Thursday, May 3, 2012

The White House

Check out the website of the Executive Branch. You can click the link on the president's schedule and find out what a typical day in the life of President Obama looks like. There are a ton of links...feel free to open one read something and comment about its significants or what you learned. You can even contact the White House should you feel inclined.

Have fun surfing the homepage of our beloved White House,
Mr. Thompson


  1. Today, President Obama receives the news, then he goes to the airport and catches the Joint Base Andrews plane to Albany, New York. After touring the Albany Nano-Tech Complex and delivering the remarks on the economy, he heads back to the White House and delivers another address about the Congressional Studies at the 18th Annual Dinner. In conclusion, I think the president does a lot of traveling and speaking in one day.

    1. Comment above was by Matt Freiburger, hr 1

  2. One thing I have always wondered was what the Vice President does. I know that he would take over if the president is unable to continue with his duties, but that is about all I knew. I now found out that the vice president doesn't really do much. For example, this week his schedule consists of a daily briefing with the President,a meeting with NATO Secretary-General Rasmussen and a meeting with Secretary Geithner. This is all that is scheduled for the whole week! Another thing is that the president is also going to these meetings, so it makes me wonder if the VP is really needed there. It sounds like being the VP can be a pretty sweet gig.
    Sarah Eckerman- Hour 2

  3. Just two days ago President Obama did his weekly speech on how the the economy is going to take longer to fully recover than any of us would like. He says "there are steps we can take to speed up the process to help create jobs and restore some financial security that so many have lost". Many think we should just cut taxes and let banks and corporations write their own rules again, Obama says "they're wrong". He has came up with a handy To-do-list that describes what should be done to get us out of this recession. That is what i thought was interesting when i heard his weekly speech.

    mike schroeder hr 1.

  4. One thought I always wondered about the presidents schedule is how much of the time the president is surrounded by the press. Looking through the white house’s schedule, it clarifies under each activities if there will be open or closed press at the event. Overall, each event has press present examining the president’s speeches and meetings. Which in my eyes makes the presidents role even more stressful it have press everywhere you go and making sure every things going well. The president has a huge reputational role in the white house and I learned that his schedule is filled with press being present at a lot of his events in his agenda.

    Jamie Schacht Hr. 1

  5. Today, president Obama held a discussion with small business owners and SBA Administrator Karen Mills at the White House. At noon, he took a lunch with Congressional Leadership. While, the Vice President delivers remarks at a campaign event. Around 3’o clock, the President meets with Secretary of State Clinton. In conclusion, the President gets heck of sweats out his body by the end of the day.

    Karan Lineswala, Hr. 1.

  6. The President's job isn't easy, as we all know it. President has tons of people working under/for him, but at the end of the day he meets his adviser and gets thing done. President Obama's day usally looks something like this, at morning he and V.P recieve presidential daily briefing. Then he sends his remarks at the National Peace Officers Memorial Service. At noon he welcomes Major League
    soccer champs. Around 3:00 P.M, he meets with secretary of treasury, and one hour after that he meets secretary of defense. At 5:00 he and V.P meets with the Combatant Commanders, he ends the day with hosting dinner for Combatant Commanders and Spouses at the White House. So as you see his day isn't easy as it may seem, he has to meet lot of people and stay up to date with his daily work.

    Sid Desai, Hr.1

  7. After reading the Presidents schedule i have learned that the typically day for the President involves constant moving from place to place, and at the same time addressing issues whether throughout the country or worldwide. The president's typical schedule involves things such as meeting with his secretary, meeting the vice president, and also meeting with previous presidents such as George W. Bush. Sometimes it's not always important business going on such as the meeting he has today involving his family and former president George W. Bush's family to take family portraits together, or simply eat out together. From looking at the Presidents schedule alone i can tell it is a very difficult job involving constant tasks and odd jobs, to addressing important issues worldwide.

    Kadri Plott
    Hour 4

  8. This year learning about government and the role of the President I assumed well since the President has to Congress and senate to get things approved all the time he can't really do anything. I was wrong. It's not just pointing people in the direction and telling them what to do. Like Kadri said its constant moving to one place and being in the other at the same time. I'm sure Obama would love to be n two places at the same time, I know I would want that if I was in his position.

    Johnny q. 1st hour
