad that i hear will be most remebered and he will be given all of blame for all of our countries problems. the presidents schedule may not look like alot sometimes and other times its filled with meetings and pleasentries. reason #2, why i wouldnt want to be president.

  10. The president is always on the road or doing something. I thought he would just sit in his desk and not do much but he's always going somewhere in the world. I would hate to be president because I would feel that I wouldn't get to spend time with my family and would have way to much pressure on me to ever do that where the whole country is depending on you to make things good
    Darryn liedl

  11. I looked at Obama's schedule Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. He had a busy long day Friday. He started at 8 am and went until 11:30 and I'm sure he had to do some prepping before hand. That is a 17 hour day! I also noticed that they had no public schedule for Saturday and Sunday. I understand Sunday but you would think he would have some head of State things to do. I know he needs family time but Saurday is a great day to do the ceremonial traditional things and you would think they would atleast have those things on the weekend schedule.

  12. From the schedule I just looked at, the President only had 4 things on his daily list. But the things the President has to do carry huge responsibilites that keep him constantly busy. Giving speeches, presenting awards, breifings on the nation and the world, and obviously many many more things. Looking at that website I noticed the Presient does a lot things I didn't even know about, yet these things are part of his everyday routine. He's a very busy man who holds the stressful yet very honorable position as the leader of our nation.

    Tessa Muehe
    Hr. 5

  13. The schedule given to the president is of great importance, he is expected to do everything on his agenda and do it well. Of course Obama doesn't make his own schedule but he has someone who maps and times all his tasks out for him. Everyday he wakes up he has a schedule waiting for him to complete. I would agree that more than not the presidents schedule is very stressful.

  14. I think it's pretty cool that the public can see what the president does everyday. I agree with some of the comments above saying that the public being able to show his daily schedule, shows the public that no he doesn't sit around everyday and does nothing. He is constantly busy and working with many groups of people and on the go from state to state. On the other hand, I somewhat feel bad for the president. He really has no privacy. Every single day people know what he's doing! I know I would hate it if millions of people knew what I was doing every hour of the day.

    -Susan Gaetano
    hr. 5

  15. When looking at the presidents schedule. he has a very busy schedule. I think its really cool that you can see what the president is doing. This shows the public that may not like Obama that hes not just sitting around he cares about the public and is working hard. When looking what was going on today he started his day later then usually and should be back at the white house by 5:30 pm. I do think it would suck to be the president to not have any privacy and everyone in the United states knowing where you are and what your doing.

  16. I think it’s amazing that Obama does so many things in a day like this one. If he has a day like this every day I don’t think it'd really be that fun to be the president. I think this is a good way to show Obama can do so much and show he doesn’t just sit around all day like some people think. Showing the people what he does from day to day, can prove he may be a good candidate for re-election. After seeing this, I can see how stressful in can get. Life for Obama seems to be stressful but he seems like he’s able to handle many duties the USA throws at him everyday

    Ray Driscoll -- 3rd hr
