Sunday, April 15, 2012

Secret Service

I know this story has nothing to do with the Legislative Branch but it is current and as described is "probably the greatest scandal to hit the Secret Service". Feel free to read and comment. Besides there is a US Constitution quiz attached to this site that is interesting to take since you are all Constitution experts now. For the record, I got 13 of 15 correct.

Mr. Thompson


  1. Not only did I read the article but I also watched a video that was on the side (which was a lot more interesting because it was cool to see what actual people thought of it, no offense). In the video it showed Senator Susan Collins and Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee talking about what they thought about the scandal. Mrs. Jackson-Lee Expressed how all the women in America are insulted and offended because of the behavior of the secret service by involving themselves with prostitutes, shortly afterwards Representative Sheila says they should be fired immediately. Mrs. Collins said that it was incredible how the secret service were engaged in such despicable, unprofessional, and dangerous behavior. And I kind of agree with them, I guess it’s hard to understand the severity of the situation because unfortunately prostitution isn’t that big of a deal anymore but it still doesn’t make it okay. Not only did they engage themselves in something as disgusting as prostitution but they also compromised their mission, you never know who those girls could have been.

    Ashley Parker, Hour 1

  2. I read the article and it explained how the secret service was involved in bringing women back to their apartments and the women are believed to be prostitutes. I agree that the members who were involved with the women should be relieved of service. I think that getting involved with prostitutes was completely wrong. The article also explained how the agents could have been threatened with blackmail if allowed to remain in service. According to the article there was no breach of security though so at least there is a small bright side to this dark story.

    Trevor Terpstra, Hour 1

  3. I agree that the behavior of the secret service agents who were involved in this scandal is unacceptable, and that they should be punished. They were on duty, and their job was to secure the area for the presidents arrival. Getting involved with prostitutes while they were suppossed to be making sure the area was safe was a very bad decision. This is described as "probably the greatest scandal to hit the Secret Service", because secret service agents are not supposed to be involved in scandals. When they took the job they knew that their actions would be very publicized. They should have known better to not make any questionable decisions. In order to keep the integrity of the good secret service agents, I think they had to get rid of the few that made this recent poor decision.

    -Susan Hansen Hour: 2

  4. I'm gonna play a different angle from what you guys have been commenting on. I have read the article and talked it over with My dad and some interesting points came up. I do not think that the Secret Service guards should be fired, at most maybe take an unpaid leave for a month. And remember, what is illegal here might not be illegal there. The last time I checked, if those women were prostitutes, prostitution is legal in Columbia, and in fact, they were not on duty at that specific time that they brought the women back. And like that source said in the article (they didn't give a name, just a source) "whether they were brought a prostitute back or ended up with one, it's still bad."

    -Kori Atkinson

  5. I totally dissagree with what these agents did. Getting involved with prostitutes is a very bad idea. Did they even consider what this makes the rest of the United States Secret Service look like? I think the correct answer there would be probably not. I do believe that these men should be punished, yes, but fired? That does seem just a bit exteam. I think what should happen is they get suspened for several months and then given a second chance. If something like this ever happens again then, yes, they do deserve to be fired.
    -Nicole Peloquin hr 1

  6. After all is said and done, the bottom line is the actions taken by the Secret Service members involved in this scandal could have created a situation that could have spiraled out of control. Obviously, the President could have been put in danger, but just as important, secret information could have been passed to the wrong people. The article talked about blackmail and how it could have taken place. The women involved, whether they knew it or not, could have had the agents spilling out information. One might think that if a person can take a bullet for the President, he or she could easily keep information secret. However, when facing the possible loss of employment and public humiliation, a person might do things to keep themselves safe, like giving out secret information. If blackmail had occurred, the security of the President, and also the security of the people of the United States could have been jeopardized. Because of this, the Secret Service agents involved in this scandal should be removed from their positions.

    -Tanner Nimke Hour 2

  7. I believe what the Secret Service Members did was morally wrong, and should result in loss of jobs for these men. However it wasnt poor morals that should fire these men, its failure to do there job. The Job of the Secret Service is to protect the president and to never put him in harms way. What these men did could have not only put the presidents life in danger, but could have put the presidents image in danger if forced to be blackmailed.

    -Malcolm Wallaker hr 1

  8. Everyone makes mistakes that's in human nature, but there is line between making a mistake and knowingly making a mistake and taking advantage of it.The Secret Service Agents crossed the line and they should lose their job for it. Its one thing to have little fun with you're co-workers and all, but its morally wrong to throw huge party that invoves hookers with tax payers dollars. - Sid Desai 1st hour.

  9. The Secret Service Members of President Obama created a very risky situation. Their specific job, and responsibility is to protect the President of the United States. Obviously, they weren't on duty when they decided to have a little fun in Columbia, but they should have made some better decisions. The Secret Service Members humiliated President Obama, and caused the greatest scandal in Secret Service history. They made a big mistake that could have put the President's life in danger, and now they should be facing the consequences.

    - Jordyn Peterson , Hour 1

  10. These five men have obviously made a big mistake and embarrassed not only themselves, but the Secret Service and the United States. This isn't the kind of behavior that we should expect from our Secret Service. I'm glad how the Secret Service delt with the scandal. The Secret Service doesn't tolerate this kind of behavior lightly. I'm sure that after this incident, the Secret Service will “up” their “strictness” of their rules. They might even raise the consequences much higher than they already are.
    -Brock Stevens, Hour 1
