Thursday, February 21, 2013

Constitutional Convention

Below find the last bit of content we will be working with before our 1st test next week.

Using Section 4 of Chapter 2, you are responsible for the following information.

1.       Know the facts of the Constitutional Convention
·         Who was there?
·         Where was the meeting held?
·         When did this meeting happen?
·         Why was the meeting called?
·         What was the result of the meeting?

2.       Know the key details of the following plans for our national gov’t.
·         Virginia Plan
·         New Jersey Plan

3.       Know the major content of the compromises reached at the Constitutional Convention? (What was disagreement about, who was disagreeing ie. Sides, and what was the compromise or solution)
·         Connecticut Compromise
·         3/5’s Compromise
·         Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise
·         Election of the President

4.       Be familiar with the following terms
a. Federalists       b. Anti-Federalists              c. Ratification     d. Federalist Papers

Mr. Thompson

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