Friday, April 20, 2012


Here is the link to the Office of Management and Budget website. Feel free to search around. You can access some history of our debt and deficits, you can access the budget for this year, you can access a lot of interesting info about our government's spending of your taxes and how much the government collects in taxes from you. Feel free to post some comments about waht you found and what you learned.

Mr. Thompson


  1. The department of homeland securitys budget this year consists of 39.5 billion dollars which is 191 billion less than the previous year. The department stated that the affect this will have will be cuts to administration as well as cuts to duplactive and low priority programs.-Teddy Folkerts Hr. 1

  2. In reply to Teddy's comment I think if the Government cut down spending on their Administration and high payed programs such as schooling and local programs on cities only then could they figure at secure way to cut even more spending from their.

  3. While reading the article titled " Protecting the Top, Hurting the Hungry", i learned that currently Republican senators are voting to get rid of the buffet rule. According to the President the buffet rule "makes sense" because its basically distributing and creating even ratios between the income you make and the taxes you have to pay. Many argue that its unfair that middle-class workers are paying more taxes than millionaires, let alone billionaires. This fact caught my eye right away because it it absolutely absurd how people who make more, pay lower taxes. This is a growing problem throughout america too and it will be interesting to watch what will happen with the buffet rule with the upcoming election this fall coming up to determine which party will be seating out next president.

    -Kadri Plott Hr. 4

  4. While also reading the article titled "Protecting the Top, Hurting the Hungry", I do not understand how the middle class workers are paying more taxes than millionaires, let alone billionaires. I thought that in the United States we had a progressive tax where there was a lower percentage of tax paid by the group of people making the lowest amount of income while there was a higher percentage of tax paid by the group of people making the highest amount of income. This is why I am confused of how this happens.

    I think it is unfair how, “about two-thirds of those disqualified are in working households. Many families would be disqualified because they have set aside very modest savings, as little as $2000.” I don’t think that people who work hard should be penalized and not get as many benefits, as opposed to if they didn’t. Even $2000 dollars is not a substantial enough amount of money to bring this group out of their economic class.

    I know people who are in the lower class who are struggling each and every day to get by, and I see how hard they work. They have hard work and determination, just like the rest of us. They are just like the doctors who have had hard work and determination, but for a doctor it is different where they had to get through medical school and work long hours, hardly ever being able to see their family. No matter where you are on the economic class, there will be struggles in life. Even though the politicians and IRS are working hard to figure out what to do with the economy, they will never know all of the answers. I am curious, but yet scared, to find out how the economic problems will shape out in the future.

    Julie Thelen
    Hour 1

  5. "A world-class education is the single most important factor in determining not just whether our kids can compete for the best jobs but whether America can out-compete countries around the world." Very true, also true is the fact that education isn't even in the top 5 of the U.S budget. Our Military, and older people are more important to s than the children...or students. That says something about true values... Power and the Past out weight the Future

  6. -Ali Mohamed 4. The last comment was mine
