Thursday, April 19, 2012

What? There is a limit to how much the US can be in debt?

We have a debt ceiling in the US. The gov't cannot go in debt more than that amount. Click the link to read the article about this "ceiling" or limit.


Mr. Thompson


  1. In reading this article I have learned that the government have been argueing about a limit to the countrys debt for quite some time. I also learned that they have to put committees together to decide how high they are going to put the debt ceiling so they dont get into too much debt but still can spend money. After a committee was formed they raised the ceiling to 15.2 billion then shortly after it was raised to 16.4 billion. I personnally think they should stop raising the limit so they can start paying it off so my generation can have some money to live off when i retire.

    Cody Pape

  2. I agree with you Cody, to me it seems like they're going to keep raising the price ceiling as long as they can. The US debt has now raised to 16.4 trillion! I agree they should start paying it off, but I don't think people are ready for that yet. Everything will start with the military, education, transportation, and medicare. And that's just the start of it, what else could they raise for all of us to pay off a 16.4 trillion of debt?

    ~Kori Atkinson

  3. Reading the article i learned that congress can keep raising the spending limit for the U.S. So really were just gonna keep going deeper into debt because we "to close to the ceiling" until what? Until another country wants their money back and when we cant give it to them, then what? or until we go so deep into debt to ourselves where a hundred dollar bill is as useless as a dollar is now? We have no plan to get out of debt because were to worried about cancelling out things we've had around for years that aren't truly necesities of the nation. We're already headed for a nation in distress for our own era as C Pape already stated above.

    Austin Minea

  4. I agree with my fellow classmates. The only thing Congress can seem to agree on is raising the debt "ceiling". They can't agree on a solution to fix it, but raising it and putting the United States into further debt doesn't seem to be an issue. And it amazes me how loosely the term "ceiling" is used considering how many times it's already been raised. It should be called "Debt AmountThatWeShouldStayAroundUntilThisNumberIsReachedToo".. But what do I know, I'm just an effected student of this nation.

    Linda Krompicha: Hr 2

  5. I learned from the article that there have been multiple times that the debt ceiling has been raised. I also learned that the debt ceiling keeps getting raised because we need to keep borrowing money which would put us over the debt ceiling so we set the ceiling $1.2 trillion higher so that we can continue to borrow money and hopefully start passing some deficit reductions. But I agree with Cody in saying we should stop raising the debt ceiling and start paying off our debt so our generation can have money for when we retire.

    -Jared Kristo, Hour 1

  6. This quote baffled me, "Votes to raise it are among the least popular things Congress does, but the limit has been raised dozens of time, generally with little fanfare." What possible reason(s) would anyone want to raise the debt in our country? How could they think that raising the debt ceiling would clear things up? That just took me by surprise. I just don't see how raising the debt by $2.4 trillion is going to give them enough lee way accomplish their goal from more cuts. I don't think that raising the debt ceiling is going to accomplish anything no matter how technical you get with it. All it will do is cause them to go in debt even more.
    -Brock Stevens, Hour 1
