Tuesday, February 19, 2013

4th period Declaration of Independence

If you still have thoughts from the graded discussion that you didn't get a chance to respond with,  you may add them as comments. If you were absent and excused, you can get credit for posting your comments here. Do a little bit of research on something you are curious about the Declaration or Jefferson. Write a paragraph explaining what your curiosity was and what you found out. Please write it well and be sure to proof read it before posting it. Make sure your content is unique from your classmates...post early to insure this. I will accept comments until 3:03 on Friday, Feb. 22nd.

Mr. Thompson


  1. Tia Aljets: (Absent)
    After studying the Declaration of Independence, I was curious as to why we celebrate Independence Day on July fourth, when in fact we didn’t gain independence until 1783. Upon further research, I discovered that although we declared our independence from Britain in 1776, it wasn’t until the end of the American Revolutionary War in 1783 that some say we were truly free from Britain. This was eye-opening to me because I realized that if we hadn't gained our independence from Britain, we would still be ruled by them today. Things might be just as bad as or even worse than they were back then.

  2. After studying the Declaration of Independence in Government class, I can declaring my independent I have gained confidence, which is essential for success in the world, My self-esteem has developed in a continual process and is shaped by each new situation. Independent's countries will develop our good listening skills, all of the citizen will learns how to make wise choices and learn how to listen better and make wise decisions throughout life. However, I wonder why United state still afraid about run out of money in economic when they have a strong Government? How is the economy of US going to be if Chinese government stop exporting for US ?

    (I don't know if I'm on the right track for this topic. Please ! Correct my grammar.)


  3. If I had to choose one thing that I’m most curious about The Declaration of Independence is what influence did John Locke have on it?
    “Freedom of [people] under government is to have a standing rule to live by... made by the legislative power vested in it; a liberty to follow [one's] own will in all things, when the rule prescribes not, and not to be subject to the inconstant, uncertain, unknown, arbitrary will of another....” This quote by John Locke has many significant ideas/motives that are key points of The Deceleration of Independence, Although Locke was never and still is not appreciated and known for his theories as much as he deserves, he is the basis of The Declaration of Independence.
    Talyr Burt

  4. Claudia Guerrero
    What was the purpose of the declaration of independence?

    Throughout all my studies of history and geography I never heard of other countries in war, civil or otherwise to come up with a declaration of independence or something similar to it until after we wrote ours. So why did the colonies feel the need to make a declaration? They were already fighting Britain and it was clear they wanted their independence from them. I decided I needed to better understand the purpose so I conducted more research about the Declaration of Independence and found a few different reason as to why they wrote it. The reason I found that stood out the most to me was by Thomas Jefferson he said "It was intended to be an expression of the American mind." I believe this to mean that what they wanted to do, was to justify not only to the citizens of the colonies but to the rest of the world that they had real reason behind their actions. This is best proved by the List of Grievances in the Declaration of Independence , which truly frames all the injustices that King George the third did to the colonies. Showing the world that they are not like young children acting up against authority but that Britain had done some real damage and that revolution was inevitable.
