Monday, May 14, 2012

Executive Test review


Ch. 8 The Presidency
1.      Know your chart on president + vice pres. eg. terms, limits, qualifications etc.
2.      You ned to understand how the Electoral College works.
3.      Be familiar with the president’s and vice pres. powers.
4.      Be familiar with the major duties and responsibilities of the pres.
a.       Commander in chief         e. Head of state
b.      Chief Diplomat                 f. Chief executive
c.       Legislative leader              g. Economic planner
d.      Party leader                       h. Judicial leader

Ch. 9 Presidential Leadership (Cabinet and Executive Office)
1.      Know what the Cabinet is. How long it has been around. How is a Secretary chosen. What is the role of the Cabinet.
2.      Know the 15 Depts. what each does.
3.      The Executive Office-What is it? Who created it and why?
A.    White House Office
i.                    Press Secretary
ii.                  Chief of Staff
iii.                White House Counsel
B.     National Security Council
i.                    National Security Advisor
ii.                  CIA
C.     Office of Management and Budget
i.                    Budget Director
D.    National Economic Council

Ch. 10 The Federal Bureaucracy
  1. Know the difference between a Regulatory Agency, an Independent Agency and a Gov’t Corporation.
  2. The Civil Service
  3. Iron Triangle
  4. Why has our federal bureaucracy grown so much over the years?
  5. Know some of the major influences on our govt’s. policy-making.
A. Congress - legislation
                        B. Courts
                        C. Other groups eg. gov’t agencies, interest groups

      There are a lot of other terms that we have studied that are in your notes. Be sure to review your notes to refresh on some of these important terms.

Be prepped and ready for Thursday,
Mr. Thompson

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