Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Since we have used this case as our example for several of our discussions on the US Supreme Court, I thought it only fair you get to comment on the law and subsequent SC ruling. Here is an article written from a very definite perspective. Comments are welcome.

Mr. Thompson


  1. The Obamacare law has our nations thoughts split into half. The concept of knowing our government might in fact have the power to force it citizens to purchace healthcare makes some uneasy. The question that runs through the mind of many is.... Can the government make people buy goods/ services? Does this law violate the constituion? The Obamacare law might boost the insurance indusrty which might be positive, but it also takes away public option which is negative to most. Regardless of the Surpreme Court ruling, this will leave some happy and some unhappy. The court surley has a big decision on their hands. -Zainab Ahmed

  2. To add on to Zainab’s comment, much is at stake in the upcoming Supreme Court decision. Not only the future of one piece of serious legislation, but whether any effective constitutional limits remain on the national government. If the Court supports the act, it will have a drastic change of the relationship of Americans and their national government. The article mentioned the Lopez case that Justice Kennedy cited the federal balance which he argued “… too essential a part of our constitutional structure and plays too vital a role in securing freedom for us to admit inability to intervene when one or the other level of government has tipped the scale too far” (Kennedy). They are hoping that along that, “…clumsy attempts to bend the chief justice are apt to reveal his spine of steel.” He and the other justices should stand firm. Overall, the pressure of politics is getting high, and hopefully the best decision is made.
    -Jamie Schacht

  3. Its seems as health care has always been a big concern for our nation. With the Obamacare law it is starting to freak people out. As todays economy has been trying to get better, many think that the Obamacare would just make the economy worse. Zainab had said that " The concept of knowing our government might in fact have the power to force it citizens to purchace healthcare makes some uneasy". That does scare many, because some people can hardly even keep a job let alone support themselves. Not to disagree with the law, but to me it just seems as the gov is forcing to get more money out of us as if they dont get enough.
    -Michael Schroeder

  4. I would like to focus on the part of the article that stated this “There’s nothing in the Constitution that says that the federal government has anything to do with most of the stuff we do.” He is 100 percent right! The constitution can’t possibly be the only thing we go by because of how different the times are right now. President Obama and his advisors were handed a system that is falling apart and told to fix it. They have done research on the way that other countries handle healthcare and none of them are without flaws. So instead of adopting one of the systems that we know don’t work, Obama and his advisors decided to make a change in the system that we already have. Yes we do not know if it will work, and yes it is a little out of the American citizens comfort zone, but when you look back on some of the greatest moments of American history, such as the Emancipation Proclamation, Women’s suffrage, The Marshall Plan, The Civil Rights Act, and even Barack Obama elected president, they too were out of at least one group of American citizens comfort levels. We will never know if this system will work until we try it.
    -Nicole Welder

  5. I believe the most important part of the article is when they refer to the constitution itself. This is most important because its not the Federel courts job to listen to other peoples opinions or share there own about health care. The main job they have with Obama Care is to make sure its constitutional. The constitution is what the federal court needs to go off of and if that goes against what people think and/or want, thats the way it has to be.
    -Malcolm Wallaker

  6. I think the issue with obamacare, is that it forces people to get healthcare who might not be able to afford it. I think that fining people who don't have insurance creates a larger poverty gap.
    -Zach Petersen

  7. I think the Supreme Court has a big decision on their hands. Either way that they vote, someone is going to be angry. The Supreme Court's job is to make sure laws being passed are constitutional. If they find this law unconstitutional, some people will be angry because they believe this is the only way to fix te healthcare system. But if the Supreme Court rules Obamacare as constitutional, it will anger people who believe that forcing someone to buy a service is unconstitutional. This is a very controversial topic, and the Supreme Court must make a very difficult decision. The judges must decide what decision will best benfit our country. -Susan Hansen
