Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Want to be President?

Whoever gets sworn in as US president in January 2013 will get to deal with Iran. Now that you know what you do as President and some of the powers you have at your disposal as president, imagine you take the Oval Office in January and get to deal with Iran and President Ahmedinejad. The following article gives you some info on the situation that exists in Iran according to some nations. Deal with Iran and run the risk of driving up oil prices at home. Don't deal with them and run the risk of an international crisis should Israel act. Anyone want to be president of the US?

Mr. Thompson

1 comment:

  1. I would have to say I don't want to be the President of the US because no matter what choice he thinks is right there will be a big group of people mad at him. If we try and deal with Iran and our prices go up people will say it wasn't our problem and now we are paying more because of it. Or we don't and people get hurt then people will ask why we didn't help our allies. This is a very tough decision I'm glad i don't have to make it good luck Mr. President
    -Andrew Smidt Hr2
