Thursday, April 14, 2011

President Obama's 2012 Budget proposal

Below find a link to President Obama's 2012 budget proposal and a link to the response that many of the GOP (Republican) contenders for president in the 2012 election said in response to the proposal.

President Obama's Proposal

Republican Response

Thanks, Mr. Thompson


  1. I find it interesting that the veteran's benefits are separate from the military personell expenses. I also find it interesting the student financial aid is less than 1%. I think that the government should have more accountability for the money spent for supplies and services that are provided under contracts to make sure that they get the most for their money. That money saved could easily be spent on the children and students to have good health and good educations so that they can be taxpayers when they are adults and help decrease the tax burdens placed on this generation.
    Jeff T. period 5

  2. I think that Obama's plan is pretty solid, but I think his healthcare plan will make us go further into debt just because i feel most people will abuse it. I also dont agree with how the see Social Security not effecting much. I think even if they changed the age by 5 years that would help save a ton of money too. America needs to tax everyone about the same, but the rich should be taxed slightly more. I do think we need a plan that cuts down on tour spending, or a plan to raise our revenue. My personal opinion on how we could raise some extra money, and cut spending at the same time would be to legalize marijuana, and possible other 'soft drugs' this would cut down on arrests, and the government could easily make billions of dollars.

  3. I do agree mostly with what Obama had said. Especially when he talks about how he wants a stronger economy, so people have more chances to keep their jobs or to even find one. We all know that our economy is not good right now, and to find jobs is very difficult. I agree with Reed when he says that that Obama's healthcare plan will make us go further into debt because people will abuse this opportunity. You are going to see that people will try and abuse anything as much as they can. That's the last thing we need is to think we are helping out the economy and our healthcare plan, and come to find out we are actually losing money because people are not using it the way they are supposed to.

    trisha radke

  4. I agree with Obama. It’s important that we build a strong economy for the upcoming youth. Knowing that we are lacking jobs and healthcare, to add the upper class should be taxed more having our citizens not having good income. I can relate to the other bloggers when they say that the people will abuse their privileges. Our country has been wasting money helping other countries when we ourselves are in deficient knowing that it will hurt us in the long run. Something has to be done now and I commend Obama with his plan.

    Mahad Abdi
    hr. 5
