Wednesday, February 20, 2013

ASSIGNMENT Personal Declaration

Each of you will be picking a subject who then will be composing a Declaration of Independence to whomever it might be applicable to. For example you could be writing this as a baby bird writing to your big bird parents about why you should be able to leave the nest. (Now you can't use this as your topic though). The subject can be you personally but doesn't have to be. BE CREATIVE!

Your “declaration” should include the following:
An introduction- this paragraph should follow the example that Thomas Jefferson used in his introductory paragraphs but in your own words.

You should provide 3 good reasons why you should be given this independence. You must be convincing, so pick three compelling reasons to support your claim.

Your “declaration” should have a conclusion at the end to wrap it up.
(Much like Jefferson does with his declaration)

The assignment is worth 30 points.
The assignment will be typed and single spaced (double space between paragraphs)

Final copy emailed to me by Midnight Sunday March, 10th
The final hard copy will be handed in Monday March, 11th (in class)


I. Introduction (1 paragraph)
A. “inalienable rights”
B. “truths”
C. “call to action”
II. Body (3 paragraphs)
A. Reason 1 “Achievement”
a.    Support-make the connection between achievement and your independence.
B. Reason 2
a.    Support
C. Reason 3
a.    Support
III. Conclusion (1 paragraph)
A. “declaration of intent”

Have fun and be creative,
Mr. Thompson

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