Tuesday, February 19, 2013

5th Period Declaration of Independence

If you still have thoughts from the graded discussion that you didn't get a chance to respond with,  you may add them as comments. If you were absent and excused, you can get credit for posting your comments here. Do a little bit of research on something you are curious about the Declaration or Jefferson. Write a paragraph explaining what your curiosity was and what you found out. Please write it well and be sure to proof read it before posting it. Make sure your content is unique from your classmates...post early to insure this. I will accept comments until 3:03 on Friday, Feb. 22nd.

Mr. Thompson


  1. Why was Jefferson so private as a president??? Why do most of the people refer to him as the author of the Declaration of Independence, the father of the university of Virginia,ect...yet rarely as the 3rd president of the United States?

    Despite his skills at writing and conversation, Jefferson was a horrible public speaker.When he had to speak publicly, he frequently mumbled and spoke in an inaudible voice that made it very difficult for people to hear him. That doesn't mean that his speech was not well written and meaningful;He just wasn’t able to give them in front of crowds. John Adams once said, “During the whole time I sat with him in Congress, I never heard him utter three sentences together.” His fear of public speaking made him an incredibly private president who tried to avoid the spotlight. For this reason, he started the tradition of sending the State of the Union message to Congress in writing so he would not have to present it. This tradition was followed until 1913 when it was broken by Woodrow Wilson.

    P.K., Lai

  2. Who are the two philosophers that Thomas Jefferson borrowed many of his ideas from? How does the Declaration of Independent uphold the principle of the social contract?

  3. Brian O.

    After studying the Declaration of independence, i felt that there were a few question felt unanswered.

    During the time period what bill of rights were there? Were the slaves guaranteed t
    What gave the Intolerable acts a greater impact than earlier tax acts?
