Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Buffett Rule

President Obama's weekly radio address from Sunday April 15th is attached in which he again explains his support for the Buffett Rule which could be up for a vote as early as next week. Yes I know the president is in Colombia but he still must do his job. Feel free to read his comments and respond with your own thoughts.

Mr. Thompson


  1. Having average Americans that can barely afford paying their own taxes, pay higher taxes than millionaires, is ridiculous and not fair to all Americans. I completely agree to what Warren Buffett specified, "...that's not fair and it doesn't make sense. It's wrong that middle-class Americans pay a higher share of their income in taxes than some millionaires and billionaires"(Richard Wolf). To try and come to a conclusion to this problem, the Members of Congress are going to meet together and have a chance to set things right. They get to vote on what we call the Buffett Rule.

    - Jamie Schacht Hr 1

  2. Why should a billionaire pay a lower rate of tax than the average American? Warren Buffet (a billionaire) asks the same question. I do not believe that billionaires are hurting because of a higher tax rate. How can you be in dire straights and complain about taxation, when you are eating caviar as the rest of us are eating out of a box. It’s not just Warren Buffet who thinks this is true, "Most Americans support this idea. One survey found that two-thirds of millionaires do, too. So do nearly half of all Republicans.” Really what we all want is fair taxation. You can’t say its fair when the average American pays a higher percentage of their income than a billionaire. Would someone please tell me why there are congressmen who believe this is not absurd? Is someone paying these congressmen under the table?

    - Abby Devine hour 4

  3. It's crazy that a very large amount of Americans, including the ones affected, agree that "millionaires should not pay a lower percentage of their income taxes than the average Americans." If all those people believe that millionaires should be paying higher taxes it's frustrating that a bill, that could help so many Americans, was not passed. The Republican Party Spokesperson, Kirsten Kukowski says, "The reality is the Buffet Tax is a political gimmick that doesn't do anything to create jobs and doesn't cut the deficit." The fact that she believes those are the only two important things that need to be changed is insane. Just because it won't create jobs doesn't mean it's a bad idea. It is still helping the average American!

    -Megan Haynes hour 4

  4. I agree with Megan! While we need to create jobs, that's a difficult task when we don't have enough money coming in to help create said jobs. I don't think it's fair that millionaires are able to skirt around the law and the government pulls the wool over their eyes and accepts it simply because most millionaires control the corporations. We're all working citizens of this country and we owe it to the future to pay it forward and start to help out, especially if you make more than what the average person needs to live off of. No one needs $1 million dollars, especially when there are millions of people unemployed, homeless, and without any sense of hope.

    Mikayla Lanier, hour 4.

  5. As much a fair play appeals to me, i really didn't like the buffet rule. It was Obama's way to stir up some support, and kind of grasp at some straws. The buffet rule said that if you make more than $1 million then you have to pay the same percentage on your income as middle class Americans do. The downside to this bill was that it would raise the taxes of millionaires by a very small percentage some by as little as 3%; like it or not billionaires are paying their fair share...they just have enough to spare.
    -Ali Mohamed 4
