Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tax Day

Tax Day this year is April 17th. The following link is an article that you can respond to if you wish. There is plenty in this article to whet your appetite on taxes since I know you all love this topic. Your entry should be a brief comment about something you learned and why you thought it significant. Don't summarize the article and don't tell me whether you liked the article or not! Also, please read other posts so you don't re-state something someone else has already commented on. However you can piggyback on previous comments.

Tax Day

Mr. Thompson


  1. One thing that I learned was that there would be a vote on Thursday to have a 20% decrease in taxes for buisnesses that employ less than 500 people. This is significant because that includes a big chunck of buisnesses,and that would help buisnesses because they don't have to pay such high taxes. A small buisness might have a hard time paying their taxes, and with the reduction it might help the buisness. The buisnesse's revenue would be larger because they have to pay less on taxes.

    Anna Passe

  2. In the article, I learned that we will be hearing a lot about taxes from President Obama and Mitt Romney as they continue their presidential campaigns. Obama wants to have the rich pay more taxes, and raise taxes on some US companies, then use this money to lower taxes for individuals and other corporations. Romney wants to keep Bush tax cuts and trim rates and take away taxes on estates. This is important because whichever one of these people become president will then have to get help from the Congress to get bills passed. I think it will be interesting to see what really happens to taxes.

    Matt F. hr. 1

  3. I agree with Matt's opinions but I feel that obama should lower taxes for everybody. The amount of taxes that we all pay is ridiculous. Because we pay too much taxes we don't have enough money to go on vacations, buy a car, buy a new house, go shopping, etc... So if we just lowered taxes we would be able to boost our economy.

    Ben J. hr. 4

  4. We are in major Debt, thats pretty obvious and as Americans its partly our fault although we didnt directly put ourselfs there. Raising taxes is a way to lower our debt, but with that the governement needs to stop spending as much as possible. We as Americans our set against taxes but with out them we would have no Military or a Goverment,those our two key things to have in a country. In France taxes are greatly larger than taxes in the US, with that comes healthcare and help n other areas. The French know this and come together as a country instead of worrying about there own slice of the pie. If we as Americans can see taxing diffrently I think we can lower our debt and keep ur country alive.
    -Payton Lee hr1
